Communications History

The following is a list of communications history between us (the Diaspora) and GFA Leaders and the GFA Board.

You will see below that we share personal emails and conversations. We did not want to do that. However, after many months of our concerns not being legitimately addressed, for the Church’s sake we felt it our duty to post non-sensitive communications here to disclose all that has transpired. Some documents have been redacted to keep members’ names private and/or to remove sensitive personal information.

Communications are shown below in two sections. The first section displays only key communications, and are marked with an asterisk*. The second section shows the full history of communications.

Most Important Communications

Key communications* include our initial and second letters, additional testimonies, and GFA’s two official responses—shown below in chronological order.

We suggest that these be read first; they are also included in the Full History timeline section that follows. Click on a gray header box to read its post.

This Letter to GFA and Board was the first communication from our group to GFA.

It is the single most important document for staff to read. It fully outlines our concerns, and explains why we and our advisory pastors believe they are valid.

This letter was sent as hard-copy via express mail on June 17, 2014, to every US and Canada senior leader, corporate officer and board member, as well as to the known leaders of every GFA international office, except field leaders or offices as we did not wish to involve the field. In the following weeks it was also emailed to a few board members who did not receive the hard copy.

We received advisory input from four pastors on the letter, and each one said that if the things the letter says are true, then they are indeed very serious and need to be dealt with. They also said that the way in which we were approaching this was biblical. Each pastor agreed to keep the matter confidential by our request.

“we are deeply concerned about five key issues at GFA”

Letter to GFA and Board

GFA’s Initial Response Letter was emailed from a  GFA Leader to JD, signed “The Leadership Team of Gospel for Asia.” It was scanned from a printout on GFA letterhead.

“…all of these accusations or details were either fabricated … or there has been a serious misunderstanding.”

GFA’s Initial Response Letter

GFA sent an email to JD that details their belief that we handled this matter unbiblically, that we refused to respond to leadership’s attempts to contact individuals who signed the letter and that we sent the letter to supporting pastors and churches to get them to drop support. GFA accuses JD of refusing to meet with leadership and a local pastor. They attached testimonies of GFA staff to the email, but we have not included them because we do not have permission from each staff member to publish the document. They tell of the board’s counsel that GFA not respond to our letter any further. Nevertheless, David says he will give his response to each of the five points raised in the initial letter.

“We explained [to the board] that after receiving your letter… we were led to contact each one of you… for the sake of reconciliation. But, we shared that you refused to do that. We shared how we successfully contacted JD and asked him to come and to even bring a pastor with him to meet with Brother K. P. and the leadership, but that he chose not to do that.”

Note that although each of our issue points is addressed and denied, we believe the evidence shared on this website overwhelmingly contradicts many of the answers given by GFA below. We invite you to judge for yourself.

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxx>
Response to your letter-corrected
David  Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 11:36 AM
To: “JD Smith” <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Cc: “K.P. Yohannan” <>, [and other GFA leaders]
July 21, 2014
JD Smith,
Thank you for your email and care in continuing to pursue this matter.
That said, it is so sad and grievous to us that none of you approached us about these five things in your individual exit interviews, which every one of you had. If these things came up later, why did you not come to talk with us in the actual Biblical way that our Lord Jesus prescribed in Matthew 18:17-19 (come yourself to us directly to resolve the matter. If there is actual fault, then it can be resolved. If it can’t be resolved bring one or two with the heart for resolution.) The way that you have gone about this (sending this letter around the world before we even got to see it, sending it to supporting pastors and churches in hopes that they will drop our support, etc) makes us think that you do not really desire reconciliation, but the destruction of GFA, God’s work. Still, we as a leadership team chose the proper Biblical route with you, trying to contact each one of you to talk about these matters with the heart and view of Biblically reconciling and restoring fellowship in the Body of Christ. However, you would not do that. You have handled this matter as a class action smear campaign, not an attempt to love and reconcile.The USA Board of Directors met at their regularly scheduled time last week, and discussed your letter at length. We told them that we did not know of these things since none of these five items were raised in the exit interview that we had with you all. What is more, none of you came to us individually to discuss this since then. We explained that after receiving your letter and taking much time in prayer and fasting, we were led to contact each one of you according to Jesus’ instruction of Matthew 5:23, 24 for the sake of reconciliation. But, we shared that you refused to do that. We shared how we successfully contacted JD and asked him to come and to even bring a pastor with him to meet with Brother K. P. and the leadership, but that he chose not to do that. Upon hearing all these things, our Board suggested that since we had done what our Lord Jesus instructed, that we should not respond to your letters any further. Nevertheless, in another attempt at resolving this, here are our answers to your five accusations:
• GFA leadership practices and teaches a false view of spiritual authority.

This accusation is unfounded and false. Furthermore, the specific testimonies of these accusations by some of the signers of this letter differ greatly and/or lack key documented facts about the actual circumstances surrounding their testimony. Although we tried to contact every single one of you to discuss particulars and come to reconciliation, you refused to contact us back and give us that opportunity. With a clear conscience before God, we believe that GFA leadership regularly encourages staff (at morning and evening prayer meetings, new staff mentoring teachings, required readings, Sunday Bible studies, etc, etc) to have a vibrant daily walk with Christ, with the foundation of that being a few hours of daily Bible study, private prayer, and corporate prayer. The emphasis is always, if the tree is good, the fruit will be good also. In addition, GFA leadership will take the time to listen and to help staff with life issues when they are approached, but are careful not to control personal decisions, including where staff choose to worship, who they marry, where they live, etc. That said, Gospel for Asia is not a vocation or a job; it is a God-given calling. If someone chooses to serve at GFA (all of GFA not just Dallas), they also choose to follow the requests of leadership including where they will serve and what they will do, as long as they believe they are called by God to serve there. This is also true of secular companies (such as Donald’s, IBM, Wal-Mart) or the Army, and anywhere that people are to do what is asked of them as a requirement of their job or service. We cannot call this sin, nor will we apologize for this commitment which is taught by our Lord Jesus, Himself, and is normal for many Christian as well as some secular organizations. Finally, in your original letter, you included a photo of Brother K. P. in his formal dress as the Metropolitan of the church during an ordination service. Since Believers Church operates under government approved church status as a constitutional episcopacy, it is required that he wear this uniform during the ceremony of ordination of pastors. This is done only for a few minutes; much like it is done during college graduation ceremony here in the west. We are NOT Catholic, nor are we Episcopalians, nor Anglicans, etc., etc. Rather, we are a Spirit-filled, evangelical church, born out of obedience to Christ’s Great Commission command to make disciples in all the world.

• GFA leadership prioritize ministry over family, and teaches the same.
GFA leadership actually believes and practices the opposite of this accusation. There is a clear teaching and messaging from the leadership regarding family, ministry, or personal life, that the overriding priority in all of these is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, or Christ in your family, Christ in your ministry, Christ in your personal life. There is plenty of deeds that support this, such as us giving one of our department coordinators about a year off to return home to care for her aging mother or even your wife, JD, who needed to reduce her time serving in the office for her well- being and then later stopped serving altogether to care for your adopted child. Or the many times we as GFA leadership have fasted and prayed for staff children and staff families. Or the prayer, fasting, and counsel we have provided (as well as the professional counseling we have arranged and paid for) for marriages that were struggling. Some former staff did not choose to take our counsel in these areas, and that was their choice and we respected that choice. Therefore, it seems extremely unreasonable that leadership would be accused of having a hand in ending their marriages.


• GFA leaders lie or intentionally deceive people in order to protect the ministry.

GFA leadership has never to our knowledge lied to or deceived staff, donors, sponsors, or anyone else for that matter, as accused here. For you who signed the letter, we attempted to reach out and contact literally all of you to share our side of your accusation, but you refused to do so. We have never lied about why a staff person left, but we have intentionally left out details that would be damaging to the staff person’s character. The truth is, none of you who signed your name to this letter knows the background and circumstances that we faced while working with some staff. Because we fear God and practice that love covers a multitude of sins, you now accuse us of sin? And the one of you who accused us of lying about your leaving, calling it a dismissal rather than you choosing to quit, appears to have forgotten the details of the incident. But we went back to copious notes and conversations between you, your pastor and leadership, and you simply are not being truthful in your testimony. When I called you to try to discuss this and reconcile, I left you a messages, but you would not call me back. What more can we do? Regarding the accusation and speculation of us raising money for one thing and spending it on the field for something else, I have had the privilege to take part in the audit of our USA office for 22 years. By God’s enabling and for His glory, I am a CPA with extensive fraud audit experience. I worked for one of the largest and most respected world-wide accounting firms, doing among other things, accounting system creation, evaluation, and implementation. I have had the privilege to work on the initial public offerings of some public companies. I give this background to you not as a means of boasting, but as a means of establishing God’s grace and gifting in the area of financial accountability. I have personally looked at the books and records on the mission field on a few occasions, and found them to be complete, accurate, and extremely detailed. Auditors in both the USA and Asia have reported the same. So an unfounded accusation against our financial integrity is totally baseless. The truth is, we often spend more on field projects than we raise in the USA, due to the fact that more than 30% of all field work is now financed by the churches we are planting on the mission field. If you would like to know more, please do what others have done and go and visit again the field to check this out. As of today, 4,000 congregations are self-supporting, have a church building, and are in turn funding mission outreach to many unreached areas. It is unfortunate that unchecked speculation has been pass off as proof when all the way we have always been very honest and forthright with our finances.


• GFA practices unbiblical shunning.


We do not, nor have we ever practiced unbiblical shunning of neither current, nor former staff. With that said, in only a few cases over our 35 years have we made the painful decision to discontinue fellowship with people, and that was done for clearly Biblical reasons and after much effort was expended unsuccessfully to try to reconcile fellowship with them. While we do not as a leadership practice shunning, we do, after much prayer and sometimes fasting, take seriously Romans 16:17 and Titus 3:10, when we have personal experience and knowledge of a situation to know that fellowship with certain people is very likely to damage another staff person’s calling from the Lord and/or their relationship with Him. God is our witness, and our conscious is clear that we have done this out of love for the staff that God has brought here to serve with us. Some of you have accused us of shunning you or you have told our staff that after you signed the letter that you would be shunned, and we have not done so whatsoever. If others on staff have felt the need to distance themselves for any reason, that did not come from us. The truth is that we sincerely pray for many of you and will continue to do so.


• GFA prohibits or discourages staff involvement in bible studies, small groups, and local churches.


This is simply not true. As proof, many of our current staff are attending and involved in Bible studies and local church activities in various churches in our community. However, while we do not prohibit or discourage the staff from these, we do encourage, remind and even exhort them that these and other things must not become a distraction to their calling from the Lord to serve Him at GFA and reach over 2 billion people on the planet who are dying and going to eternal Hell without Him. This is what we left family, friends and home to do. If we have concern that these are becoming a distraction, then we will talk to the staff person and share our concern with them and try to find resolution with them. At least one of you who signed the letter was so upset that you were not allowed to go to special Bible studies, but you might have forgotten that at that same time, you were not regularly coming to GFA prayer meetings or ladies meetings, nor were you involved in the ministry that God had called you to. The only other time that we have prohibited or discouraged staff involvement in Bible studies was when it was used as a platform to teach a disputable doctrine to the staff (e.g., Reformed Theology), which we as leadership saw as unhealthy and distracting to the call of God upon the precious staff that He has entrusted to us.

Finally, it might interest you to know that dozens of our current GFA staff worldwide took the initiative to write letters of affirmation of the GFA leadership to the USA Board of Directors. We have attached these for your review in case you are interested.

David, on the of behalf of the GFA USA Leadership

[testimonies redacted due to lack of permission from each staff member to publish the attachment]

From: “JD Smith”
To: “K.P. Yohannan”, “David”, “John”
Subject: Fwd: Response to your letter-corrected

Dear Brother KP, David, and John,

I am writing to follow up with my phone call with KP regarding scheduling a meeting. At this time, we 37 signers unanimously agree that before any such meeting takes place we must receive a thorough, written response to the weighty concerns we outlined in the letter. We feel that any meeting would be unproductive if we have not heard your clear explanation on these matters in writing first.

Again, they are as follows:
• GFA leadership practices and teaches a false view of spiritual authority.
• GFA leadership prioritize ministry over family, and teaches the same.
• GFA leaders lie or intentionally deceive people in order to protect the ministry.
• GFA practices unbiblical shunning.
• GFA prohibits or discourages staff involvement in bible studies, small groups, and local churches.

Please respond to these points as thoroughly as you would like. We have thirty-seven witnesses who all affirm the sins at Gospel for Asia are public in scope and grave in nature. If there is going to be any chance of remediation, it is vital that you outline strategies to root out these persistent sinful patterns, or clear up misunderstandings by clearly presenting your explanations. We firmly request you address only the five offenses above.

In a spirit of love, we earnestly desire restoration and accountability within Gospel for Asia. We are happy to follow up with a meeting once you have presented your side in a formal, written response.

We attached the one letter we have received from David. Unfortunately, such a reply was insufficient and unsatisfactory as it neglected to address our concerns. We trust you will give a suitable reply this time. Please do so within seven days; by July 20, 2014, and please reply to confirm your intention of doing so.

You may do so by email to this address, or by postal mail to xxxxx, Dallas, TX 75219.


(xxx) xxx-xxxx

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: David
Date: Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 3:10 PM
Subject: Response to your letter-corrected
To: “JD<mailto:xxxxxxxxx>” <xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:xxxxxxxxxx>>

Hi Brother JD,
We found that our original communication to you sent earlier had a typo in it.  Here is the corrected letter.

Thank you.

From: David
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2014 9:32 AM
To: ‘JD Smith<mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>’
Subject: Response to your letter

JD sends Diaspora’s Appeal to arms-length board members in US and Canada to please consider our concerns.

“Since the leadership at GFA has dismissed our claims that a number of serious issues exist within GFA, we now appeal directly to you…”

Appeal to GFA Board

[note – this is the corrected version that was sent in the Sept. 3, 2014 email. The original will not be posted for the same reasons given in that email.]

Gmail JD <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Final appeal to GFA board from 75 former staff

JD <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 10:28 PM
To: [GFA Board]
Dear GFA US & Canada Arms-Length Board Members,
Since the leadership at GFA has dismissed our claims that a number of serious issues exist within GFA, we now appeal directly to you, the arms-length directors, as the only people in the world who can possibly address these issues internally.
Won’t you please prayerfully consider the information presented in the attached letter and let us know if you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to see additional information or testimonies? Thank you for caring about GFA and its staff, students and supporters.
In Him,
JD Smith, on behalf of myself and 74 former GFA staff
Please feel free to contact me directly:
xxxxx, Dallas, TX 75219


K.P. says that 75 signers can not all be wrong, that the Lord is using us, and offers to give us the group meeting that we were looking for.

He promises to tell the staff the next morning that we are not trying to take down the ministry and that God is using us. We request that he do this because we value our friends on staff.

K.P. does not admit any specific wrongs or concede that we are correct in our accusations.

“Listen JD, tomorrow, tomorrow we have our entire staff meeting.”

Phone conversation transcript

Note: As far as we know he did not tell the staff, or at least adequately, because many staff still believe and have even told us that we are being used by the Enemy to try and take down the ministry, and that “there are two sides to every story” and even though we served there, somehow we don’t understand the “other side.”

JD offers Gayle more information, including additional testimonies, to help in the investigation. [Note: Our group was not asked any questions by the board investigation before or after this email.]

“A big thank you for taking on this investigation. Please know that we are praying for you, and we are available to answer any questions.”


JD  <xxxxxxxxxx> Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 12:02 PM
To: Gayle
Cc: [GFA Board]
Hi Gayle,
A big thank you for taking on this investigation. Please know that we are praying for you, and we are available to answer any questions. Feel free to share these testimonies with GFA leadership as you see fit; I did not copy them here.
We felt that it would be important for you to know the rest of the former staff testimonies that were written, so I’m attaching here a dozen more for your reference.
I’m copying the board on this communication as well, so that they know what we have sent you and can also look into the testimonies.
In Him,
On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 2:16 PM, Gayle wrote:
Hello, J.D.,
As you know, I have been appointed to examine your claims in behalf of GFA. I have made a lot of progress, but there are still loose ends to tie up. As soon as my work is done, I am sure KP will let you know. I am at a conference in Indiana at the moment, so it MAY be another week.
From the highways and hedges handing out invitations


The Final Report from Gayle’s investigation is emailed to the Diaspora via KP.

Read our response to this report in our April 2, 2015 post.

“That individual contact has not been afforded to us by you, which, to us, neutralizes your accusations. …We send this as our final report and communication and now consider the matter closed.”

March 26, 2015

To: J. D. xxxxx:

In response to your letter of September 3, 2014, after many hours of investigation, intense prayer and examination of heart, we are broken-hearted and repentant that we damaged by our actions and attitudes any believer for whom we had responsibility by relationship. We have proposed, and still do, to go wherever we need to and do all within our power to apologize and seek forgiveness and healing with anyone and everyone on your list who may have suffered damage of spirit or heart from us. That individual contact has not been afforded to us by you, which, to us, neutralizes your accusations. But, we have done all we can do about the past until freedom is granted to us.

We have, from the beginning, made our new headquarters fully open to the community and have purposely served the community. We do not have church services in our chapel. We do encourage workers to go to local churches, be a part of them and receive any and all counseling from the local pastors and churches, except in very rare cases. Our gates are left open and visitors are welcomed and shown whatever they wish to see and questions are answered. We are, indeed, a community and fellowship, but no one would be able to find evidence of being a cult.

Your final combined declaration about the structure and presentation of the personnel and headquarters in India, coupled only with a photo was misapplied about an ordination service whose presentation is required by the state for proof of ordination, otherwise one could be imprisoned for doing religious activities limited to the ordained. Other parts of that accusation could not be verified in the manner in which you made them, and have been dropped as worth considering.

Consequently, we feel that your other accusations are without foundation in terms of the fulfilling of our call to enlarge the Kingdom of God. We also feel that your demand that we gather the boards of the USA and Canada to meet with you in order to escape your threats is excessive, impractical and counter to the commitment of our time to getting the Gospel to those who have not heard. We do not intend to call for or participate in such a board meeting.

Therefore, we send this as our final report and communication and now consider the matter closed.


In behalf of the Board of Gospel for Asia

From: K.P. Yohannan
Sent: March-26-15 12:24 PM
To: [GFA Offices, GFA Board]
Subject: FW: Final Report

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I just received the final report that Gayle did on behalf of the USA Board of Directors that addresses JD’s appeal to the Board. I am forwarding it for you to see. The text from the attachment is below in case you have trouble opening it.

