April 14, 2015 – Diaspora Responds to Warren Throckmorton

“One desire we have is to not spread this matter further than it needs to go.”

From: info@gfadiaspora.com

Date: April 14, 2015 at 11:42 PM CDT
To: [Warren Throckmorton]
Subject: Re: 2014 letter


Our group has discussed this and I will try to summarize for you:

As you gathered from the letter, we are all followers of Jesus Christ and we seek His glory and to obey Him above all. Last June, we began a process of formally raising our concerns about five key things we believe are sin being practiced at GFA to their leaders and board. We also received counsel from a number of pastors, to see that we approached this as biblically and carefully as possible. We wanted to give the leadership ample time to work with us and respond, and to clarify misunderstandings we may have had.

Initially they responded, flatly denying all of our claims and accusing us of libel. We then prepared a second letter to their board, this time with 75 signatures, three additional testimonies, and two pieces of evidence. But despite numerous and repeated attempts to meet as a group with GFA, they refused to work with us or even communicate with us reliably.

In the fall they said their board would conduct a full investigation of our claims. We never heard a report until March, and that report denied the legitimacy of all of our claims, and told us that they considered it their final communication and the matter closed. They never interviewed or contacted any of us during their supposed investigation, apart from two ex-staff from Canada who they asked for their stories but didn’t interview them either.

Due to GFA’s unwillingness to work with us, we felt it was time to email every staff member we knew, giving them access to a private website we set up to share all of our testimonies and other relevant info including the history of communications between us and GFA leaders, most of which were documented.

Shortly after this (just a couple weeks ago,) we heard from many of the current staff that the leaders were continuing to deny any wrongdoing and were also continuing to lie to the staff. The trust level in leadership is at an all-time low among staff as a result of this.

Knowing this, we also felt it was time to begin notifying our pastors and former supporters, as well as personal friends who also support GFA.

Even now we feel we are at the beginning stages of notifying all of them and spreading the word by relationship. We felt that sharing it by relationship instead of through the press would be much more convincing and effective. So far this seems to be working and the reports are generally well-received with some exceptions.

One desire we have is to not spread this matter further than it needs to go. At the same time we recognize a moral obligation to see that donors are able to find this information.

We are uncertain about if or how we would ever go public with this info, but if you and others are going to publish it anyway, ideally we’d like at least a few more weeks for word to spread among the churches before you do, so that the closest donors and pastors aren’t surprised by the news and the fact that their own connections haven’t contacted them about this yet.

We realize you are not under our control and you are free to do as you wish with the info you have received. But we would like to work together with you on this in order to guide and direct the content to see that it’s as accurate as possible when you do write it. We think this will result in a better outcome.

A God-honoring effort, and doing all of this above reproach, is what we’re interested in. We don’t want to see information shared simply for news views, but rather only for the edification of the Body of Christ.

Also can you send me a copy of the version of the letter you have? We have made a version without signature names and testimonies for wider distribution to churches and supporters, and we’d like any public release to use this version as many of us do not wish our names to be released in a public manner in connection with this.

We’d also appreciate knowing how you found out about us, if you are at liberty to divulge that info.

JD, for the Diaspora

April 11, 2015 – Warren Throckmorton Contacts Diaspora Requesting Comment

“I am planning to leak the 2014 letter to the public”

From: [Warren Throckmorton]

Date: April 11, 2015 at 6:02 PM CDT
To: info@gfadiaspora.com
Subject: Your concerns with GFA

I would like to interview someone about the concerns you have regarding Gospel for Asia.

Thanks, Warren Throckmorton

A second email was received from Warren two days later, while we were discussing how to respond:

From: [Warren Throckmorton]

Date: April 13, 2015 at 7:14 PM CDT
To: info@gfadiaspora.com
Subject: 2014 letter

Sirs: I am planning to leak the 2014 letter to the public. I want to have conversation with you first but given the nature of the allegations in the letter, I think potential donors need to see it.

Could you please contact me at your earliest convenience?Thanks Warren Throckmorton

April 2, 2015 * Diaspora Response to Final Report from GFA US Board

The Diaspora’s response to the Final Report from Gayle’s investigation.

“we will not make any further appeal to you—but we cannot agree that the matter is closed or resolved”

April 2, 2015

To: [GFA US and Canada Board]

Dear GFA Board Members,

Thank you for formally responding to our concerns. However, your final report leaves us confused and disappointed.

You begin by expressing broken-heartedness and repentance but fail to describe any specific change in thought and action. There is no acknowledgement of specific wrongs committed. Instead, what follows appears to be a defense rather than repentance. How can someone confess broken-heartedness and repentance and then state that the accusations are neutralized?

Are you speaking for the board or on behalf of GFA leaders when you state that individual contact has not been afforded? Aside from one e-mail requesting a testimony (which was provided), and contacting a former staff member who is not part of the Diaspora, how many of us did you attempt to contact?

Prior to writing our first letter, attempts had been made by some former staff to address concerns on an individual basis but without success. Was it not biblical to next bring some witnesses to voice concerns and hear as a group GFA’s response? If our biblical process was unclear, did you ask any of us why there is now hesitancy to meet one-on-one with GFA leadership?

If GFA is willing to do anything within their power to apologize and seek forgiveness, why did you not meet with some of us along with a neutral party to help facilitate? If GFA truly seeks healing for those who have suffered damage of spirit, we expected a willingness to handle the situation in the reasonable manner proposed by those who were wronged. This would have been a good step to restore broken trust.

We hoped a full investigation would include a summary of the reason for the investigation, testimonies of people you interviewed, and careful confirmation or refutation of each accusation and our supporting evidence. These components appear to be almost completely absent. While mostly overlooking our original concerns, you respond to some matters we don’t recall bringing up.