Let us continue to pray for all of our brothers and sisters who are a part of this situation, that we could sincerely be reconciled as one (John 17:21).

Thank you for serving our Lord and bringing the Gospel to the unreached in our generation.

In His grace,

K.P. Yohannan

Bruce, a concerned pastor who is involved with GFA, writes his concerns to the GFA Canada Board.

“The number and consistent nature of the allegations arising from testimonies in the group known as the Diaspora is overwhelming. … It is quite apparent that the stories do not stem from collusion. They have every appearance of being collaborating accounts of some very serious and long standing relational sins.”

March 27, 2015

Dear Members of the GFA Canadian Board:

Sincere greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our risen Lord!

I am the lead pastor at [a church] in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, and have served this church for 26 years. I am writing you today out of concern arising from information I received from the group known as the Diaspora.

I was first introduced to GFA by Wendell … in the mid-nineties. He called me, introduced himself, and asked to meet. We arranged a time and during our first conversation I learned he had slept in his car in our church parking lot on the night before. This was my first look at the kinds of sacrifices GFA personnel are willing to make in pursuit of their calling. Thereafter, we made sure he stayed in our home when visiting. Our church also began regular financial support for GFA that has continued to this day, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars over the years.

On one occasion Wendell was a guest minister in our church and visited in our home. At the same time, our daughter, Sharlene, had just returned home from a 4-month discipleship training course. After Sunday dinner she and Wendell sat in our living room discussing her future. This led to her and another young woman from our congregation, Donna _____ (DJ), moving to Dallas to work at the GFA head office. After several months of orientation and volunteering, they moved to India to begin studies at the GFA seminary in Kerala, later graduating with Bachelor of Theology degrees.

In 1999 my wife, Marlene, and I visited them in India. GFA staff treated us very well. I spoke to the seminary student body and travelled to two Bible training centres, one in Tamil Nadu, the other in Sri Lanka, ministering several times to the students. We also visited and ministered at two rural churches. GFA staff members who escorted us were very accommodating and friendly. Our trip ended with a few day visit at the GFA office in Delhi, where Daniel ______ was living at the time. He and other staff graciously hosted us and served as tour guides.

On the first Sunday morning after returning to our church in Canada, I spoke to our congregation about GFA’s work in India and mentioned some specific needs that we were made aware of during our visit. In that Sunday evening’s service a missions offering amounting to over $14,000 was received to help meet these needs.

After their graduation, Sharlene and DJ returned to Canada and worked at the GFA office, first in Hamilton, and later in the new facility in Stoney Creek, Ontario. It was required of them that they not take out membership in a local church and they could not contribute financially to a church. Tithes and offerings were to be given to GFA. They were permitted to attend a Sunday morning service at a local church, but not Bible Studies or young adults groups.

During a missions-fest event at which they had set up a booth for GFA, they met a man, working in another booth, Mike _____, who eventually became DJ’s husband. Later, Mike introduced Sharlene to his close friend, Colin _____, who later became Sharlene’s husband. During the time they were dating, Colin attended several prayer meetings with GFA staff. He became friends with staff members and fellowshipped in their homes. Once their engagement was announced appeals were made to Colin to join GFA. Colin respected GFA and its ministry but did not feel it was God’s will that he serve with them. A few months passed and then one day Sharlene was given an ultimatum requiring that she break off her engagement with Colin or be dismissed.

That day Sharlene left GFA with a very heavy heart. There was no exit interview, no chance to say good-bye, no-one reached out to her. No one said, “thank-you”….She was simply – gone! This was June, 2001.

In spite of this, and out of my respect for the work GFA was doing, I did not stop my support of GFA. Like many others, I didn’t see our daughter’s experience as being symptomatic of a deeply rooted systemic problem. This changed upon receiving testimonies from the Diaspora and from learning of some changes in GFA’s ministry practices about which I was previously unaware.

For example, I am concerned about the implications associated with KP Yohannan being addressed as, “His Eminence the Most Reverend Dr. KP Yohannan”. The word “eminence” suggests something more than honour due to ministers of the gospel, touting instead an air of superiority. It is also titular, such as seen in the Roman Catholic church’s use of the term in reference to its Cardinals. Use of the adjective “most”, attached to “Reverend”, also indicates pre-eminence, setting one person above others. The elaborate robes seen in pictures of KP, and testimony where individuals are seen kissing the ring on his finger, are practices not seen in biblical portrayals of New Testament ministry.

Paul, never referred to himself as, “The Apostle, Paul”, it was always, “Paul, an apostle”. The former is titular, the latter refers to role. In the Bible the idea of leadership is most often associated with servant-hood, not hierarchical position or title. The only man upon whom the Bible confers pre-eminence, is Jesus. (Colossians 1:18).

It is in the Gospel of Matthew that we first see the word “church”. It is first used in the 16th chapter in context of a question Jesus asked: “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” (vs.13). In response to Peter’s affirmation that He was the Christ, the Son of the Living God, Jesus stated that this confession was the foundation upon which He would build His church.

The second time the word “church” is seen is two chapters later in Matthew 18 where again, its use is predicated on a question. This time the question came from the disciples of Jesus. They asked: “Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven? (vs.1) In response Jesus taught foundational and timeless principles about Christian leadership and ministry. When observed they produce much good fruit. When they are not followed, churches and ministries can fail with many being harmed as a result.

There is a high and holy calling on Christian leaders to ensure that spiritual ministry is established solely on biblical precepts. We also need to recognize that human nature, being what it is, disinclines us to do so.

The question the disciples asked was the wrong question. It should never have been asked. Being the “greatest”, seeking “ascendency”, is the very opposite to everything ministry is about. The whole Matthew 18 discourse demonstrates this.

First, Jesus responded to the question by putting a child in the centre of the group. This child would be seem as the least ascendant one. The child had no aspirations to the elevated positions the disciples vied for. Jesus then said that unless they were converted, humbled themselves, and became like this child they would not see the kingdom of heaven. Conversion in this context, is not about salvation. It’s about wrong thinking when it comes to position in relation to fellow believers. Ascendency is opposite to humility. Humility is about emulating the nature of Jesus who, as Paul said, :…made himself of no reputation…..He humbled himself” (Philippians 2:7-8).

Jesus said that the person who, “Humbles himself as this little child Is greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (vs.4). Thus, the answer to the question about greatness is found in the lives of those who do not seek it. As James said, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

Second, Jesus warned about the damage a lack of humility could cause (vs.6-7). He said it would be better to perish by drowning with a millstone around one’s neck rather than cause another person to be offended by behaviour that results from prideful position seeking or any other action that compromises the well being of others.

Third, Jesus elaborated on humility by teaching the importance of self-discipline (v.8-9). In these verses he spoke of cutting off various body parts. In other words, sinful practices must end. This is a strong warning, one that is too easily lost in the church today. Leaders are responsible for the affects their wrongful behaviours have on others.

Fifth, Jesus made this amazing statement.

See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” (v.10)

Since Jesus had just spoken about the need for His followers to become like little children, His reference to “little ones” includes fellow believers. Jesus refers to angels on assignment – angels charged with the care and oversight of the fellow believers the disciples were trying to step over in their pursuit of greatness. If the angels see the face of the Father, His very image stamped upon other fellow believers, what possible grounds could any one have to seek ascendency over them?

Fourth, Jesus gave the parable of the lost sheep, (vs. 12-.) To understand the meaning of this parable the context is important. Unlike the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15 where Jesus was addressing Pharisees steeped in pride, believing they had no need of repentance, in Matthew the context is in relation to the warning Jesus gave about pride in the church. Here, the lost sheep refers to a person who is lost to the kingdom of God due to wrongful actions by Christian leaders. The parable emphasises the onus that is placed on the church to find and restore persons lost for these reasons.

Fifth, is the teaching that Jesus gives on the three-fold process to be followed when a brother or sister sins, (vs.15-17). It is here that the word “church” appears. Often when this passage is discussed the greater context is missed. Although a brother or sister who sins can refer to any kind of sin, the context is prideful sin on the part of spiritual leaders who see themselves positioned above others.

Sixth, Peter, after listening to all that Jesus said, finally asked the right question: “How often should I forgive my brother?” (vs.21). His focus was now where it ought to be, not on his own ascendency in the church, but on his responsibility towards others.

Throughout the New Testament, deference to any kind of human supremacy is avoided. In Lystra, where Paul and Barnabas were preaching, a lame man was healed at the command of Paul, (Acts 14). The people believed the gods had come among them and proceeded to worship them. Paul and Barnabas tore their clothes and declared that they were mere men, no different than any of them. They claimed no special status as ministers in their proclamation of the Gospel to the lost. This was not self-abasement but neither was it self-promotion. This is a very important principle of evangelism. The purpose is to deflect all attention off man and onto Christ, for He alone is Saviour and Lord.

It was said of the Corinthian church that they, “came behind in no gift” (1 Corinthians 1:7). Considering Paul’s description of spiritual gifts later in chapter 12, this must have been an amazing church in a most positive sense. At the same time however, it was also said of them that their church meetings did more harm than good, (1 Cor. 11:17). Here we see extreme opposite realities present in one church. That this could happen is the very thing Jesus spoke about in Matthew 18.

The reason had to do with sin, many sins, but foundational to them all was their pursuit of ascendency. In 1 Corinthians 1:11-13, we read:

My brothers and sisters, some from Chloe’s household have informed me that there are quarrels among you. 12 What I mean is this: One of you says, “I follow Paul”; another, “I follow Apollos”; another, “I follow Cephas”; still another, “I follow Christ.”

3 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul?

The Corinthian believers were caught up in the Matthew 18 question, “Who is greatest in the kingdom of God”. This was the root of all the other sins seen in this church. Whenever anyone other than Jesus is seen as being eminent in the church, humility – so essential to Christian ministry, is compromised. The fruit is never good.

During most of the first three centuries of the church, persecution was severe and constant. Many Christians were martyred. Early in the fourth century after Constantine became the emperor of Rome, he decreed that Christianity was to become the official religion of the empire. To accommodate the new law, polytheistic religious leaders simply added Jesus to the list of gods they recognized. As a result the church was infiltrated with many contrary interests which led to a significant loss of its counter-culture distinctiveness. As time passed it became increasingly difficult to recognize the true church.

Among the many contrary influences to infiltrate the church was deference paid to priests that went way beyond the kind of honour the Bible promotes for leaders. As various branches of the church emerged, some celebrated leadership with things like elaborate attire, expensive jewellery, special seats in the congregation, and titles. Assimilation of these practices led to hierarchical leadership systems quite removed from biblical precepts.

I question the legitimacy of KP’s practice of wearing elaborate apparel and his use of titles. I say this from the standpoint that I do not see where the associated veneration garnered is scriptural or Christ honouring.

I also question how the gospel is advanced by this. Our world is filled with idolatry, including relational idolatry. The caste system, which holds many in the nation of India in spiritual bondage, has, as its most ascendant cast, the Brahmin priests. At the other end of the human spectrum, the dalit, or untouchable caste, is comprised of people considered so inferior and repulsive that to even touch one is seen as contamination. In a culture that enables spiritual darkness and bondage due, in part, by a transcendent priestly class, one would think that the greatest care should be taken by the church to avoid any appearance of priestly privilege on the part of its ministers through things like attire, jewellery and titles.

Jesus lived in a culture where religion was Pharisee led. Among the things these religions leaders considered to be important, three top priorities, were attire, seats of prominence in the synagogues and titles. Jesus did not observe these traditions as an attempt to be culturally relevant. He thereby demonstrated that in advancing the kingdom of God, culture must always be made to bow to the scriptures, not the scriptures to the culture.

At the heart of the gospel is equality, where no one person is esteemed to be better than another. In Christ, race, gender, socio-economic status do not matter. The scriptures teach us to not hold the faith of our Lord with respect of persons, (James 2:1). Great care must be taken by the church to demonstrate humility in all things. No practice of ministry, either among believers in the church or in witness to a lost world, should include any relic, symbol, attire, promotion, or any other thing unless humility, not elevated status, is advanced thereby.

Consubstantiation is a belief concerning the Lord’s table that most evangelicals do not embrace. It appears from literature that I have recently read that Believers Churches may have adapted this doctrine. I do believe that the special presence of Christ is manifest when we break bread and drink wine together in remembrance of Him. However, it is unclear to me how far GFA churches have taken this. Is there a leaning toward salvation by sacrament? In matters such as this, an onus on the part of GFA to proactively inform supporters of changes in practices and beliefs should be taken at the time they occur.

I was also unaware, until recently, that GFA has adapted an Episcopal form of church government. This is not of great concern to me due to the many divergent opinions surrounding ecclesiological doctrines that exist in the Body of Christ.

The word, “Episcopal”, simply means pertaining to bishops or governed by bishops. Oversight by bishops and an archbishop is rooted in Anglican tradition.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is the senior bishop and principal leader of the Church of England, the symbolic head of the worldwide Anglican Communion. He is seen as first among equals, the leader of other bishops. He is appointed by the Queen of England serving under her authority and the authority of the other bishops. Checks and balances are present in Anglicanism. An archbishop cannot function autocratically.

The term “Metropolitan”, meaning “Metropolitan Bishop”, or “Archbishop”, is being used to describe KP Yohanan’s oversight of the Believer’s Churches. However, GFA’s practice of Episcopalian governance does not necessarily mean that the same accountability arrangements practiced in other Episcopal groups, such as the Anglican church, is present. Authority, responsibility and accountability by GFA, depends upon both its definition and by its practice of the Episcopal governance system it has created. It is not clear to me what this is.

Several questions arise. Does the Boards of Directors in the US have active input with respect to doctrine and practice in GFA churches and its Episcopal structure? Do sister boards such as your own Canadian board contribute any input? How are roles, authority, responsibility and accountability arrangements, as well as overall purpose and function articulated in GFA’s Canadian governing documents (Constitution and By-Laws), filed with the Charities Division of the Canada Revenue Agency? If they are not found in Canadian governing documents are there international joint ministry or agency agreements in which they are included?

The foregoing are some questions that occur to me regarding GFA’s governance.

On the Diaspora website reference was made to an ordination service for Pat _____, the current director of GFA Canada. It contains 3 questions that KP asked him:

Are you resolved to build up the church as the body of Christ and to remain united to it within the order of bishops, Metropolitan, and under the authority of the successor of the Metropolitan?”

. Are you resolved to accept and obey the given orders, responsibilities, and disciplines of the church and the ministry and discharge them in absolute submission in accordance with the constitution of the church?”

Will you promise to submit to my leadership, my successors, and authorities of the church and the ministry set over you all the days of your life and ministry?”

More questions arise from my reading of this.

First, there appears to be an order of bishops in GFA churches. Who are the people that make up this order, and how are they appointed?

Second, reference is made to the successor of the Metropolitan. How is successor-ship determined by GFA?

Third, reference is made to, “absolute submission in accordance with the constitution of the church”. Is this constitution published and available to supporters? Is this constitution a part of GFA governing documents or has a parallel entity been established under a different name? What are the terms of “absolute submission” found in the church constitution?

Fourth, reference is made to life-long submission to GFA. If there is a biblical basis for requiring this of someone it is unclear to me as to what it is. Will you furnish an explanation?

The exercise of spiritual authority and submission as a response to authority, are often misunderstood concepts. As head of the church, Jesus has absolute authority over the church. Devils, diseases, death and all things are subject to His word. Nature itself bows to Him.

Ephesians 5 describes the Lordship of Jesus over His church as taking the form of sacrifice. Jesus loves the church, His bride, and gave His life for us. Through the example of Jesus we learn that sacrifice is the outflow of true authority. Authority is always for the benefit of those being loved and served.

Obedience is deference to the will of another at the expense of one’s own will. Obedience to Christ comes not from fear of judgment, but from the joy of being loved by Him. Thus, mutual love, mutual honour and mutual sacrifice form an never ending cycle of deep intimacy and mutual benefit in the authority/submission relationship between Christ and His church.

Biblically, in terms of human relationships, the most beautiful expression of authority and submission is found in the relationship between a husband and wife. A husband’s headship is not dictatorship. It is sacrifice, the giving of his life sacrificially for his wife, as Jesus gave His for the church. This principle applies to the practice of authority in all areas of life, including church leadership.

The assertion of authority by anyone who himself is not under authority, is not a godly arrangement. The exercise of authority by anyone that is disproportionate to the practitioners own submission to authority, is corruption.

Consider Jesus. One would not think that anyone bearing the title, “King of Kings and Lord of Lords”, would need to be in submission to anyone. However, Jesus practiced submission more than any man. He only did the things He saw His Father do and nothing else. In prayer, before His death, His words were, “Not my will but Yours be done”. He demonstrated perfectly the relationship between authority and submission.

There is a danger for any leader to traffic in worship by revelling in the praise and honour of others, to take honour that belongs to God alone, and siphon some for himself. This was the iniquity found in Lucifer that led to his fall. It is relational idolatry, which has led to the downfall of many men and women in ministry. I hesitate to raise this lest it be thought I am accusing KP of such evils. I am not doing that. I am bringing a strong cautionary concern to you due to current practices I see in GFA, and appeal for sober second thought to be given to them.

GFA supporters are giving support for both missions endeavours and for GFA churches.

This is quite natural and acceptable since church planting should result from evangelistic endeavours. GFA does a good job of describing the evangelistic and social help projects it undertakes. Supporters are made aware of the purposes for which their help is sought.

It seems to me that the same cannot be said for GFA taking similar pro-active measures to inform supporters of the nature of the churches they have set up. It appears that invitations are given to supporters to do research on their own regarding this with some information that is posted on their website and in literature they have produced. This, however, is not the same as up-front transparency. I think it likely that supporters are just now beginning to learn of the nature of GFA churches, especially with respect to clerical adornments, titles, doctrinal stances, and governance. Changes to more zealous measures of information sharing is needed. Trust on the part of supporters may lost if present practices continue.

The number and consistent nature of the allegations arising from testimonies in the group known as the Diaspora is overwhelming. Reading them brought great pain to my heart and I imagine that others who have read them are similarly affected. It is quite apparent that the stories do not stem from collusion. They have every appearance of being collaborating accounts of some very serious and long standing relational sins.

Canadian law that governs not-for-profit corporations such as GFA, treats board members as fiduciaries. I think it likely that the same is true in the USA. This requires that the board exercise proper and adequate oversight of an organization.