We heard that GFA leadership was interviewed, but we wonder why no interviews were conducted with any of those who are part of the Diaspora? We had no opportunity to hear and respond to GFA leadership’s testimony provided to you.

You believe that our concerns are without foundation in terms of fulfilling GFA’s call to enlarge the Kingdom of God. However, God is concerned not just with numerical growth but spiritual health (Mat 7:22–23). Jesus’ own letters to the seven churches in Revelation also make that clear. Considering the seriousness of our concerns, is it excessive for you to make time for a meeting? After all, it is your responsibility to oversee the ministry and make sure it is being conducted in a manner worthy of the gospel.

While we respect your freedom to respond as you did, we are disappointed because your report is incomplete and inconsistent. Since this is your final report and communication, we will not make any further appeal to you—but we cannot agree that the matter is closed or resolved. May God bring correction by some other avenue as He sees fit, so that GFA might walk in His ways, bear much fruit and, in KP’s own words, “finish well”.


The Diaspora

“The Diaspora is hurting GFA staff support.”

We recognize that one way or another, there may be fallout for KP and his entire ministry as the truth becomes known. It grieves us to know that you, our friends on staff, are affected as churches stop their support when they see how GFA has been dishonest with them. Please remember that we deeply love each leader, staff member and student, and we stand ready to help as needed.

If a donor drops support because of GFA’s unrighteousness, please don’t blame us. We simply followed through on our moral obligation to reveal how supporters have been misled. If GFA can demonstrate that they are above reproach, then donors can make their own decision to continue.

However, we’ve not yet seen any evidence to refute our claims despite GFA leadership having more than 9 months to produce it for us.

We invite you to read Psalm 15 and evaluate whether we are the ones slandering, or whether leadership is slandering us. This also requires reading and listening to what we have to say—hearing both sides of the story—before making your decision.

“The Diaspora is trying to get staff to leave.”

It is not our intention to pull staff away from GFA. Rather, our goal is that leaders wholly turn back to God’s ways, that the board and donors hold them accountable, and that staff know and walk in the truth.

If staff know the truth and feel called to stay, they can be agents of change as they help the ministry walk in the light. And then the Lord can be pleased as the Gospel reaches the unreached of Asia through righteous means.

On the other hand, there may be some staff who sense God is calling them on from GFA to partner with others to serve the Lord, whether though full-time ministry or “tent-making”. We know by experience the challenge involved regarding finances, housing, and procuring a new job—not to mention the process of discerning the will of God in all of this. In fact, these things caused some of us to remain on staff longer than what we sensed was God’s will. Yet He faithfully provided for each of us.

May God accomplish His work through each person as He sees fit for His kingdom.

December 24, 2014 – JD requests an update from Board

JD asks for follow-up on the proposed board meeting and asks Gayle to communicate directly with JD and not through KP to avoid the conflict of interest. [Once we receive a response from the board, we will post it in the communications history.]

“Since you are heading the investigation and Brother KP is the one who is being investigated, we don’t expect him to be the spokesperson or leader of the process, so we need to hear from you.”

Gmail JD 

Meeting to include Canada and US

JD  Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 9:45 AM
To: Gayle
Cc: [GFA Board]
Dear Gayle and other arms-length board members,

I am writing you to follow up regarding the board meeting which you told me was scheduled to occur shortly after December 16.
Since you are heading the investigation and Brother KP is the one who is being investigated, we don’t expect him to be the spokesperson or leader of the process, so we need to hear from you.
We are expecting an update as to whether the meeting occurred or when it will, as well as anything else you are able to share at this time. It is our hope that you desire to work with us as we do with you, and your timely communication will be essential to that process.
Know that we have been praying for you all, that you would have the Lord’s wisdom and courage to do what is right according to the fear of the Lord in these matters.
Upheld By His Grace,

November 19, 2014 – JD calls Gayle for an update; Gayle shows no interest in interviewing Diaspora members


JD calls to follow up with Gayle on the status of the investigation since we had heard nothing.

Gayle reports he is finished with his part and is awaiting a board meeting to see where to go from here. He says he does not need any further information from us.

He also says he believes the board meeting will occur between December 16, 2014 and December 25, 2014.

October 31, 2014 – JD emails Gayle, inviting communication

Having not had any communication from either the board or GFA, JD thanks Gayle for his service and affirms that all of us are willing to answer any questions Gayle might have. JD also directs him to please address communication directly to JD instead of Larry. NOTE: Gayle never asked for further comment from any former staff except Martin in Canada.

“Please know that the rest of us are also willing and able to help you.”

Gmail JD 


JD  Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 10:50 PM
To: Gayle
Cc: [GFA Board]

Hi Gayle,

Again I want to thank you for your help in looking into these things. I can appreciate the difficulty of the task you’re involved in.

I just wanted to let you know that KP called Larry to tell him your investigation was delayed, but indicated that you are taking it very seriously, which I don’t doubt. We’re praying for your health also, and I’m very sorry to hear about the recent loss of some people close to you.

You are certainly welcome to communicate with me directly; in fact that would be preferable. Communication from GFA has been unreliable. We are all waiting to hear from you!

I believe Mxxxxx is the only ex-staff who was asked for input as part of this investigation. Please know that the rest of us are also willing and able to help you.

In Him,

On Oct 17, 2014 12:02 PM, JD wrote:

October 28, 2014 – KP emails JD to wish him happy birthday

KP wishes JD a happy birthday.

“I prayed for you this morning.”

JD  <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Happy Birthday
K.P. Yohannan <kp@gfa.org> Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 7:55 AM
To: JD  <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
My dear brother JD, happy birthday. I prayed for you this morning. May the Lord be near to you and sustain you in His love this next year. We are His. Love you. KP Yohannan