The testimonies of Canadian members of the Diaspora, could, if presented to the Ontario Labour Board, give cause for strong censure. Labour laws do not condone the kind of treatment reported.

By asking for and receiving corporate and registered charity status, GFA has made promises to abide by the law. Status is not granted without this. Integrity is measured by the degree to which these promises are faithfully kept.

It cannot be said that GFA has discharged itself faithfully in carrying out fiduciary responsibilities, by acting with all due diligence and performing all duties of care, if it has failed to abide by any pertinent law, such as the Ontario Labour Laws.

The pursuit of integrity in matters of natural jurisprudence not only carry legal ramifications, but moral and spiritually ones as well. Righteousness in its truest biblical, sense is compromised in the presence of broken promises. As Christians this should always be of great concern.

Pretence abounds when promises are broken. We cannot say we will abide by the law and then not do so, while at the same time present ourselves to others as though we do.

Apparent success and the applaud of others are not the truest measure of honour. Honesty is. Pretence is no friend of honour.

In all matters of natural law, such as labour laws, laws that govern finances, trustee law, and all other applicable laws, Christian organizations must be above reproach.

KP Yohannan has accomplished much for the kingdom of God. He has demonstrated an amazing ability to be both a great visionary leader and one well able implement his God given vision. He has influenced many to follow his example of “glad sacrifice”, summoning believers all over the world to pursue the greater callings and work of the kingdom of God. Children in my church have at times given themselves to raising money for bicycles for GFA missionaries. Personally, KP has been an example to me of a man I have always considered to have set a pattern in ministry to emulate.

My purpose in writing this letter is not to castigate or condemn. I do believe that intervention is needed to arrest and change detrimental practices. Nowhere is this more necessary than when it comes to taking responsibility for wrongs committed against members of the Diaspora and any other former GFA workers who may have had similar experiences. I strongly appeal that this take place.

One important consideration regarding this is process. Whenever behaviour by one party creates trauma for another party, care to not exacerbate the damage must be taken. Therefore, I strongly advise against meeting with members of the Diaspora individually until there is a much greater degree of trust than presently exists. For this reason I believe the Diaspora group as a whole should be addressed first. I also suggest that a third party arrangement made up of spiritual leaders, not employed by GFA, be asked to facilitate this process.

My wife, Marlene, and I have ministered in areas of abuse and trauma counselling over the years. I was asked by the New York/New Jersey Port Authority Police Department to help in the aftermath of 9/11. I did two tours of duty at ground zero as a chaplain to police and firefighters during recovery operations. Extreme trauma, such as generated by something as terrible as 9/11 can have devastating and permanent affects. It is hard to describe the degree of trauma experienced at ground zero. In the debriefings I received, I was made aware of affects in my own life that I would not have recognized had I not received them.

Reference to 9/11 is for comparing the affects of trauma only. An event of the magnitude of 9/11 does not have to take place in order for severe trauma to happen. Any breakdown in human relations or other difficult life experiences can be the cause.

As I read the testimonies of the Diaspora I observe affects that often occur when there is a power differential between conflicting parties. One of the affects is fear on the part of the abused. As a first step towards reconciliation, practices and behaviour that created the breakdown in trust, and thereby the resulting fear and other affects, should be addressed first.

I have offered to meet with the Canadian members of the Diaspora as a group for the purpose of debriefing and identifying areas of concern where individuals in the group may need ongoing help. I consider this to be of utmost importance. I hope to do this soon.

I am asking that you consider my request, made herewith, for a meeting with the GFA Canadian Board of Directors. There are a number of things I would like to discuss with you, including the kind of help you could offer the Diaspora at this time. If a meeting with the whole board is not possible, I will gladly meet with a contingency or individual members.

Thank-you for your consideration.

Yours in His glad service,


Bruce _____

cc. The Diaspora, GFA Board of Directors, USA

The Diaspora’s response to the Final Report from Gayle’s investigation.

“we will not make any further appeal to you—but we cannot agree that the matter is closed or resolved”

April 2, 2015

To: [GFA US and Canada Board]

Dear GFA Board Members,

Thank you for formally responding to our concerns. However, your final report leaves us confused and disappointed.

You begin by expressing broken-heartedness and repentance but fail to describe any specific change in thought and action. There is no acknowledgement of specific wrongs committed. Instead, what follows appears to be a defense rather than repentance. How can someone confess broken-heartedness and repentance and then state that the accusations are neutralized?

Are you speaking for the board or on behalf of GFA leaders when you state that individual contact has not been afforded? Aside from one e-mail requesting a testimony (which was provided), and contacting a former staff member who is not part of the Diaspora, how many of us did you attempt to contact?

Prior to writing our first letter, attempts had been made by some former staff to address concerns on an individual basis but without success. Was it not biblical to next bring some witnesses to voice concerns and hear as a group GFA’s response? If our biblical process was unclear, did you ask any of us why there is now hesitancy to meet one-on-one with GFA leadership?

If GFA is willing to do anything within their power to apologize and seek forgiveness, why did you not meet with some of us along with a neutral party to help facilitate? If GFA truly seeks healing for those who have suffered damage of spirit, we expected a willingness to handle the situation in the reasonable manner proposed by those who were wronged. This would have been a good step to restore broken trust.

We hoped a full investigation would include a summary of the reason for the investigation, testimonies of people you interviewed, and careful confirmation or refutation of each accusation and our supporting evidence. These components appear to be almost completely absent. While mostly overlooking our original concerns, you respond to some matters we don’t recall bringing up.

We heard that GFA leadership was interviewed, but we wonder why no interviews were conducted with any of those who are part of the Diaspora? We had no opportunity to hear and respond to GFA leadership’s testimony provided to you.

You believe that our concerns are without foundation in terms of fulfilling GFA’s call to enlarge the Kingdom of God. However, God is concerned not just with numerical growth but spiritual health (Mat 7:22–23). Jesus’ own letters to the seven churches in Revelation also make that clear. Considering the seriousness of our concerns, is it excessive for you to make time for a meeting? After all, it is your responsibility to oversee the ministry and make sure it is being conducted in a manner worthy of the gospel.

While we respect your freedom to respond as you did, we are disappointed because your report is incomplete and inconsistent. Since this is your final report and communication, we will not make any further appeal to you—but we cannot agree that the matter is closed or resolved. May God bring correction by some other avenue as He sees fit, so that GFA might walk in His ways, bear much fruit and, in KP’s own words, “finish well”.


The Diaspora

Multiple GFA leaders sent emails to many Diaspora individuals today, asking forgiveness. Some members received confession of specific personal wrongs referenced from their personal testimony. Others received a more generic, form-like apology, indicating that the leader was not aware of any specific actions. The majority of these emails were sent at the same time.

These emails were clearly intended as a way for the leaders to formally apologize for individual, personal offenses, hurts, and errors in judgement. While their personal apologies—as limited as they are—have been accepted by many, there was neither acknowledgement by any of the leaders of the systemic abuse arising from unbiblical doctrines and practices of the ministry as a whole, nor indication of genuine repentance.

If the Holy Spirit is the One prompting true repentance for personal offenses, it seems He would have prompted that leader to ask forgiveness sooner and in a more personal, individual manner. Although our names and testimonies have been available to GFA leaders for many months, we find it odd that it took so long to recognize the hurts of former staff—and leadership’s offenses that caused them. In fact, leadership has spent previous communications denying our claims.

While it seems that the email apologies are a coordinated PR campaign, we hope that these limited apologies are genuinely sincere. Some of us have emailed back with forgiveness and love for these confessions.

We hope this brings closure to individual sins, and allow the leadership to focus on the root of these sins—the false beliefs and unbiblical practices outlined in our initial letter.

The Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability is an organization that many Christian groups are affiliated with to prove their financial trustworthiness. According to their site, the “ECFA enhances trust in Christ-centered churches and ministries by establishing and applying Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™ to accredited organizations.” On October 2nd, the ECFA removed Gospel for Asia from its list of members. This removal was not voluntary on GFA’s part. The ECFA lists the reasons for GFA’s removal as the following (taken directly from the ECFA’s list of former members):

Terminated for failure to comply with Standard 2 Governance, Standard 3 Financial Oversight, Standard 4 Use of Resources, Standard 6 Compensation-Setting and Related-Party Transactions, Standard 7.1 Truthfulness in Communications, and Standard 7.2 Giver Expectations and Intent

“Terminated for failure to comply with Standard 2 Governance, Standard 3 Financial Oversight, Standard 4 Use of Resources, Standard 6 Compensation-Setting and Related-Party Transactions, Standard 7.1 Truthfulness in Communications, and Standard 7.2 Giver Expectations and Intent”

GFA had been a member in good standing with the ECFA for over 32 years and posted the ECFA’s seal of approval prominently on the financial integrity page of their website (the link is a record of what GFA’s page looked like on September 15th, 2015). A closer look at the ECFA’s reasons for terminating GFA are quite revealing.

Standard 2 – Governance
“Every organization shall be governed by a responsible board of not less than five individuals, a majority of whom shall be independent, who shall meet at least semiannually to establish policy and review its accomplishments.”

Standard 3 – Financial Oversight
“Every organization shall prepare complete and accurate financial statements. The board or a committee consisting of a majority of independent members shall approve the engagement of an independent certified public accountant, review the annual financial statements, and maintain appropriate communication with the independent certified public accountant. The board shall be apprised of any material weaknesses in internal control or other significant risks”

Standard 4 – Use of Resources
“Every organization shall exercise the appropriate management and controls necessary to provide reasonable assurance that all of the organization’s operations are carried out and resources are used in a responsible manner and in conformity with applicable laws and regulations, such conformity taking into account biblical mandates.”

Standard 6 – Compensation-Setting and Related-Party Transactions
“Every organization shall set compensation of its top leader and address related-party transactions in a manner that demonstrates integrity and propriety in conformity with ECFA’s Policy for Excellence in Compensation-Setting and Related-Party Transactions.”

Standard 7 – Stewardship of Charitable Gifts

7.1 Truthfulness in Communications
“In securing charitable gifts, all representations of fact, descriptions of the financial condition of the organization, or narratives about events must be current, complete, and accurate. References to past activities or events must be appropriately dated. There must be no material omissions or exaggerations of fact, use of misleading photographs, or any other communication which would tend to create a false impression or misunderstanding.”

7.2 Giver Expectations and Intent
“Statements made about the use of gifts by an organization in its charitable gift appeals must be honored. A giver’s intent relates both to what was communicated in the appeal and to any instructions accompanying the gift, if accepted by the organization. Appeals for charitable gifts must not create unrealistic expectations of what a gift will actually accomplish.”

In two years, only two other organization have been terminated by the ECFA for reasons other than failing to renew their membership, resigning membership voluntarily, or merging with another entity. Donors should be made aware of the seriousness of this action that the ECFA has taken.

Former GFA board member Gayle reveals the ECFA report and his original investigation report that was rejected and altered.

“I am sending you a very complete set of files that will give you understanding.”

From: Gayle Erwin <>
Date: Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: mailing list
To: JD Smith <>

I am sending you a very complete set of files that will give you understanding. However, I am placing in the report of my investigation permission for you to share the report with anyone including staff. I will not be sending the report to everyone, but you can. If you wait on me, it will be too long. I am on the road with only brief access to Wifi. So, look these files over in the folder. There are some surprises.


Gayle Erwin
From the highways and hedges handing out invitations

Gayle’s apology to Diaspora.

Gayle’s original report to the board.

Gayle’s official “Final Report” of the board’s investigation sent to Diaspora in March 2015.

Gayle’s letters of concern to KP, giving reasons why he disagreed with the final report.

ECFA’s final report.

GFA’s response to ECFA’s report.

Gayle’s resignation letter.


Diaspora’s full communication history with GFA and its boards.

Full History

This section is shown in reverse chronological order. New activity will appear at the top, so please check back. Click on a gray header box to read its post.

Former GFA board member Gayle reveals the ECFA report and his original investigation report that was rejected and altered.

“I am sending you a very complete set of files that will give you understanding.”

From: Gayle Erwin <>
Date: Tue, Dec 1, 2015 at 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: mailing list
To: JD Smith <>

I am sending you a very complete set of files that will give you understanding. However, I am placing in the report of my investigation permission for you to share the report with anyone including staff. I will not be sending the report to everyone, but you can. If you wait on me, it will be too long. I am on the road with only brief access to Wifi. So, look these files over in the folder. There are some surprises.


Gayle Erwin
From the highways and hedges handing out invitations

Gayle’s apology to Diaspora.

Gayle’s original report to the board.

Gayle’s official “Final Report” of the board’s investigation sent to Diaspora in March 2015.

Gayle’s letters of concern to KP, giving reasons why he disagreed with the final report.

ECFA’s final report.

GFA’s response to ECFA’s report.

Gayle’s resignation letter.


Diaspora’s full communication history with GFA and its boards.

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: JD Smith <>
Date: Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: mailing list
To: Gayle Erwin <>

Gayle, thank you for your reply during this busy season.Congratulations on your 57 years—I trust you are having a good vacation.
I know it may not be easy to think about sending the staff your original report. You asked me to “put the gist of it in your words and send that”.
May I make a few observations?
First, we (the Diaspora) believe the staff will disregard anything sent from me or Diaspora, just as the majority have deleted our previous messages to avoid listening to an “evil report”. The staff regard me almost as the devil himself because of what they have been told by KP. Nothing I send will have the same impact of a direct email from you.
Second, you said it “would be inappropriate for the report to be the first item” the staff receives from you after not being in contact with the staff in so long. Even with no contact from you since March, your email and attached original report meant more to us than you know. Many staff were confused when they didn’t get to share their concerns during the investigation and were devastated when your final report came out. They will be glad to finally hear the real story from you.
Third, we believe time is of the essence. If the Canadian board tells leadership they have received your original report, KP may try to mitigate its impact by telling staff you have been set against GFA by “bitter ex-staff” and not to believe these “lies”. If they expect your email, many may delete it without reading it.
We urge you to consider sending the staff the same kind of message you sent to us. We believe the current staff will be shocked to learn the truth and will be glad in the end to know the truth. Leadership’s control of information cannot be permitted to continue.
Indeed word will spread quickly once your original report gets out, but we have intentionally not spread it to give you the opportunity to tell it yourself.
P.S. We are happy to help you with any technical support if you have need.

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Gayle Erwin <>
Date: Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 5:31 AM
Subject: Re: mailing list
To: JD Smith <>

Good morning, JD,
Trust that you had a joyous Thanksgiving. We certainly did. Spent it with a number of our children, grandchildren and great Grandchildren plus celebration of my wife and my 57th anniversary.
As to the mailing list, first, since I have not been in contact with them, this would be inappropriate for the report to be the first item. Second, I think that since you have been the go-to person, you can put the gist of it in your words and send that. Let’s wait before sending the whole thing. Third, Beginning today and for 11 more days, my wife and I will be traveling and will not have the time to do it. Fourth, I have never done a bulk mailing before and don’t know how. I have a computer guy in Idaho who does know how, but he only does piece work for me now.
Surely, by now, the news has gone out to everyone.
Gayle Erwin
From the highways and hedges handing out invitations

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: JD Smith <>
Date: Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 5:28 PM
Subject: Re: of interest to you
To: Gayle Erwin <>

Hi Gayle,
I shared your email and report with the Diaspora, and we are all so very thankful to you for taking this step and sharing this with us. It was healing to many, and many have expressed admiration for your effort to make this right. We feel that you have been very sincere in your apology to us, and we forgive you.We can see that you’ve been through much pain in this, as many of us have been, and I imagine you’ve seen the betrayal and even shunning. On behalf of all of us, thank you.
We feel that the public needs to know this, and that the current staff especially have a right to know the truth. Would you consider sharing this original report with the GFA staff? So many on staff there are still heartbroken at the original response, especially since it has been used by leadership to “settle” all matters.
If you are able, you could send them the same report and a similar introduction email as what you sent to me. There are 270 email addresses total, which could be broken up into 6 groups of 45. I’ve already broken it up for you so it’s easy to copy and paste, should you wish to do this. Spacing each group out an hour apart will help you not hit any spam filters. Let me know if you need assistance.
Thank you for considering this. I know this has been difficult for you. Know that we continue to pray for you and everyone involved, for our Lord’s glory.In His Service,

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: JD Smith <>
Date: Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: of interest to you
To: Gayle Erwin <>


Thank you for your candor and for contacting me after what has been a long and difficult journey for the former staff as well.
I will review what you’ve sent along with the other members of the Diaspora who sent the letters to the board, and I hope that we can continue to dialog.
If there is any document which would be extremely helpful for you to share, it would be the ECFA report. At your discretion of course.
Be in touch soon,

———- Forwarded message ———-

From: Gayle Erwin <>
Date: Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 3:45 PM
Subject: of interest to you
To: Smith JD <>

Hello J. D.,

I received your email asking for my help in putting the GFA controversy to rest in a godly manner. You are, of course, aware of my resignation, along with Damian Kyle and Skip Heitzig, from the board of GFA. This ended 30 years of board service for me.

I have waited and watched to see how the news of ECFA expulsion would play out and what degree of candor and openness would follow. I can wait no longer.

The document attached to this letter is the report I made originally to KP and, afterward, the Board of GFA, of my investigation of the charges made in behalf of yourself and the Diaspora of GFA. This is the first time the initial report has been made public and I hope it will be of some comfort to you and your group.

When I first presented the conclusions of my investigation to KP  (with David Carroll present) KP glanced at it, declared that he was a speed reader, and began what I will simply call an ugly scene filled with expressions I don’t wish to repeat. I presented this same report to the Board of GFA. The ugly scene began again. My recommendation was that we confess, make restitution and change, and that I be granted permission to meet with you. The board rejected my findings and I was instructed to write the public report which was sent to you. Although the board was very pleased with the report, the agony of having written it has not left me. I apologize to you for the report that was sent to you. Some of the report I wrote with the hope that it would become true and that I was making progress in some intense mental and spiritual combat with KP. The financial part that I dismissed, I later learned was true. Please forgive me.

Hopefully we can have that face-to-face meeting in the future and simply speak of kingdom things.


Gayle Erwin
From the highways and hedges handing out invitations


To view Gayle’s original report, click HERE.

The Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability is an organization that many Christian groups are affiliated with to prove their financial trustworthiness. According to their site, the “ECFA enhances trust in Christ-centered churches and ministries by establishing and applying Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship™ to accredited organizations.” On October 2nd, the ECFA removed Gospel for Asia from its list of members. This removal was not voluntary on GFA’s part. The ECFA lists the reasons for GFA’s removal as the following (taken directly from the ECFA’s list of former members):

Terminated for failure to comply with Standard 2 Governance, Standard 3 Financial Oversight, Standard 4 Use of Resources, Standard 6 Compensation-Setting and Related-Party Transactions, Standard 7.1 Truthfulness in Communications, and Standard 7.2 Giver Expectations and Intent

“Terminated for failure to comply with Standard 2 Governance, Standard 3 Financial Oversight, Standard 4 Use of Resources, Standard 6 Compensation-Setting and Related-Party Transactions, Standard 7.1 Truthfulness in Communications, and Standard 7.2 Giver Expectations and Intent”

GFA had been a member in good standing with the ECFA for over 32 years and posted the ECFA’s seal of approval prominently on the financial integrity page of their website (the link is a record of what GFA’s page looked like on September 15th, 2015). A closer look at the ECFA’s reasons for terminating GFA are quite revealing.

Standard 2 – Governance
“Every organization shall be governed by a responsible board of not less than five individuals, a majority of whom shall be independent, who shall meet at least semiannually to establish policy and review its accomplishments.”

Standard 3 – Financial Oversight
“Every organization shall prepare complete and accurate financial statements. The board or a committee consisting of a majority of independent members shall approve the engagement of an independent certified public accountant, review the annual financial statements, and maintain appropriate communication with the independent certified public accountant. The board shall be apprised of any material weaknesses in internal control or other significant risks”

Standard 4 – Use of Resources
“Every organization shall exercise the appropriate management and controls necessary to provide reasonable assurance that all of the organization’s operations are carried out and resources are used in a responsible manner and in conformity with applicable laws and regulations, such conformity taking into account biblical mandates.”

Standard 6 – Compensation-Setting and Related-Party Transactions
“Every organization shall set compensation of its top leader and address related-party transactions in a manner that demonstrates integrity and propriety in conformity with ECFA’s Policy for Excellence in Compensation-Setting and Related-Party Transactions.”

Standard 7 – Stewardship of Charitable Gifts

7.1 Truthfulness in Communications
“In securing charitable gifts, all representations of fact, descriptions of the financial condition of the organization, or narratives about events must be current, complete, and accurate. References to past activities or events must be appropriately dated. There must be no material omissions or exaggerations of fact, use of misleading photographs, or any other communication which would tend to create a false impression or misunderstanding.”

7.2 Giver Expectations and Intent
“Statements made about the use of gifts by an organization in its charitable gift appeals must be honored. A giver’s intent relates both to what was communicated in the appeal and to any instructions accompanying the gift, if accepted by the organization. Appeals for charitable gifts must not create unrealistic expectations of what a gift will actually accomplish.”

In two years, only two other organization have been terminated by the ECFA for reasons other than failing to renew their membership, resigning membership voluntarily, or merging with another entity. Donors should be made aware of the seriousness of this action that the ECFA has taken.

After nearly a year of attempting to privately address our concerns as a group with GFA leaders and staff, Diaspora removed the password from this website.

We believe the public—current and potential supporters—have a right to discern for themselves whether or not our concerns are valid as they make decisions regarding how to invest the Lord’s money.

Since several independent articles have been written about our concerns on the Internet, we felt the public should now have access to the primary information on which we base our concerns.

On April 5, 2015, the board members of the GFA Germany office notified the Diaspora that they would soon be shutting down their office. The official announcement was emailed to us on May 13.

“Because of my age and since no suitable, competent successor could be found, we will stop the work and shut down the German branch of Gospel for Asia.”

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We had our last annual board meeting on May 9th and officially decided to shut down the German branch of Gospel for Asia after 24 years of service. Below you will find our official letter which has been sent out to sponsors and friends.

We want to ask the different GFA departments in the US and in India to stop sending us any further material, because we don’t need it anymore – the office is closed! Also please stop forwarding us any free book requests and delete our contact details from the German website.

It was a joy to serve the Lord together with all of you – we will not forget you. May the Lord continue to bless you all.

Your friends from Germany,

Pastor W., R. and U.


Dear mission partner,

24 years ago we founded the German branch of the international mission movement Gospel for Asia with the primary objective to encourage Christians in the German-speaking countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) to actively take part in the Great Commission through supporting native GFA missionaries in South Asia by our sponsorship programme. Many Christians from different denominations made use of our offer and innumerable people were allowed to get to know Jesus on our mission fields before it is too late.

I was the leader of the German branch of Gospel for Asia for the last 24 years. I am almost 84 years old by now. Because of my age and since no suitable, competent successor could be found, we will stop the work and shut down the German branch of Gospel for Asia.

Many blessed but also intense years lay behind us which we as a team will never forget. The generosity of our sponsors and friends is big to this day and so we are a little sad to announce that the time has come to ask you to stop sending any further donations to our German GFA office.

Would you please inform your bank to cancel existing standing orders. Furthermore please don’t transfer any more donations to our bank accounts:

Germany:   xxxxx     Switzerland:   xxxxx     Austria:   xxxxx

You are welcome to continue to support Gospel for Asia in the future. We invite you to get to know our GFA office in Great Britain and we encourage you to visit its internet page:

!! The sponsorship programme for our missionaries stops at once !! For logistical reasons our complete missionary database has been already divided up directly by our GFA head office in South India to all other international GFA offices. Through this the monthly support of all GFA missionaries who were supported by our German office is secured! Please do not return the documents of the missionaries to us.

For all donations in 2015 the tax deductible receipts will be sent out without demand of the donator (for the tax office in Germany) at the beginning of the New Year 2016.

As a team we would like to say goodbye to you and on behalf of Gospel for Asia we want to thank you that you have so faithfully stayed with us, so that innumerable people could be saved in South Asia for ever.

May the Lord continue to bless you.

In Christ,

Pastor W. M.


GOSPEL FOR ASIA – Deutschland

Tel.: xxxxx * Fax:xxxxx



P.S.: GFA, USA would like to receive our addresses. If you DON’T want us to forward your address, please inform our office latest until 31.05.2015. Thank you!

Note: GFA never informed us of, or invited us to, a May 2015 meeting. Nor has GFA introduced us to Greg. We have not received any communication from GFA (except for some individual apologies) or the Board since their final report on March 26, 2015.

Though Greg’s emailed invitation to meet was sent to many individuals in the Diaspora (excluding JD), we responded to him as a unified group.

As of April 22, 2015, we have not heard any response from Greg to our group, nor have we ever received any communication directly from GFA leadership regarding this meeting.

“We have had no communication at all from GFA leadership stating your official role as their representative, so once again we ask that if GFA leadership really does want to meet with representatives of the Diaspora to discuss the five areas of sin that we outlined in our initial letter to them, then GFA leadership needs to contact us at”

From: GFA Diaspora <>
Date: Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: re: GFA Diaspora and Reconciliation
To: Greg
Cc: [GFA leaders]


Thank you for your heart to bring healing and reconciliation between members of the Diaspora and Gospel for Asia. Unfortunately, both you and GFA leadership seem to still be missing the main point that we have attempted to drive home over and over again. That point being that the goal of the Diaspora is not about obtaining healing and reconciliation regarding the numerous individual hurts that have occurred over the years. Those hurts are but symptoms of much deeper, systemic sin that has permeated the very core of how GFA operates. The personal testimonies that were provided were but examples of the hurt caused by that sin, and are evidence of a much deeper and more serious issue.

In our initial letter to the leadership and boards of GFA, we very clearly outlined five specific areas of sin that we believe must be addressed through brokenness and true repentance (not just apologies) on the part of GFA leadership. It is those five areas of sin that we had wanted to meet with GFA’s leadership and board of directors to discuss, not individual hurts and grievances.

Most of us in the Diaspora who were hurt have already forgiven GFA leadership. For some of us who were hurt very deeply it is still a struggle, but there are others in the Diaspora who were not hurt at all. We are all part of the Diaspora simply because we want to see the systemic sin at GFA addressed and the ministry brought back into the light where the Lord can use it for His glory and the furtherance of His kingdom.

Please understand this clearly: As the Diaspora, we are not looking for the kind of meeting where we can have a “safe environment” to share our “heart and … hurts and receive needed closure”. What we had desired was a meeting with GFA senior leadership, which would have also included members of the board of directors (specifically those who are not related to KP), a neutral third-party mediator, and a small representative group of the Diaspora.

In your conversations with JD and M. you were very defensive and supportive of many of GFA’s actions, and in your email to us you also misrepresented the facts regarding your discussions with JD and GFA relative to scheduling such a meeting. Your actions have shown that you have a strong bias toward GFA which disqualifies you from serving as an impartial mediator.

If you will recall, JD made it very clear that any requests for a meeting should come directly from a member of GFA’s senior leadership or the board, not a third party. We have had no communication at all from GFA leadership stating your official role as their representative, so once again we ask that if GFA leadership really does want to meet with representatives of the Diaspora to discuss the five areas of sin that we outlined in our initial letter to them, then GFA leadership needs to contact us at

Just to be clear, we have been more than willing to meet with GFA leadership and the board in the past, and at no time have we ever said no to meeting with them to discuss our concerns as outlined in our letter to them. The US board of directors have already done an “investigation” and have communicated to us that they consider the matter closed, so we are confused as to why a big push for a meeting is occurring now. Because the board considers the matter closed, we are willing to consider a meeting even at this late stage, but do not consider ourselves under any obligation to do so. If GFA leadership and the board truly want to meet (and this is not just a PR stunt) then these requirements are all that we are requesting:

1. The request for a meeting would come directly from GFA leadership only. (Preferably the board of directors since they’ve previously communicated that they consider this matter closed. It would be ideal if they were the ones to open the dialogue again since they are ultimately responsible for the oversight of GFA.)

2. The meeting would consist of:
-GFA senior leadership (including KP, Daniel P[xxxx], Pat E[xxxx], John B[xxxx] and David C[xxxx]) as well as members of the US and Canada boards.
-A representative sample of the Diaspora
-A truly neutral third-party mediator (e.g. local pastor, someone from a Christian mediation service, etc.)

3. It would be held at a neutral location (not the GFA campus) and mediated by a neutral third-party as stated above.

4. A clearly defined purpose and agenda would be pre-determined. The primary purpose would be to address the five areas of sin we outlined in our original letter to GFA. While we welcome the opportunity to discuss past hurts and seek reconciliation for those wronged, that should not and cannot be the primary focus of the meeting.

Again, we appreciate your heart in this matter, but it is clear that the kind of meeting you are desiring to bring together does not address the true issues at hand, and that you are not the right person to be acting as mediator. That being said, we are asking that you please no longer contact members of the Diaspora directly, and that you remove from your contacts our email addresses that were given to you by GFA.

In Christ,
The Diaspora

BCC: [US and Canada Board Members]


From: [Greg]
Date: April 16, 2015 at 11:14:21 PM CDT
To: [individually, to most Diaspora members, excluding JD]
Subject: re: GFA Diaspora and Reconciliation

[read entire post here]

Note: GFA never informed us of, or invited us to, a May 2015 meeting. Nor has GFA introduced us to Greg. We have not received any communication from GFA (except for some individual apologies) or the Board since their final report on March 26, 2015.

Greg, a third party friend of GFA, attempts to negotiate a meeting between Diaspora members and GFA by emailing members of Diaspora, excluding JD.

“…this meeting will be a safe environment for you to share your heart and your hurts and receive needed closure on this chapter of your life.”

Note: Greg had contacted JD multiple times over the previous weeks via emails and phone calls, attempting to reconcile the Diaspora and GFA. It is clear from Greg’s email here that JD’s numerous efforts to help Greg comprehend the true problem at hand—that the issue is not personal relationship restoration but addressing systemic unbiblical ministry practices—were misunderstood or ignored.

The Diaspora’s last communication from the GFA Board stated our concerns are nullified and the matter is closed. Additionally, since then, no GFA leader has attempted communication with Diaspora stating anything otherwise. Until the Diaspora is contacted directly by GFA’s board stating they reverse their decision, we have no alternative except to assume that GFA leadership is now operating outside of their Board’s explicit direction.

From: [Greg]

Date: April 16, 2015 at 11:14:21 PM CDT
To: [individually, to most Diaspora members, excluding JD]
Subject: re: GFA Diaspora and Reconciliation

Greetings in the Name of Jesus our Lord,

My name is Greg [xxxx], and I am the founder of [xxxx]. For 12 years I have run this web based ministry by the grace of God. If you have run across the website and know of it yourself, then you know that the resources offered on [xxxx] represent a very wide spectrum of Christian leadership in the body of Christ, many churches and ministries.

The reason for my writing is that, being a supporter of GFA for many years, I was recently given the GFA Diaspora website. I then contacted the website and have spoken with J.D. Smith extensively through emails and on the phone over the past few weeks. I took the time to contact GFA staff personally with many questions and ended up also discussing things with K.P. Yohannan directly. Here are some of my general observations and what transpired:

From an outside perspective it seems clear to me some of the problems listed on the Diaspora website have been a result of inference and that both sides are being misunderstood to a certain extent. Having said that, this still does not nullify the valid concerns or problems listed.
I am confident, and have been assured, that even now changes have been and are being made on the GFA level to prevent similar hurts from happening to people in the future.
In talking with the GFA staff personally I have advised that the Biblical way forward in this situation would be a meeting in person so that apologies and even reconciliation can be made face-to-face, “in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not ignorant of his schemes.” (2 Corinthians 2:11).
I offered myself as a mediator between GFA and Diaspora for a meeting like this to take place in person. J.D. stated he would be willing, as a meeting like this was requested before. The GFA staff also were willing, but in the final preparation for the meeting it was denied by J.D.

I then contacted GFA and asked if there was a way for them to get this letter to you, the other Diaspora members, to make sure you are aware fully of what is transpiring and given a chance to pray about this yourself and consider it before the Lord, and in light of eternity.

The proposed date of this meeting is May 9th, 2015 at the GFA Campus: Wills Point, TX. I will be present also as a mediator (where needed). I will ensure this meeting will be a safe environment for you to share your heart and your hurts and receive needed closure on this chapter of your life. I know many of the staff are heavy hearted and desire to express in person their apology and reconciliation.

After speaking with K.P. Yohannan they are willing to fly-in anyone who need this, also boarding and food would be taken care of as well as transportation (if needed).

We are all human and doing the best we can and “we all stumble in many ways,” even as it is written. But between brothers and sisters in Christ, may the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself be present whenever there is repentance over a grievance, for we are all members of one another and of His very Body, even as it also is written. “Forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32).

God’s grace and peace be with you today,
Greg [xxxx]

I can be emailed directly at: [xxxx] and my direct USA number is: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Please feel free to contact myself or [David] with questions, or to share that you are planning to come to the meeting.


Multiple GFA leaders sent emails to many Diaspora individuals today, asking forgiveness. Some members received confession of specific personal wrongs referenced from their personal testimony. Others received a more generic, form-like apology, indicating that the leader was not aware of any specific actions. The majority of these emails were sent at the same time.

These emails were clearly intended as a way for the leaders to formally apologize for individual, personal offenses, hurts, and errors in judgement. While their personal apologies—as limited as they are—have been accepted by many, there was neither acknowledgement by any of the leaders of the systemic abuse arising from unbiblical doctrines and practices of the ministry as a whole, nor indication of genuine repentance.

If the Holy Spirit is the One prompting true repentance for personal offenses, it seems He would have prompted that leader to ask forgiveness sooner and in a more personal, individual manner. Although our names and testimonies have been available to GFA leaders for many months, we find it odd that it took so long to recognize the hurts of former staff—and leadership’s offenses that caused them. In fact, leadership has spent previous communications denying our claims.

While it seems that the email apologies are a coordinated PR campaign, we hope that these limited apologies are genuinely sincere. Some of us have emailed back with forgiveness and love for these confessions.

We hope this brings closure to individual sins, and allow the leadership to focus on the root of these sins—the false beliefs and unbiblical practices outlined in our initial letter.

“One desire we have is to not spread this matter further than it needs to go.”


Date: April 14, 2015 at 11:42 PM CDT
To: [Warren Throckmorton]
Subject: Re: 2014 letter


Our group has discussed this and I will try to summarize for you:

As you gathered from the letter, we are all followers of Jesus Christ and we seek His glory and to obey Him above all. Last June, we began a process of formally raising our concerns about five key things we believe are sin being practiced at GFA to their leaders and board. We also received counsel from a number of pastors, to see that we approached this as biblically and carefully as possible. We wanted to give the leadership ample time to work with us and respond, and to clarify misunderstandings we may have had.

Initially they responded, flatly denying all of our claims and accusing us of libel. We then prepared a second letter to their board, this time with 75 signatures, three additional testimonies, and two pieces of evidence. But despite numerous and repeated attempts to meet as a group with GFA, they refused to work with us or even communicate with us reliably.

In the fall they said their board would conduct a full investigation of our claims. We never heard a report until March, and that report denied the legitimacy of all of our claims, and told us that they considered it their final communication and the matter closed. They never interviewed or contacted any of us during their supposed investigation, apart from two ex-staff from Canada who they asked for their stories but didn’t interview them either.

Due to GFA’s unwillingness to work with us, we felt it was time to email every staff member we knew, giving them access to a private website we set up to share all of our testimonies and other relevant info including the history of communications between us and GFA leaders, most of which were documented.

Shortly after this (just a couple weeks ago,) we heard from many of the current staff that the leaders were continuing to deny any wrongdoing and were also continuing to lie to the staff. The trust level in leadership is at an all-time low among staff as a result of this.

Knowing this, we also felt it was time to begin notifying our pastors and former supporters, as well as personal friends who also support GFA.

Even now we feel we are at the beginning stages of notifying all of them and spreading the word by relationship. We felt that sharing it by relationship instead of through the press would be much more convincing and effective. So far this seems to be working and the reports are generally well-received with some exceptions.

One desire we have is to not spread this matter further than it needs to go. At the same time we recognize a moral obligation to see that donors are able to find this information.

We are uncertain about if or how we would ever go public with this info, but if you and others are going to publish it anyway, ideally we’d like at least a few more weeks for word to spread among the churches before you do, so that the closest donors and pastors aren’t surprised by the news and the fact that their own connections haven’t contacted them about this yet.

We realize you are not under our control and you are free to do as you wish with the info you have received. But we would like to work together with you on this in order to guide and direct the content to see that it’s as accurate as possible when you do write it. We think this will result in a better outcome.

A God-honoring effort, and doing all of this above reproach, is what we’re interested in. We don’t want to see information shared simply for news views, but rather only for the edification of the Body of Christ.

Also can you send me a copy of the version of the letter you have? We have made a version without signature names and testimonies for wider distribution to churches and supporters, and we’d like any public release to use this version as many of us do not wish our names to be released in a public manner in connection with this.

We’d also appreciate knowing how you found out about us, if you are at liberty to divulge that info.

JD, for the Diaspora

“I am planning to leak the 2014 letter to the public”

From: [Warren Throckmorton]

Date: April 11, 2015 at 6:02 PM CDT
Subject: Your concerns with GFA

I would like to interview someone about the concerns you have regarding Gospel for Asia.

Thanks, Warren Throckmorton

A second email was received from Warren two days later, while we were discussing how to respond:

From: [Warren Throckmorton]

Date: April 13, 2015 at 7:14 PM CDT
Subject: 2014 letter

Sirs: I am planning to leak the 2014 letter to the public. I want to have conversation with you first but given the nature of the allegations in the letter, I think potential donors need to see it.
Could you please contact me at your earliest convenience?Thanks Warren Throckmorton

The Diaspora’s response to the Final Report from Gayle’s investigation.

“we will not make any further appeal to you—but we cannot agree that the matter is closed or resolved”

April 2, 2015

To: [GFA US and Canada Board]

Dear GFA Board Members,

Thank you for formally responding to our concerns. However, your final report leaves us confused and disappointed.

You begin by expressing broken-heartedness and repentance but fail to describe any specific change in thought and action. There is no acknowledgement of specific wrongs committed. Instead, what follows appears to be a defense rather than repentance. How can someone confess broken-heartedness and repentance and then state that the accusations are neutralized?

Are you speaking for the board or on behalf of GFA leaders when you state that individual contact has not been afforded? Aside from one e-mail requesting a testimony (which was provided), and contacting a former staff member who is not part of the Diaspora, how many of us did you attempt to contact?

Prior to writing our first letter, attempts had been made by some former staff to address concerns on an individual basis but without success. Was it not biblical to next bring some witnesses to voice concerns and hear as a group GFA’s response? If our biblical process was unclear, did you ask any of us why there is now hesitancy to meet one-on-one with GFA leadership?

If GFA is willing to do anything within their power to apologize and seek forgiveness, why did you not meet with some of us along with a neutral party to help facilitate? If GFA truly seeks healing for those who have suffered damage of spirit, we expected a willingness to handle the situation in the reasonable manner proposed by those who were wronged. This would have been a good step to restore broken trust.

We hoped a full investigation would include a summary of the reason for the investigation, testimonies of people you interviewed, and careful confirmation or refutation of each accusation and our supporting evidence. These components appear to be almost completely absent. While mostly overlooking our original concerns, you respond to some matters we don’t recall bringing up.

We heard that GFA leadership was interviewed, but we wonder why no interviews were conducted with any of those who are part of the Diaspora? We had no opportunity to hear and respond to GFA leadership’s testimony provided to you.

You believe that our concerns are without foundation in terms of fulfilling GFA’s call to enlarge the Kingdom of God. However, God is concerned not just with numerical growth but spiritual health (Mat 7:22–23). Jesus’ own letters to the seven churches in Revelation also make that clear. Considering the seriousness of our concerns, is it excessive for you to make time for a meeting? After all, it is your responsibility to oversee the ministry and make sure it is being conducted in a manner worthy of the gospel.

While we respect your freedom to respond as you did, we are disappointed because your report is incomplete and inconsistent. Since this is your final report and communication, we will not make any further appeal to you—but we cannot agree that the matter is closed or resolved. May God bring correction by some other avenue as He sees fit, so that GFA might walk in His ways, bear much fruit and, in KP’s own words, “finish well”.


The Diaspora

Bruce, a concerned pastor who is involved with GFA, writes his concerns to the GFA Canada Board.

“The number and consistent nature of the allegations arising from testimonies in the group known as the Diaspora is overwhelming. … It is quite apparent that the stories do not stem from collusion. They have every appearance of being collaborating accounts of some very serious and long standing relational sins.”

March 27, 2015

Dear Members of the GFA Canadian Board:

Sincere greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our risen Lord!

I am the lead pastor at [a church] in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, and have served this church for 26 years. I am writing you today out of concern arising from information I received from the group known as the Diaspora.

I was first introduced to GFA by Wendell … in the mid-nineties. He called me, introduced himself, and asked to meet. We arranged a time and during our first conversation I learned he had slept in his car in our church parking lot on the night before. This was my first look at the kinds of sacrifices GFA personnel are willing to make in pursuit of their calling. Thereafter, we made sure he stayed in our home when visiting. Our church also began regular financial support for GFA that has continued to this day, amounting to tens of thousands of dollars over the years.

On one occasion Wendell was a guest minister in our church and visited in our home. At the same time, our daughter, Sharlene, had just returned home from a 4-month discipleship training course. After Sunday dinner she and Wendell sat in our living room discussing her future. This led to her and another young woman from our congregation, Donna _____ (DJ), moving to Dallas to work at the GFA head office. After several months of orientation and volunteering, they moved to India to begin studies at the GFA seminary in Kerala, later graduating with Bachelor of Theology degrees.

In 1999 my wife, Marlene, and I visited them in India. GFA staff treated us very well. I spoke to the seminary student body and travelled to two Bible training centres, one in Tamil Nadu, the other in Sri Lanka, ministering several times to the students. We also visited and ministered at two rural churches. GFA staff members who escorted us were very accommodating and friendly. Our trip ended with a few day visit at the GFA office in Delhi, where Daniel ______ was living at the time. He and other staff graciously hosted us and served as tour guides.

On the first Sunday morning after returning to our church in Canada, I spoke to our congregation about GFA’s work in India and mentioned some specific needs that we were made aware of during our visit. In that Sunday evening’s service a missions offering amounting to over $14,000 was received to help meet these needs.

After their graduation, Sharlene and DJ returned to Canada and worked at the GFA office, first in Hamilton, and later in the new facility in Stoney Creek, Ontario. It was required of them that they not take out membership in a local church and they could not contribute financially to a church. Tithes and offerings were to be given to GFA. They were permitted to attend a Sunday morning service at a local church, but not Bible Studies or young adults groups.

During a missions-fest event at which they had set up a booth for GFA, they met a man, working in another booth, Mike _____, who eventually became DJ’s husband. Later, Mike introduced Sharlene to his close friend, Colin _____, who later became Sharlene’s husband. During the time they were dating, Colin attended several prayer meetings with GFA staff. He became friends with staff members and fellowshipped in their homes. Once their engagement was announced appeals were made to Colin to join GFA. Colin respected GFA and its ministry but did not feel it was God’s will that he serve with them. A few months passed and then one day Sharlene was given an ultimatum requiring that she break off her engagement with Colin or be dismissed.

That day Sharlene left GFA with a very heavy heart. There was no exit interview, no chance to say good-bye, no-one reached out to her. No one said, “thank-you”….She was simply – gone! This was June, 2001.

In spite of this, and out of my respect for the work GFA was doing, I did not stop my support of GFA. Like many others, I didn’t see our daughter’s experience as being symptomatic of a deeply rooted systemic problem. This changed upon receiving testimonies from the Diaspora and from learning of some changes in GFA’s ministry practices about which I was previously unaware.

For example, I am concerned about the implications associated with KP Yohannan being addressed as, “His Eminence the Most Reverend Dr. KP Yohannan”. The word “eminence” suggests something more than honour due to ministers of the gospel, touting instead an air of superiority. It is also titular, such as seen in the Roman Catholic church’s use of the term in reference to its Cardinals. Use of the adjective “most”, attached to “Reverend”, also indicates pre-eminence, setting one person above others. The elaborate robes seen in pictures of KP, and testimony where individuals are seen kissing the ring on his finger, are practices not seen in biblical portrayals of New Testament ministry.

Paul, never referred to himself as, “The Apostle, Paul”, it was always, “Paul, an apostle”. The former is titular, the latter refers to role. In the Bible the idea of leadership is most often associated with servant-hood, not hierarchical position or title. The only man upon whom the Bible confers pre-eminence, is Jesus. (Colossians 1:18).

It is in the Gospel of Matthew that we first see the word “church”. It is first used in the 16th chapter in context of a question Jesus asked: “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” (vs.13). In response to Peter’s affirmation that He was the Christ, the Son of the Living God, Jesus stated that this confession was the foundation upon which He would build His church.

The second time the word “church” is seen is two chapters later in Matthew 18 where again, its use is predicated on a question. This time the question came from the disciples of Jesus. They asked: “Who is greatest in the kingdom of heaven? (vs.1) In response Jesus taught foundational and timeless principles about Christian leadership and ministry. When observed they produce much good fruit. When they are not followed, churches and ministries can fail with many being harmed as a result.

There is a high and holy calling on Christian leaders to ensure that spiritual ministry is established solely on biblical precepts. We also need to recognize that human nature, being what it is, disinclines us to do so.

The question the disciples asked was the wrong question. It should never have been asked. Being the “greatest”, seeking “ascendency”, is the very opposite to everything ministry is about. The whole Matthew 18 discourse demonstrates this.

First, Jesus responded to the question by putting a child in the centre of the group. This child would be seem as the least ascendant one. The child had no aspirations to the elevated positions the disciples vied for. Jesus then said that unless they were converted, humbled themselves, and became like this child they would not see the kingdom of heaven. Conversion in this context, is not about salvation. It’s about wrong thinking when it comes to position in relation to fellow believers. Ascendency is opposite to humility. Humility is about emulating the nature of Jesus who, as Paul said, :…made himself of no reputation…..He humbled himself” (Philippians 2:7-8).

Jesus said that the person who, “Humbles himself as this little child Is greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (vs.4). Thus, the answer to the question about greatness is found in the lives of those who do not seek it. As James said, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.

Second, Jesus warned about the damage a lack of humility could cause (vs.6-7). He said it would be better to perish by drowning with a millstone around one’s neck rather than cause another person to be offended by behaviour that results from prideful position seeking or any other action that compromises the well being of others.

Third, Jesus elaborated on humility by teaching the importance of self-discipline (v.8-9). In these verses he spoke of cutting off various body parts. In other words, sinful practices must end. This is a strong warning, one that is too easily lost in the church today. Leaders are responsible for the affects their wrongful behaviours have on others.

Fifth, Jesus made this amazing statement.

See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” (v.10)

Since Jesus had just spoken about the need for His followers to become like little children, His reference to “little ones” includes fellow believers. Jesus refers to angels on assignment – angels charged with the care and oversight of the fellow believers the disciples were trying to step over in their pursuit of greatness. If the angels see the face of the Father, His very image stamped upon other fellow believers, what possible grounds could any one have to seek ascendency over them?

Fourth, Jesus gave the parable of the lost sheep, (vs. 12-.) To understand the meaning of this parable the context is important. Unlike the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15 where Jesus was addressing Pharisees steeped in pride, believing they had no need of repentance, in Matthew the context is in relation to the warning Jesus gave about pride in the church. Here, the lost sheep refers to a person who is lost to the kingdom of God due to wrongful actions by Christian leaders. The parable emphasises the onus that is placed on the church to find and restore persons lost for these reasons.

Fifth, is the teaching that Jesus gives on the three-fold process to be followed when a brother or sister sins, (vs.15-17). It is here that the word “church” appears. Often when this passage is discussed the greater context is missed. Although a brother or sister who sins can refer to any kind of sin, the context is prideful sin on the part of spiritual leaders who see themselves positioned above others.

Sixth, Peter, after listening to all that Jesus said, finally asked the right question: “How often should I forgive my brother?” (vs.21). His focus was now where it ought to be, not on his own ascendency in the church, but on his responsibility towards others.

Throughout the New Testament, deference to any kind of human supremacy is avoided. In Lystra, where Paul and Barnabas were preaching, a lame man was healed at the command of Paul, (Acts 14). The people believed the gods had come among them and proceeded to worship them. Paul and Barnabas tore their clothes and declared that they were mere men, no different than any of them. They claimed no special status as ministers in their proclamation of the Gospel to the lost. This was not self-abasement but neither was it self-promotion. This is a very important principle of evangelism. The purpose is to deflect all attention off man and onto Christ, for He alone is Saviour and Lord.

It was said of the Corinthian church that they, “came behind in no gift” (1 Corinthians 1:7). Considering Paul’s description of spiritual gifts later in chapter 12, this must have been an amazing church in a most positive sense. At the same time however, it was also said of them that their church meetings did more harm than good, (1 Cor. 11:17). Here we see extreme opposite realities present in one church. That this could happen is the very thing Jesus spoke about in Matthew 18.

The reason had to do with sin, many sins, but foundational to them all was their pursuit of ascendency. In 1 Corinthians 1:11-13, we read:

My brothers and sisters, some from Chloe’s household have informed me that there are quarrels among you. 12 What I mean is this: One of you says, “I follow Paul”; another, “I follow Apollos”; another, “I follow Cephas”; still another, “I follow Christ.”

3 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul?

The Corinthian believers were caught up in the Matthew 18 question, “Who is greatest in the kingdom of God”. This was the root of all the other sins seen in this church. Whenever anyone other than Jesus is seen as being eminent in the church, humility – so essential to Christian ministry, is compromised. The fruit is never good.

During most of the first three centuries of the church, persecution was severe and constant. Many Christians were martyred. Early in the fourth century after Constantine became the emperor of Rome, he decreed that Christianity was to become the official religion of the empire. To accommodate the new law, polytheistic religious leaders simply added Jesus to the list of gods they recognized. As a result the church was infiltrated with many contrary interests which led to a significant loss of its counter-culture distinctiveness. As time passed it became increasingly difficult to recognize the true church.

Among the many contrary influences to infiltrate the church was deference paid to priests that went way beyond the kind of honour the Bible promotes for leaders. As various branches of the church emerged, some celebrated leadership with things like elaborate attire, expensive jewellery, special seats in the congregation, and titles. Assimilation of these practices led to hierarchical leadership systems quite removed from biblical precepts.

I question the legitimacy of KP’s practice of wearing elaborate apparel and his use of titles. I say this from the standpoint that I do not see where the associated veneration garnered is scriptural or Christ honouring.

I also question how the gospel is advanced by this. Our world is filled with idolatry, including relational idolatry. The caste system, which holds many in the nation of India in spiritual bondage, has, as its most ascendant cast, the Brahmin priests. At the other end of the human spectrum, the dalit, or untouchable caste, is comprised of people considered so inferior and repulsive that to even touch one is seen as contamination. In a culture that enables spiritual darkness and bondage due, in part, by a transcendent priestly class, one would think that the greatest care should be taken by the church to avoid any appearance of priestly privilege on the part of its ministers through things like attire, jewellery and titles.

Jesus lived in a culture where religion was Pharisee led. Among the things these religions leaders considered to be important, three top priorities, were attire, seats of prominence in the synagogues and titles. Jesus did not observe these traditions as an attempt to be culturally relevant. He thereby demonstrated that in advancing the kingdom of God, culture must always be made to bow to the scriptures, not the scriptures to the culture.

At the heart of the gospel is equality, where no one person is esteemed to be better than another. In Christ, race, gender, socio-economic status do not matter. The scriptures teach us to not hold the faith of our Lord with respect of persons, (James 2:1). Great care must be taken by the church to demonstrate humility in all things. No practice of ministry, either among believers in the church or in witness to a lost world, should include any relic, symbol, attire, promotion, or any other thing unless humility, not elevated status, is advanced thereby.

Consubstantiation is a belief concerning the Lord’s table that most evangelicals do not embrace. It appears from literature that I have recently read that Believers Churches may have adapted this doctrine. I do believe that the special presence of Christ is manifest when we break bread and drink wine together in remembrance of Him. However, it is unclear to me how far GFA churches have taken this. Is there a leaning toward salvation by sacrament? In matters such as this, an onus on the part of GFA to proactively inform supporters of changes in practices and beliefs should be taken at the time they occur.

I was also unaware, until recently, that GFA has adapted an Episcopal form of church government. This is not of great concern to me due to the many divergent opinions surrounding ecclesiological doctrines that exist in the Body of Christ.

The word, “Episcopal”, simply means pertaining to bishops or governed by bishops. Oversight by bishops and an archbishop is rooted in Anglican tradition.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is the senior bishop and principal leader of the Church of England, the symbolic head of the worldwide Anglican Communion. He is seen as first among equals, the leader of other bishops. He is appointed by the Queen of England serving under her authority and the authority of the other bishops. Checks and balances are present in Anglicanism. An archbishop cannot function autocratically.

The term “Metropolitan”, meaning “Metropolitan Bishop”, or “Archbishop”, is being used to describe KP Yohanan’s oversight of the Believer’s Churches. However, GFA’s practice of Episcopalian governance does not necessarily mean that the same accountability arrangements practiced in other Episcopal groups, such as the Anglican church, is present. Authority, responsibility and accountability by GFA, depends upon both its definition and by its practice of the Episcopal governance system it has created. It is not clear to me what this is.

Several questions arise. Does the Boards of Directors in the US have active input with respect to doctrine and practice in GFA churches and its Episcopal structure? Do sister boards such as your own Canadian board contribute any input? How are roles, authority, responsibility and accountability arrangements, as well as overall purpose and function articulated in GFA’s Canadian governing documents (Constitution and By-Laws), filed with the Charities Division of the Canada Revenue Agency? If they are not found in Canadian governing documents are there international joint ministry or agency agreements in which they are included?

The foregoing are some questions that occur to me regarding GFA’s governance.

On the Diaspora website reference was made to an ordination service for Pat _____, the current director of GFA Canada. It contains 3 questions that KP asked him:

Are you resolved to build up the church as the body of Christ and to remain united to it within the order of bishops, Metropolitan, and under the authority of the successor of the Metropolitan?”

. Are you resolved to accept and obey the given orders, responsibilities, and disciplines of the church and the ministry and discharge them in absolute submission in accordance with the constitution of the church?”

Will you promise to submit to my leadership, my successors, and authorities of the church and the ministry set over you all the days of your life and ministry?”

More questions arise from my reading of this.

First, there appears to be an order of bishops in GFA churches. Who are the people that make up this order, and how are they appointed?

Second, reference is made to the successor of the Metropolitan. How is successor-ship determined by GFA?

Third, reference is made to, “absolute submission in accordance with the constitution of the church”. Is this constitution published and available to supporters? Is this constitution a part of GFA governing documents or has a parallel entity been established under a different name? What are the terms of “absolute submission” found in the church constitution?

Fourth, reference is made to life-long submission to GFA. If there is a biblical basis for requiring this of someone it is unclear to me as to what it is. Will you furnish an explanation?

The exercise of spiritual authority and submission as a response to authority, are often misunderstood concepts. As head of the church, Jesus has absolute authority over the church. Devils, diseases, death and all things are subject to His word. Nature itself bows to Him.

Ephesians 5 describes the Lordship of Jesus over His church as taking the form of sacrifice. Jesus loves the church, His bride, and gave His life for us. Through the example of Jesus we learn that sacrifice is the outflow of true authority. Authority is always for the benefit of those being loved and served.

Obedience is deference to the will of another at the expense of one’s own will. Obedience to Christ comes not from fear of judgment, but from the joy of being loved by Him. Thus, mutual love, mutual honour and mutual sacrifice form an never ending cycle of deep intimacy and mutual benefit in the authority/submission relationship between Christ and His church.

Biblically, in terms of human relationships, the most beautiful expression of authority and submission is found in the relationship between a husband and wife. A husband’s headship is not dictatorship. It is sacrifice, the giving of his life sacrificially for his wife, as Jesus gave His for the church. This principle applies to the practice of authority in all areas of life, including church leadership.

The assertion of authority by anyone who himself is not under authority, is not a godly arrangement. The exercise of authority by anyone that is disproportionate to the practitioners own submission to authority, is corruption.

Consider Jesus. One would not think that anyone bearing the title, “King of Kings and Lord of Lords”, would need to be in submission to anyone. However, Jesus practiced submission more than any man. He only did the things He saw His Father do and nothing else. In prayer, before His death, His words were, “Not my will but Yours be done”. He demonstrated perfectly the relationship between authority and submission.

There is a danger for any leader to traffic in worship by revelling in the praise and honour of others, to take honour that belongs to God alone, and siphon some for himself. This was the iniquity found in Lucifer that led to his fall. It is relational idolatry, which has led to the downfall of many men and women in ministry. I hesitate to raise this lest it be thought I am accusing KP of such evils. I am not doing that. I am bringing a strong cautionary concern to you due to current practices I see in GFA, and appeal for sober second thought to be given to them.

GFA supporters are giving support for both missions endeavours and for GFA churches.

This is quite natural and acceptable since church planting should result from evangelistic endeavours. GFA does a good job of describing the evangelistic and social help projects it undertakes. Supporters are made aware of the purposes for which their help is sought.

It seems to me that the same cannot be said for GFA taking similar pro-active measures to inform supporters of the nature of the churches they have set up. It appears that invitations are given to supporters to do research on their own regarding this with some information that is posted on their website and in literature they have produced. This, however, is not the same as up-front transparency. I think it likely that supporters are just now beginning to learn of the nature of GFA churches, especially with respect to clerical adornments, titles, doctrinal stances, and governance. Changes to more zealous measures of information sharing is needed. Trust on the part of supporters may lost if present practices continue.

The number and consistent nature of the allegations arising from testimonies in the group known as the Diaspora is overwhelming. Reading them brought great pain to my heart and I imagine that others who have read them are similarly affected. It is quite apparent that the stories do not stem from collusion. They have every appearance of being collaborating accounts of some very serious and long standing relational sins.

Canadian law that governs not-for-profit corporations such as GFA, treats board members as fiduciaries. I think it likely that the same is true in the USA. This requires that the board exercise proper and adequate oversight of an organization.

The testimonies of Canadian members of the Diaspora, could, if presented to the Ontario Labour Board, give cause for strong censure. Labour laws do not condone the kind of treatment reported.

By asking for and receiving corporate and registered charity status, GFA has made promises to abide by the law. Status is not granted without this. Integrity is measured by the degree to which these promises are faithfully kept.

It cannot be said that GFA has discharged itself faithfully in carrying out fiduciary responsibilities, by acting with all due diligence and performing all duties of care, if it has failed to abide by any pertinent law, such as the Ontario Labour Laws.

The pursuit of integrity in matters of natural jurisprudence not only carry legal ramifications, but moral and spiritually ones as well. Righteousness in its truest biblical, sense is compromised in the presence of broken promises. As Christians this should always be of great concern.

Pretence abounds when promises are broken. We cannot say we will abide by the law and then not do so, while at the same time present ourselves to others as though we do.

Apparent success and the applaud of others are not the truest measure of honour. Honesty is. Pretence is no friend of honour.

In all matters of natural law, such as labour laws, laws that govern finances, trustee law, and all other applicable laws, Christian organizations must be above reproach.

KP Yohannan has accomplished much for the kingdom of God. He has demonstrated an amazing ability to be both a great visionary leader and one well able implement his God given vision. He has influenced many to follow his example of “glad sacrifice”, summoning believers all over the world to pursue the greater callings and work of the kingdom of God. Children in my church have at times given themselves to raising money for bicycles for GFA missionaries. Personally, KP has been an example to me of a man I have always considered to have set a pattern in ministry to emulate.

My purpose in writing this letter is not to castigate or condemn. I do believe that intervention is needed to arrest and change detrimental practices. Nowhere is this more necessary than when it comes to taking responsibility for wrongs committed against members of the Diaspora and any other former GFA workers who may have had similar experiences. I strongly appeal that this take place.

One important consideration regarding this is process. Whenever behaviour by one party creates trauma for another party, care to not exacerbate the damage must be taken. Therefore, I strongly advise against meeting with members of the Diaspora individually until there is a much greater degree of trust than presently exists. For this reason I believe the Diaspora group as a whole should be addressed first. I also suggest that a third party arrangement made up of spiritual leaders, not employed by GFA, be asked to facilitate this process.

My wife, Marlene, and I have ministered in areas of abuse and trauma counselling over the years. I was asked by the New York/New Jersey Port Authority Police Department to help in the aftermath of 9/11. I did two tours of duty at ground zero as a chaplain to police and firefighters during recovery operations. Extreme trauma, such as generated by something as terrible as 9/11 can have devastating and permanent affects. It is hard to describe the degree of trauma experienced at ground zero. In the debriefings I received, I was made aware of affects in my own life that I would not have recognized had I not received them.

Reference to 9/11 is for comparing the affects of trauma only. An event of the magnitude of 9/11 does not have to take place in order for severe trauma to happen. Any breakdown in human relations or other difficult life experiences can be the cause.

As I read the testimonies of the Diaspora I observe affects that often occur when there is a power differential between conflicting parties. One of the affects is fear on the part of the abused. As a first step towards reconciliation, practices and behaviour that created the breakdown in trust, and thereby the resulting fear and other affects, should be addressed first.

I have offered to meet with the Canadian members of the Diaspora as a group for the purpose of debriefing and identifying areas of concern where individuals in the group may need ongoing help. I consider this to be of utmost importance. I hope to do this soon.

I am asking that you consider my request, made herewith, for a meeting with the GFA Canadian Board of Directors. There are a number of things I would like to discuss with you, including the kind of help you could offer the Diaspora at this time. If a meeting with the whole board is not possible, I will gladly meet with a contingency or individual members.

Thank-you for your consideration.

Yours in His glad service,


Bruce _____

cc. The Diaspora, GFA Board of Directors, USA

The Final Report from Gayle’s investigation is emailed to the Diaspora via KP.

Read our response to this report in our April 2, 2015 post.

“That individual contact has not been afforded to us by you, which, to us, neutralizes your accusations. …We send this as our final report and communication and now consider the matter closed.”

March 26, 2015

To: J. D. xxxxx:

In response to your letter of September 3, 2014, after many hours of investigation, intense prayer and examination of heart, we are broken-hearted and repentant that we damaged by our actions and attitudes any believer for whom we had responsibility by relationship. We have proposed, and still do, to go wherever we need to and do all within our power to apologize and seek forgiveness and healing with anyone and everyone on your list who may have suffered damage of spirit or heart from us. That individual contact has not been afforded to us by you, which, to us, neutralizes your accusations. But, we have done all we can do about the past until freedom is granted to us.

We have, from the beginning, made our new headquarters fully open to the community and have purposely served the community. We do not have church services in our chapel. We do encourage workers to go to local churches, be a part of them and receive any and all counseling from the local pastors and churches, except in very rare cases. Our gates are left open and visitors are welcomed and shown whatever they wish to see and questions are answered. We are, indeed, a community and fellowship, but no one would be able to find evidence of being a cult.

Your final combined declaration about the structure and presentation of the personnel and headquarters in India, coupled only with a photo was misapplied about an ordination service whose presentation is required by the state for proof of ordination, otherwise one could be imprisoned for doing religious activities limited to the ordained. Other parts of that accusation could not be verified in the manner in which you made them, and have been dropped as worth considering.

Consequently, we feel that your other accusations are without foundation in terms of the fulfilling of our call to enlarge the Kingdom of God. We also feel that your demand that we gather the boards of the USA and Canada to meet with you in order to escape your threats is excessive, impractical and counter to the commitment of our time to getting the Gospel to those who have not heard. We do not intend to call for or participate in such a board meeting.

Therefore, we send this as our final report and communication and now consider the matter closed.


In behalf of the Board of Gospel for Asia

From: K.P. Yohannan
Sent: March-26-15 12:24 PM
To: [GFA Offices, GFA Board]
Subject: FW: Final Report

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I just received the final report that Gayle did on behalf of the USA Board of Directors that addresses JD’s appeal to the Board. I am forwarding it for you to see. The text from the attachment is below in case you have trouble opening it.

Let us continue to pray for all of our brothers and sisters who are a part of this situation, that we could sincerely be reconciled as one (John 17:21).

Thank you for serving our Lord and bringing the Gospel to the unreached in our generation.

In His grace,

K.P. Yohannan

Diaspora responds to KP’s apology to Diaspora member Troy.

“What he is hoping for, along with all of us in the Diaspora, is your repentance—a change in mindset and behavior from you and your leaders as well as public acknowledgement of your sins against staff and deceptive practices toward donors.”

To: [KP Yohannan]
Cc: [GFA Leaders, Arms-Length Board Members]
Date: Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 2:36 PM
Subject: Troy

Dear Brother KP,

We are writing you on behalf of Troy, and by his request.

While we understand your reaching out to Troy to ask forgiveness, he has already forgiven you and is not asking for an apology.

What he is hoping for, along with all of us in the Diaspora, is your repentance—a change in mindset and behavior from you and your leaders as well as public acknowledgement of your sins against staff and deceptive practices toward donors.

Until this happens we do not believe there can be true reconciliation with anyone individually in our group, nor do we believe GFA is fulfilling its mission in a manner pleasing to the Lord.

Please contact us at this email if you desire further conversation with the GFA Diaspora.

The Diaspora

To continue a dialogue with GFA staff, prompted by a response to our March 17 email, we invite them to visit our “Comments & Responses” page.

“We hope you will consider our responses. May this discussion be fruitful for all.”

From: GFA Diaspora <>
Date: Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 5:36 AM
Subject: Re: GFA Diaspora response
To: [Hiro and those he Cc’d]

Dear Hiro,

Thank you for taking the time to reply to our concerns. We appreciate that you value people’s feelings and acknowledge that “some harsh things were said and done over the years.” You also ask us to “stop this campaign” and made a number of comments on which we would like to further dialogue.

We know we are not perfect, and our hearts are open to scripture-based correction. It is good for the Body of Christ to discuss matters of serving Him. “Come, let us reason together.” Therefore, our responses to people’s questions and comments, including yours, are posted on a new GFA Diaspora page called Comments & Responses.

We hope you will consider our responses. May this discussion be fruitful for all.


The Diaspora

Our non-public website uses the following anonymous login:
Username: gfa
Password: redacted
Please keep this confidential to GFA staff only.

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 5:05 PM, Hiro _____ wrote:

JD, Et al.,

Thank you for sending me a link to your GFA Diaspora site. It has provided the background for why so many people have felt hurt when they left on their own accord or were asked to leave. I’ve read through every page, every attached document and even heard from a couple of you first hand.

I know that many of you have experienced genuine pain, of a type that couldn’t possibly come from someone you didn’t love. I believe some harsh things were said and done over the years.

For those who don’t know me, I’ve been supporting missionaries with GFA since 1989, and sharing the opportunity about GFA to everyone I came in contact during my military career. (Which is a lot of people since we moved every 2-4 years.) I was a volunteer before there even was a volunteer department. I’ve been on full time staff since my retirement in 2011. I was, and remain, a major donor and don’t receive a salary. Even so, since coming on staff, I’ve had some harsh things said to me as well, one time in love, other times… not so much. I’ve experienced stress and wanted to “give up” many times. (I’ve never thought of quitting GFA though, they’d have to fire me.)

One of the grievances you mentioned is not portraying the liturgical nature of Believers Church to GFA supporters. I’m not convinced that is necessary, after all, many of our supporters come from a KJV Bible only background but no one expects us to specifically tell everyone that we are not printing English KJV bibles in Asia! Liturgical churches are what’s recognized as “church” over there. However, leadership has expressed openness about sharing the liturgical nature with our donor base. I think you’ll agree this should be done in a wise manner, which usually includes slowly. You don’t turn a multimillion dollar, multinational organization around on a dime. Organizations and bureaucracies, by their nature, are SLOW. This is a good thing, if they weren’t, the organization would be whipped around by every change of opinion and circumstance so that it could not stand.

It seems most of the grievances were centered on the “authority” issue, as people took offense (angered or hurt) when leadership tried to exercise authority over your families or your activities during off duty times. There is legitimate debate as to the correctness or error of this teaching, even in evangelical circles, with some fuzzy line about when it turn’s “cultish”. http:// www openbible info/topics/spiritual_authority , http:// www worldchangers org/monthly-UnderstandingSpiritualAuthority.aspx I’ll let people more spiritual than myself delve into these issues. However, it seems to me that the problem is not whether someone has that level of authority over your life or not, but in the taking of offense when authority is exercised. Anger rising up within us if leadership tries to tell our wives what to do, getting into conflicts because others are not doing things the way we think they should be done, taking offense when someone exercises authority in a harsh, haphazard way. In my mind, leadership trying to exercise those authorities, if they believe them to be biblical, are not sinning, they MAY be in error, but not sin. However, taking offense and causing conflict and disunity among the brethren IS sin. In fact, these accusations (judgments in other words) against leadership is specifically warned against in James 4:11-12.

We should also remember that they are people, just as we are. They may be having a bad day, going through a season where their thinking is dominated by circumstances around them, or just plain inexperienced dealing with certain issues. Hypothetically, how would we react if we spent all day hearing about thousands of our people who just became homeless and jobless due to flooding and someone asked whether they’d get a 3 or 4 bedroom house in the new campus? How would we react if we spent weeks dealing with people attacking everything we said in the field or here in the states and someone came up to you with another grievance? How would we council people inquiring about doing certain things if you had previous experience of many others doing it and coming away with disastrous results? What would we do if we think we just learned a new insight from the Word and had the opportunity to share it with others in your circle of influence?

It seems to me that, Brother KP has taken steps to address your concerns with multiple meetings, phone calls and offers of arbitration. He’s spent considerable time with his leadership board on this topic as well. In my mind, this is unprecedented access! Brother KP is president and founder of a multimillion dollar, multinational organization and head of one of the fastest growing churches in Asia with the largest missionary force ever assembled. Do you realize:

· Believers Church has more active missionaries than the entire militaries of over 40 nations? http:// www.globalfirepower com/active-military-manpower.asp

· There are move baptized members in Believers church than there are people in 60 nations? http:// www.worldometers info/world-population/population-by-country/

· Believers Church has more people serving in it than the largest corporations in the world? http:// www.statista com/statistics/264671/top-20-companies-based-on-number-of-employees/

· That GFA has a lower employee turnover rate than most ministries (Ave. 24% per annum) http:// nccs.urban org/resources/faq.cfm or churches? (Ave. 10% per annum) http:// www.christianitytoday com/le/1993/winter/93l2103.html

It is unreasonable to expect him to answer your demands for written responses within seven days, organize meetings with people scattered across the continent or answer your emails immediately, all while leading such a huge movement, just to address your grievances. How many mayors, governors, presidents, CEO’s would have given you this amount of attention?

I understand that you are saying you are doing this for the good of the ministry and the staff here. However, what good are you actually accomplishing? By sending this email out to all the staff, all you’re doing is sowing seeds of doubt, shaking people’s confidence in what they feel God has led them to do and stirring up conflict. Think of the time, energy, and finances (not to mention pain) already expended on this issue. That is time, energy and finances that are no longer available to reach the lost. How many people are you willing to sacrifice to have your demands met? This isn’t just about staff at the US and Canadian offices. This is ammunition the enemy can AND WILL use to slow down or even stop people from getting SAVED!

PLEASE, PLEASE, stop this campaign. I trust leadership here has already heard and prayed about your concerns. I know they are taking active steps to change some things, provide training in others and putting still other safeguards in place to help stop hurting people in the future. Just hearing these concerns has already changed their hearts and behavior and Bro KP has already apologized to you for things he or other leaders have done. They have already reached out to each grieved party to try to make amends. Do you REALLY need a cross-continent group get together for him to publicly say everything was his fault to be recorded and used by the enemy? One last batch of statistics, 78% of pastors surveyed at a pastors conference in 2005 – 2006 said they were forced to resign from at least one church and 80% said it was due to conflicts that the pastor could not resolve (the rest had this reason as one of thetop three issues). http:// www.intothyword org/apps/articles/?articleid=36562 Do you want Bro K.P. to quit or be fired?


Your Simply Silly, Speedy, Shipping Servants

The Diaspora invites GFA staff to visit this website to educate them about our efforts, since many have only heard about us—apparently with some misinformation—from their leaders. The GFA leaders and Board were included in this email.

“After seeking the Lord in prayer and much godly counsel, we feel a responsibility to share with you these concerns and the full story.”

From: GFA Diaspora <>
Date: Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 9:17 PM
Subject: Speaking the Truth in Love – The Rest of the Story
To: [GFA staff, leaders, and board members]

Dear GFA Brothers and Sisters,

Last year, after learning that many former GFA staff saw systemic unbiblical practices and were improperly treated during their service, a group came together and reached out to GFA’s leadership and boards to address these problems. Although we have all seen God do many good things through His people at the ministry, we could not overlook these issues in good conscience.

Unfortunately, communications have failed to bring about any resolution or further cooperation. We can only conclude that our concerns have been dismissed. After seeking the Lord in prayer and much godly counsel, we feel a responsibility to share with you these concerns and the full story.

While all of our stories are different, many of us individually tried to work through questions with leadership, only to be put off or asked to leave the ministry. Very few of us ever had a formal exit interview, and many attempts to reach out to leadership while on staff were ignored. Most of us forgave and decided to move on. Then we realized our individual stories were part of a larger narrative revealing unbiblical doctrines and practices. Now we have done our best to justly and prayerfully bring our concerns to everyone responsible for holding GFA accountable. We can only conclude that our concerns have been dismissed–viewed as petty offenses at worst. It is not our intention to cause unnecessary division, but rather long-term reconciliation and peace.

We desire that, while reaching the lost in Asia, GFA maintains a healthy spiritual environment for the staff and transparency for the sake of those who support the work. We are concerned for the ministry and for you, the friends we love, who have invested your lives as we have ours to reach Asia with the Gospel.

Scripture directs us to test all things and to walk in the light as He is in the light. By sharing the communications we’ve had with leadership and the GFA board, you can judge for yourselves our concerns and perhaps help bring needed change for the sake of fellow staff, supporters, those on the field, and ultimately the glory of the Lord.

To hear our personal testimonies and all that has transpired, please visit our non-public website and use the following generic, anonymous login:
www dot gfadiaspora dot com (remove the spaces and replace “dot” with .)
user: [redacted for security]
password: [redacted for security]

We appreciate your devotion to the Lord and hope you prayerfully assess our concerns. May God give you grace, peace and discernment as you consider His view on these issues.

The Diaspora

To unsubscribe, please reply with “remove” in the subject. Thanks.
GFA Diaspora: …, Dallas TX 75219

To date, there has not yet been any meeting between the Diaspora and GFA Leaders and Boards, originally set for October 13, 2014.

We have not yet received any investigation conclusions from board member Gayle’s October investigation.

There have not been any known communications by GFA or the Board to us since the previous post.

JD informs Diaspora that there has been a board meeting and will supposedly be an update to JD soon.

“Of course, we aren’t holding our breath as there’s a good chance this is just another stall tactic and I don’t know why KP wouldn’t have called me also if he were genuinely interested in working with our group.”

JD shares:

Larry just called me today to let me know he had received a text and voicemail from K.P. stating that there was a long board meeting this past week, and that an update would soon be sent to JD about it.
Of course, we aren’t holding our breath as there’s a good chance this is just another stall tactic and I don’t know why KP wouldn’t have called me also if he were genuinely interested in working with our group. But thought you all should know it and be informed, for your prayers.

JD leaves message for Gayle requesting response.

Receptionist said, “Gayle will get this message.”

As of this writing (March 16, 2015) no response has been received from Gayle.

JD asks for follow-up on the proposed board meeting and asks Gayle to communicate directly with JD and not through KP to avoid the conflict of interest. [Once we receive a response from the board, we will post it in the communications history.]

“Since you are heading the investigation and Brother KP is the one who is being investigated, we don’t expect him to be the spokesperson or leader of the process, so we need to hear from you.”

Gmail JD 

Meeting to include Canada and US

JD  Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 9:45 AM
To: Gayle
Cc: [GFA Board]
Dear Gayle and other arms-length board members,
I am writing you to follow up regarding the board meeting which you told me was scheduled to occur shortly after December 16.
Since you are heading the investigation and Brother KP is the one who is being investigated, we don’t expect him to be the spokesperson or leader of the process, so we need to hear from you.
We are expecting an update as to whether the meeting occurred or when it will, as well as anything else you are able to share at this time. It is our hope that you desire to work with us as we do with you, and your timely communication will be essential to that process.
Know that we have been praying for you all, that you would have the Lord’s wisdom and courage to do what is right according to the fear of the Lord in these matters.
Upheld By His Grace,


JD calls to follow up with Gayle on the status of the investigation since we had heard nothing.

Gayle reports he is finished with his part and is awaiting a board meeting to see where to go from here. He says he does not need any further information from us.

He also says he believes the board meeting will occur between December 16, 2014 and December 25, 2014.

Having not had any communication from either the board or GFA, JD thanks Gayle for his service and affirms that all of us are willing to answer any questions Gayle might have. JD also directs him to please address communication directly to JD instead of Larry. NOTE: Gayle never asked for further comment from any former staff except Martin in Canada.

“Please know that the rest of us are also willing and able to help you.”

Gmail JD 


JD  Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 10:50 PM
To: Gayle
Cc: [GFA Board]

Hi Gayle,

Again I want to thank you for your help in looking into these things. I can appreciate the difficulty of the task you’re involved in.

I just wanted to let you know that KP called Larry to tell him your investigation was delayed, but indicated that you are taking it very seriously, which I don’t doubt. We’re praying for your health also, and I’m very sorry to hear about the recent loss of some people close to you.

You are certainly welcome to communicate with me directly; in fact that would be preferable. Communication from GFA has been unreliable. We are all waiting to hear from you!

I believe Mxxxxx is the only ex-staff who was asked for input as part of this investigation. Please know that the rest of us are also willing and able to help you.

In Him,

On Oct 17, 2014 12:02 PM, JD wrote:

KP wishes JD a happy birthday.

“I prayed for you this morning.”

JD  <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Happy Birthday
K.P. Yohannan <> Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 7:55 AM
To: JD  <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
My dear brother JD, happy birthday. I prayed for you this morning. May the Lord be near to you and sustain you in His love this next year. We are His. Love you. KP Yohannan

JD explains that there’s been a delay in the investigation due to Gayle’s illness, but that Gayle is taking the investigation seriously.

“*If* KP gave an accurate account of what Gayle told him, this would be another sign that Gayle is not at all dismissing our claims and even willing to take hard actions.”

JD shares:

Just heard from Larry that KP called him this morning and talked for about 5 minutes. I think Larry is in KP’s mind an ally of sorts, due to their long term friendship and Larry’s candor, and KP has said as much.
KP told Larry that Gayle spoke with him yesterday, and said that he’s been sick and that delayed him on the investigation. KP also told Larry that Gayle said, “I’m not going to be your friend in this [process.]” Larry felt that it was significant that Gayle said this, and it seemed even KP was surprised by how seriously Gayle was taking it and the potential seriousness of the forthcoming actions by the board.
*If* KP gave an accurate account of what Gayle told him, this would be another sign that Gayle is not at all dismissing our claims and even willing to take hard actions. I still qualify that because I have not heard directly from Gayle and this is coming from an un-trustworthy source; so we’ll see what Gayle has to say.
Based on this, the email I drafted should be modified to say that Larry has heard from KP, but that we still prefer to communicate directly with the board.

JD offers Gayle more information, including additional testimonies, to help in the investigation. [Note: Our group was not asked any questions by the board investigation before or after this email.]

“A big thank you for taking on this investigation. Please know that we are praying for you, and we are available to answer any questions.”


JD  <xxxxxxxxxx> Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 12:02 PM
To: Gayle
Cc: [GFA Board]
Hi Gayle,
A big thank you for taking on this investigation. Please know that we are praying for you, and we are available to answer any questions. Feel free to share these testimonies with GFA leadership as you see fit; I did not copy them here.
We felt that it would be important for you to know the rest of the former staff testimonies that were written, so I’m attaching here a dozen more for your reference.
I’m copying the board on this communication as well, so that they know what we have sent you and can also look into the testimonies.
In Him,
On Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 2:16 PM, Gayle wrote:
Hello, J.D.,
As you know, I have been appointed to examine your claims in behalf of GFA. I have made a lot of progress, but there are still loose ends to tie up. As soon as my work is done, I am sure KP will let you know. I am at a conference in Indiana at the moment, so it MAY be another week.
From the highways and hedges handing out invitations


M. responds to Gayle’s request for copy of email.

” I thank the Lord for the active role that you are taking in this investigation.”

From: M.
Date: October 11, 2014 at 1:12:10 AM EDT
To: Gayle
Cc: [GFA Board]
Subject: RE: GFA

Hi Gayle,

I am pleased to hear from you brother. I am just one more of many, who have found great encouragement and also a good ol belly laugh J from your messages over the years and especially your teaching on the Jesus Style! Thank you.

And I thank the Lord for the active role that you are taking in this investigation. I am praying for you consistently and desire only the health and restoration of GFA and its members and the work at large.

I was in fact preparing this letter to send to KP this weekend with our story attached as I felt it was only right for him to know that I have shared this with the Canadian board.

Here is what I have just written to him below and our story is attached. (I warn you its long!) I will also copy you on my email to him also.


For His glory and the good of the Church,



Dear Brother KP,


Thank you for your recent email. It encourages my heart to hear from yourself and others like JD that positive steps are being taken to change the spiritually controlling and abusive culture of GFA and to walk in the light with staff and donors. I pray that there will be genuine and lasting change and that the fruits of repentance will be evident to all. I know this cannot be an easy time for you but I thank you for humbling yourself and trust that your leaders also would follow your example. It will of course take time for an autocratic culture of fear and control to be remedied and trust to be restored and I believe that in some cases leadership change may be necessary in order to see lasting results. I am praying for wisdom and grace for you and the board who are now fulfilling their God given responsibility.


I wanted you to know that we have written out our story and that it was sent to the Canadian board a couple of months ago to help confirm the many other allegations both in the US and Canada. The Canadian board is ultimately responsible and if our story could be used to help bring about further understanding, healing and protection for other staff, then that was our desire.


These things were not easy to write as I can assure you they were written with much sorrow and pain and concern for the ministry that we gave so much of our lives to. I recognize that you have understood bits and pieces of this along the way but we were never really given the opportunity to share freely with you, nor did we completely understand what was taking place at the time in our own hearts. It is only in leaving GFA that we have started to process our painful journey and have the freedom to be honest about our experiences and begin the healing. I have copied our testimony below for your understanding and awareness of what was shared with the board. 


May the Lord give you much grace and understanding as you read this.


In love,


Gayle says he is examining our claims on behalf of GFA.

“As soon as my work is done, I am sure KP will let you know.”

Gmail JD 


Gayle  Sat, Oct 11, 2014 at 2:16 PM
To: [JD ]
Hello, J.D.,
As you know, I have been appointed to examine your claims in behalf of GFA. I have made a lot of progress, but there are still loose ends to tie up. As soon as my work is done, I am sure KP will let you know. I am at a conference in Indiana at the moment, so it MAY be another week.
From the highways and hedges handing out invitations

KP reveals he has had the first of a series of staff meetings to assure the staff that we are good people with real hurts that need to be resolved and that Gayle visited for a couple days to research things on his own.

“He is currently generating his official findings for the board and those should be ready in the next few days.”

JD <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Meeting to include Canada and US
K.P. Yohannan <> Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 7:41 PM
To: JD  <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: [GFA Board]
My dear Brother JD,Thank you for your email. For the sake of clarification, I wanted you to know that I held a staff meeting last Thursday as I told Larry. I did share with our staff this was the first of a series of staff meetings and affirmed with them again that all those who signed the letter are good people who have real hurts and disappointments that each one has suffered through in their own way and that we are seeking to learn whatever we can and are seeking reconciliation. I affirmed to the staff that they are welcome and free to have fellowship with anyone they want. Just so you know, we have not disclosed to the staff the list of names of those who sent the letter.I wanted to make sure you knew that Gayle was here last week for a couple of days, doing his own research into the items at hand. There has been no determination from him yet, official or unofficial. He is currently generating his official findings for the board and those should be ready in the next few days. I put this situation in his hand to look into these matters and am waiting to hear back from him for his direction. 

Thank you and God bless you, brother.


Yours and His in His grace,


KP Yohannan


Board member Gayle emails Martin of the Diaspora, requesting information for his investigation.

“…it might help me in my research…”

From: Gayle
Sent: October-10-14 7:16 PM
To: M.
Subject: GFA

Hello M.,

I have just been on the phone with Rob of Canada relative to the investigation I have been authorized to do for GFA. He informed me that you had sent him an email expressing your experiences but had not given him permission to share it. Consequently, I am inquiring if you would feel free to send me a copy. If not, that is OK, but if you think it might help me in my research, I would appreciate it.

My email is …



From the highways and hedges handing out invitations

JD asks for the courtesy of being contacted directly by Gayle regarding the investigation and to be given adequate notice of the planned upcoming October 13th meeting. JD asks KP to explain why he has not followed through on his promises to talk to the staff about us and our concerns.

“Our group is losing faith in your word.”

Gmail JD  <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Meeting to include Canada and US

JD <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 1:52 PM
To: “K. P. Yohannan” <>
Cc: [GFA Board]

Dear Brother KP and US and Canada Board Members,

As we understand from your last conversation with Larry, Gayle has been given responsibility to look into the claims we made in the letter, and based on his visit and initial fact-finding last week, he found that indeed abuse has occurred, that the claims of the letter are true, and that a root cause is the false teaching on spiritual authority that you and other GFA leaders have been operating by. He was also to contact me. I am looking forward to hearing from him.

Larry informed me that that you told him you would share with the staff in a series of meetings last week that 75 people had signed a letter, that these people were not enemies but dear brothers, that many of them were deeply hurt by GFA, and that the root of the problem was your teachings about spiritual authority. We have been told by our friends on staff that no such statements were made, nor was there any indication of a change in the staff’s or senior leadership’s perspective about us. Please explain your intentions and why you did not keep your word on this yet again. Our group is losing faith in your word.

We originally scheduled the 13th, next Monday, for a meeting, but time is running out to make that happen and I have yet to hear any confirmation about the date from you or any board members. If we do not hear confirmation within 24 hours, we will not be able to keep that date. We understand if the board needs additional time to process their findings, but we expect the courtesy of adequate notice so we can plan accordingly.

Please confirm today whether you and the board and leaders intend to keep the meeting for next Monday the 13th, and why you did not yet tell the staff what you said you’d tell them.


KP postpones “GFA Family Gathering” because he will be away.

“…we need to postpone our gathering to a later date. We will keep you updated with the change.”

GFA Family Gathering Postponed
K.P. Yohannan <> Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 11:46 AM
To: [multiple email addresses]

Dear [multiple Diaspora individuals],

I have been really looking forward to our weekend together next month, however, I just learned that I will need to be out of the country during the dates I sent you due to my need to be in Burma. I am sorry for any inconvenience this causes, but we need to postpone our gathering to a later date. We will keep you updated with the change. I look forward to when we will get to see each other again.

Blessings on you. You are loved.
K.P. Yohannan

JD promises to respond to KP’s email next week.

“I am away today but will respond in more detail next week.”

Gmail JD <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Meeting to include Canada and US

JD <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 4:03 PM
To: “K. P. Yohannan” <>

Thank you, Brother KP. I am away today but will respond in more detail next week. We love and pray for you likewise.

In Him,

KP says he is submitting the process to the board and promises he will share with the staff.

“I have submitted this process to the board for them to deal with it.”

JD <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Meeting to include Canada and US
K.P. Yohannan <> Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 1:22 PM
To: “JD  (xxxxxxxxxxx)” <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
My dear Brother JD,Your communication to the GFA board titled “Final appeal to GFA board” was discussed among us. Since I am the one accused, I have submitted this process to the board for them to deal with it. I requested them to please look into all the allegations and do the needful. The decision was made to appoint Gayle, one of the senior board members, to carefully read through all the communications with all the allegations, do a thorough study on all matters and report to the board of his findings and recommendations. He is now engaged in doing his research and should have his report within ten days. Then the board will make their final decisions and at that time Gayle will let you know about meeting with you as you have requested.Meanwhile I am doing what I told you about sharing with our staff etc. Romans 8:28 is true. 

Thank you, JD, and please know I love you and pray for you daily for God to bless you.


KP Yohannan


From: JD [mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2014 12:13 AM
To: K.P. Yohannan
Cc: [GFA Board]
Subject: Re: Meeting to include Canada and US

KP tells Larry that Gayle will be contacting JD soon and that the allegations are true. KP says he is making changes.

“KP has accepted that his authority teachings were at the root of the problem, and he assured me they will no longer be a part of GFA.”

Larry shares:

KP rang me this morning. Here is the picture as I see: First of all, Gayle, as the Board member tasked with this investigation, is taking it very seriously. He has spent the last two days at GFA. He has read all of the materials we have sent and has interviewed a number of people on the staff. He is en route back to California today. He will be contacting JD.

He has told KP that the allegations are true, and that all of the pain inflicted on dozens of people are the direct result of his teaching on authority. He told KP that this must change. KP is already moving to make changes at GFA, including re-writing the handbook and various rules. KP has accepted that his authority teachings were at the root of the problem, and he assured me they will no longer be a part of GFA.

Gayle also made clear that there must be a strong delineation between Gospel for Asia and Believer’s Church. He said the GFA must make it clear that it is not a church, but a multi-denominational ministry, and that Believer’s Church doctrine is not to be enforced on GFA staff. He also said that KP must make public who and what Believer’s Church is, from beads and robes to how it handles finances.

Gayle told KP that at some point answer all of the individual questions, rumors and concerns of the group.

KP said this is the hardest thing he’s ever been through, but that he is willing to do whatever is necessary to make things right. He wants GFA staff members to be free to be who God has called them to be.

Gayle said the Board will be monitoring the changes and new procedures to make sure they continue. KP said he welcomes that. There will be meetings with representatives of our group. KP said he will be contacting JD, and I encouraged him to make that contact soon.

There is still a very long way to go, and many hard issues to resolve, but I don’t want anyone to miss what momentous changes are taking place at GFA because of this group. Your courage in speaking out has started a seismic shift at GFA. Let us pray that it continues, and that the end result will be a ministry where people are truly free in Christ to serve Him with joy.

JD confirms meeting on October 13th and invites Canadian board members. He asks why KP has not yet follow through with his promise to share with the staff.

“Brother KP, we were disappointed to hear that you did not share anything about us with the staff as you had promised us you would.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Meeting to include Canada and US

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 12:13 AM
To: “K.P. Yohannan” <>
Cc: [GFA Board]
Hi Brother KP,
You mentioned that the later date (12th or 13th) is better. Since Sunday is more likely to be a day when some of us have commitments, we will plan on meeting with you and any US and Canada board members who can make it on Monday evening, the 13th of October, at the _____ residence in Rowlett, TX.
I’ll send the physical address, as well as the webex video conference details for those attending remotely, once confirmed.
Canada board members, please know that we welcome you at this meeting. If you’re booking flights, it might be a good idea to stay through Wednesday at least, in case we decide to carry the meetings into Tuesday.
In Him,
P.S. – Brother KP, we were disappointed to hear that you did not share anything about us with the staff at the meeting on the 19th, as you had promised us you would. Then you assured Larry that you would share it with the staff this week, and that has not happened yet, either.
By not doing something you emphatically told us you would, you have disappointed and confused us. Why did you decide to not share the agreed-on, critical information with the staff? When do you plan to communicate those facts to them?
Larry tells KP he feels betrayed by KP not saying anything to the staff and KP promises he is devoting himself to the situation full time.

“He says he has meetings planned with the staff for the next three days, starting tomorrow.”

Larry shares:
I just got off the phone with KP. I had texted him this morning saying that Gayle and I were praying for him to have courage today. Then, after hearing that he did not address the staff, I texted him that we felt totally betrayed by him not saying anything to the staff. His response was that he is devoting his full time to this situation, writing out new procedures, meeting with leaders, calling board members, etc. He says he has meetings planned with the staff for the next three days, starting tomorrow. He said it is much bigger than a one-hour meeting with staff. So that is his current plea for time. I will go to bed praying. But I will offer no guidance on what anyone else, individually or corporately, should do.

KP visits with Diaspora member Larry to ask his advice.

“His words were that he is committed to changing GFA so that no one would be hurt in the future and wants to make amends to each person who was hurt in the past.”

Larry shares:
Well, folks, my old friend KP came by for a visit with Gayle and me. We had a two-hour talk. Basically, KP wanted to know what he should do to make all of the wrongs right. My advice was to be honest, humble himself and do what needed to be done to change the oppressive culture of GFA. His words were that he is committed to changing GFA so that no one would be hurt in the future and wants to make amends to each person who was hurt in the past. He also said he is working with the US board to get the initial meeting with our group together, hopefully October 13, and possibly at our house. We will see how this plays out. Please pray.

KP confirms that later date option is better for a meeting.

“Later date is better. I will be in touch.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Meeting to include Canada and US

K.P. Yohannan <> Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 6:52 PM
To: JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Thank you dear brother JD. Later date is better. I will be in touch. Blessings.Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 23, 2014, at 1:08 PM, “JD Smith” <xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
[Quoted text hidden]

JD gives KP several date options for a meeting.

“We’d like to proceed with the meeting even if not all can attend.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Meeting to include Canada and US

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 1:08 PM
To: “K.P. Yohannan” <>
Cc: [GFA Board]

Dear Brother KP,

That is fine. I realize that October 2 is approaching quickly and not all board members may be available. We’d like to proceed with the meeting even if not all can attend. However, if October 12 or 13 work better, we are also available on those dates.

Please let me know how the staff meeting went.


P.S. I hope you don’t mind me copying the board members on all of our communications going forward. Thanks for understanding.

KP emails to say he is working on contacting board members for an October 2nd meeting with us.

“I did not have the opportunity yet to communicate with all of the board and leadership for their permission and decision about it. I am working on it.”
JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Meeting to include Canada and US
K.P. Yohannan <xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 12:36 PM
To: JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear Brother JD, thank you for your email regarding the possible Oct 2 conference call meeting with our board members and our leadership. While I think this is a good idea, I did not have the opportunity yet to communicate with all of the board and leadership for their permission and decision about it. I am working on it. I will get back to you as soon as I get to hear from them. Blessings on you dear brother. KP

JD asks KP about his promised meeting with staff about our group.

“Did you share with the staff your changed views about us?”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Meeting to include Canada and US

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxx> Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 12:13 PM
To: “K. P. Yohannan” <>
Cc: [GFA Board]

Hi Brother KP,

How did Friday’s staff meeting go? Did you share with the staff your changed views about us?

In Him,

JD calls to set up meeting and include Canadian board members.

“With a large percentage of former Canadian staff also having joined with us to testify to and address the same five issues going on there under your leadership, they are an equally important part of this group.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Meeting to include Canada and US

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 10:07 PM
To: “K.P. Yohannan” <>
Cc: [GFA Board]
Hi Brother KP,
Thank you for speaking with me and Larry yesterday, and for scheduling the October 2 phone conference meeting. We were encouraged by your acknowledgement that 75 witnesses cannot be refuted, and that you now feel that rather than being an attack from the Enemy, it was the Lord who brought this to you. I was also glad to hear that you would share these things with the staff today, so that hopefully our many friendships that were suddenly cut off might be restored.
Larry and I didn’t clarify this on our call yesterday, but we expect the Canadian board to also be present in the October 2 meeting from 6-10pm Central time.
With a large percentage of former Canadian staff also having joined with us to testify to and address the same five issues going on there under your leadership, they are an equally important part of this group. So naturally I’m sure you understand that their board needs to be there. Can you please confirm this?
We will make sure to have one or two former Canadian staff on the call as part of our group.
Also, we believe that it will be best if we use our WebEx account for the conference call. This would allow you and up to 6 others to be on video conference if you wish, and it would make it much easier for questions to be passed to the moderator through the built-in chat. I will set up a premium account that can support up to 100 attendees so we won’t have to worry about any limitations there.
JD, for all of us

K.P. says that 75 signers can not all be wrong, that the Lord is using us, and offers to give us the group meeting that we were looking for.

He promises to tell the staff the next morning that we are not trying to take down the ministry and that God is using us. We request that he do this because we value our friends on staff.

K.P. does not admit any specific wrongs or concede that we are correct in our accusations.

“Listen JD, tomorrow, tomorrow we have our entire staff meeting.”

Phone conversation transcript

Note: As far as we know he did not tell the staff, or at least adequately, because many staff still believe and have even told us that we are being used by the Enemy to try and take down the ministry, and that “there are two sides to every story” and even though we served there, somehow we don’t understand the “other side.”

KP awaits JD’s call.

“Love you and I wait for your call.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: Got your messages

K.P. Yohannan <> Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 7:48 PM
To: JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Thank you J. D. Love you and I wait for your call. Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 17, 2014, at 7:45 PM, “JD Smith” <xxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Hi Brother KP, I received your messages today, but I had a busy schedule and wasn’t able to talk yet. I will try to call you later this evening or first thing in the morning. Thanks,

JD promises to return KP’s messages.

“I had a busy schedule and wasn’t able to talk yet. I will try to call you later this evening…”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Got your messages

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxx> Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 7:45 PM
To: “K. P. Yohannan” <>

Hi Brother KP,

I received your messages today, but I had a busy schedule and wasn’t able to talk yet. I will try to call you later this evening or first thing in the morning.


JD leaves KP voicemail to set up meeting

“I promised I’d call you today to try to set up that meeting.”

Voicemail from JD Smith to KP Yohannan, September 16, 2014

JD:  Hi brother KP, this is JD calling. It’s Tuesday evening and I promised I’d call you today to try to set up that meeting. So I wanted to reach out and leave a voicemail to you. Please feel free to give me a call back at your earliest convenience or send an email. We’d love to set something up real soon. OK, I love you brother and I’ll talk to you soon. Thank you. Praying for you, bye-bye.

JD explains he appealed to the board because KP had not responded to JD’s August 22nd email about scheduling a meeting and because the board is KP’s authority.

“I never received a response to that email… So I was pleasantly surprised to hear from you… I am appreciative that you acknowledge the board as your authority.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxx>

Fwd: Latest Letter to Board Members

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 7:20 PM
To: “K.P. Yohannan” <>
Cc: [GFA Board]
Dear Brother K.P.,
Thank you for your email. On August 22, nearly a month ago, I emailed you, saying:
“Can you confirm that you are willing to schedule a meeting with us, at which the GFA US board is present by phone or in person, and having a mediator we select who can keep it on track with the agenda?”
I never received a response to that email, even though you had been quite responsive by email from India previously. On September 6, I emailed you again, saying:
“In your last email to me, you offered to meet with us, with whoever we wanted to bring. In response, I emailed you asking about inviting board members and a mediator to a recorded meeting, and I’ve not heard back from you for two weeks. Can you please confirm your willingness to schedule that meeting?”
I also received no response to that email. So I was pleasantly surprised to hear from you this morning.
I am appreciative that you acknowledge the board as your authority, and that we have appealed to them. Thus you can understand that for any meeting to have a beneficial outcome at this stage, it would need to include the board, as well as a small representative group of us and a mediator to keep it on track with the agenda.
Brother K.P., this isn’t just an issue between you and me. Seventy-five people signed this most recent appeal to the board. They all desire these problems to be brought to the attention of the board and dealt with correctly and corporately, so a meeting with just me won’t be adequate to achieve that. We strongly believe that the board is the main avenue for the reconciliation you speak of.
I will call you tomorrow afternoon to arrange details for a meeting and discuss any pertinent details. If that time doesn’t work, please suggest a more preferable time.
In Him,

KP tells JD he was surprised by our appeal to the board and that he thought we were working toward a meeting but hadn’t yet had a chance to schedule.

“I still think that you and I getting together to discuss these grievances face-to-face would be the best and most biblical way of reconciliation. However, since you have a appealed to the board as our authority, I will contact them and set up a meeting for them to examine and inquire of us and our leadership practices and teachings as a ministry as you have suggested.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Fwd: Latest Letter to Board Members

K.P. Yohannan <> Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 4:41 AM
To: “ JD Smith” <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: “K.P. Yohannan” <<>>
Date: September 14, 2014 at 8:55:48 PM CDT
To: “JD Smith (xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxx>)” <xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: Latest Letter to Board Members

Dear Brother JD, I arrived back from India less than 48 hours ago and immediately went to Florida where I had meetings this weekend. While I was there, one our US Board members, Chuck Zink asked me if I had received your latest letter to the Board of Directors. I told him that I was totally unaware of a third letter to the board and ask him if he would please send it to me.

JD, I remember as I was leaving the States for this most recent trip to India that we were going to plan to get together and talk when I got back. As you can imagine, I was quite surprised to hear of this most recent letter since we had not even had a chance to set that up yet.

I still think that you and I getting together to discuss these grievances face-to-face would be the best and most biblical way of reconciliation. However, since you have a appealed to the board as our authority, I will contact them and set up a meeting for them to examine and inquire of us and our leadership practices and teachings as a ministry as you have suggested.

In the meantime, let us work toward reconciliation of this matter as we have discussed in the most recent past. Continued strife and division does not help any of us. JD, is there a time that I can meet with you in person or by telephone to talk with you about reconciliation of this matter?

Thank you, brother. Kpy

JD emails KP again after 2 weeks’ silence because we had not heard anymore about scheduling a meeting. JD requested confirmation of KP’s willingness to meet.

“Can you please confirm your willingness to schedule that meeting?”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: Called you

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 1:29 PM
To: “K.P. Yohannan” <>
Dear Brother KP,
In your last email to me, you offered to meet with us, with whoever we wanted to bring. In response, I emailed you asking about inviting board members and a mediator to a recorded meeting, and I’ve not heard back from you for two weeks.
Can you please confirm your willingness to schedule that meeting?
On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 2:06 PM, JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
We’d also like it to be video-recorded. Please let me know.
On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 12:49 PM, JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Brother K.P.,
Can you confirm that you are willing to schedule a meeting with us, at which the GFA US board is present by phone or in person, and having a mediator we select who can keep it on track with the agenda?
On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 8:26 PM, K.P. Yohannan <> wrote:


Dear brother JD
Thank you for writing back.
This is to say I am willing to meet with you and any one else as soon as I get back. This is something you asked for from the beginning.
No, JD this meeting will not be to argue and prove GFA is right and that we did not fail but honestly listen all and admit our sins as we are able to hear you share with us as brothers and sisters in the family of our Father.
The response you got from us is based on our understanding that dose not mean we are right in all things.
The fact so many feels hurt about the way we dealt with them tells me their reality is what they share. That is the reason I believe our meeting is important for understanding.
Satan surly hate for us to live in love and be one, answer to Christ’s prayer in John 17.
If all of these brothers and sisters want to come together or some you choose to represent them or what ever you think will help to bring reconciliation, please let us do it.
Also JD we are learning from it for the feature and for us now.
That is the reason I sent on the articles you posted to all our leaders.
One thing we all want is the lords name glorified and I know God is answering prayers.
I cried out to The Lord much with fasting and prayers for His mercy for all of us.
JD, is there a telephone number I can reach you? Please let me know. Please say my greetings to your wife and children.
Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 11, 2014, at 11:51 PM, “JD Smith” <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
Dear Brother KP,
I received your message, and I appreciate your interest in making things right.At this time, however, it appears that there is nothing in your view which you feel needs to be made right – if I read both of your leadership’s written responses correctly, which David _____ emailed to me. In them, you made it plain that you flatly deny that there is any truth to our claims.That being the case, I don’t know what purpose a meeting would have, other than attempting to convince us that the testimonies of scores of our friends are not true, or that you had an acceptable reason for the spiritual abuse and hurt so many staff have suffered at your hands. I see no sign of repentance or willingness to acknowledge even one iota of the things we wrote about, to make them right.If you’ve changed your mind, please send a new written response at your convenience.Meanwhile, since we have your clear written response, we will proceed prayerfully in the way we see best, and according to pastoral counsel.Regards,
On Aug 10, 2014 5:07 AM, “K.P. Yohannan” <<>> wrote:
Dear brother JD
I called and left message I hope you got it.
I read your post about abuse leadership etc. both of them. I have forwarded it to all our leaders. As I told you before, I/we do want to meet with you and others and I want to make things right with our brothers and sisters.
Also I want ask your forgiveness for not responding to your emails wishing to talk about my book on submission and godliness etc. I am sorry.
Just the other day standing by the lake I thought about your baptism and the time we had together.
We are now working on the adaption license and I pray we will be able to help so many precious children.
JD I want you and family to come for our campus opening and we are inviting all the ex-GFA to come for it.
With love and prayers.
Ps. I will be back in a few weeks. Looking forward to seeing you then.
Sent from my iPhone

Diaspora realized the original 2nd appeal letter included identifying information regarding some indiscretions and also contained an incorrect signature count. We asked that the original be destroyed and replaced with this corrected version.

“I would like to send you a corrected version of the document I attached last night …”

Corrected Letter to GFA Board

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: Final appeal to GFA board from 75 former staff

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 1:55 PM
To: [GFA Board]

Dear Directors,

I would like to send you a corrected version of the document I attached last night (attached.) There were only two changes made:
1) The number of signers was listed incorrectly. There are 75 signers.
2) The first two paragraphs of the _____ testimony made it very easy for Canadian staff to identify who had been caught viewing pornographic material. Our desire is most certainly not to expose them or hurt their reputations. So we consolidated the two paragraphs into one which does not give enough info to reveal their identity. We want to be above reproach in how we go about all of this; I am sure you understand.
Please delete and destroy the first version that was sent and use this one instead going forward, especially if you are sharing it with other leaders.
Also, we do not have an email address for US Director Skip Heitzig. Feel free to forward this to him.
For Christ’s Glory,
On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 11:28 PM, JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

JD acknowledges that while it appears KP is working with us, there is no action to match.

“The fact that he offered “the meeting you wanted” but has not responded for 12 days yet to my last email about involving the board and a mediator, casts serious doubt on his willingness to actually give us the meeting we wanted, which would have a mediator and board members present.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: Final appeal to GFA board from 75 former staff

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 12:24 PM
To: Rob
Cc: [GFA Canada Board]

Dear Director Rob,

Thank you for your prompt and thoughtful review of this letter, and your response.

The main reason I included a copy of the last few emails between me and KP is because I believe a primary reason the GFA directors have not begun a serious investigation is that they believe KP has made bona-fide attempts to discuss these matters with us genuinely and we have not taken him up on it. In fact, the opposite is true.

The fact that he offered “the meeting you wanted” but has not responded for 12 days yet to my last email about involving the board and a mediator, casts serious doubt on his willingness to actually give us the meeting we wanted, which would have a mediator and board members present. Not to mention that numerous attempts to discuss these things with him in the past have met with failure, and while he is sending flattering words to me privately, his counterpart David _____ is speaking angrily toward me and other former staff on his behalf, speaking lies to us and about us. It seems that KP only wants to speak with a small number of us, privately, with no accountability. We’re dealing with institutional sins that affected everyone, and a personal conversation just isn’t going to change that and isn’t appropriate at this stage – we NEED you and the other board members involved in dealing with this.

The content of the emails was not sensitive in nature, and KP knows I am communicating with him on behalf of a large group, not just myself, so he can reasonably expect me to discuss his responses with them as well.

Similarly, I included a personal email thread in the letter between Cassie and Danny. This again was needed as evidence and did not divulge personal information of any significantly sensitive nature.

None of the 75 signers raised a concern about sharing the emails; we had a peace about the content of the letter. But I take your rebuke seriously and will make sure to be extra cautious in that area.

We felt it was important for you as board members to see the full conversation that is taking place behind the scenes, both for KP’s sake as well as for ours, as it was clearly communicated to us that the board in the US had determined there was no need for further dialogue.

I can understand your concern about being extra careful in how we handle this situation, as you also seem to recognize issues and desire repentance, and want to see it done well. That gives me hope that you do in fact believe our concerns are legitimate and wish to dialogue further with us. Once you’ve discussed this with the other board members, please let me know if you do.

In Him,

Greetings JD,
I have read the materials you have sent along over the past months and note that you raise very serious concerns. The last few pages of this document pass along email correspondence between yourself and KP. I find it inappropriate that you would distribute such correspondence which is obviously personal and delivered in trust and confidence.  Clearly brother KP is reaching out to you and the others who have a grievance with GFA, for reconciliation. Why not pursue that offer rather than break trust further by publicly distributing personal correspondence as you have done?
As a board member in Canada I will seek to be as aware and engaged as I can be in the health and effectiveness of the ministry and I appreciate your appeal to us as board members to respond to your concerns.  I do believe that God is refining us all and have no doubt that you too are wanting to honour The Lord in all of this.  May that refining happen without further damage to the unity of Christ’s body.In Him,
> On Sep 2, 2014, at 8:28 PM, “JD Smith” <xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Rob acknowledges the serious nature of our concerns and rebukes JD for attaching personal emails between KP and JD while KP seems to be trying to work things out.

“I have read the materials you have sent along over the past months and note that you raise very serious concerns…. Why not pursue [KP’s] offer rather than break trust further by publicly distributing personal correspondence as you have done?”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: Final appeal to GFA board from 75 former staff

Rob Thiessen  Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 12:14 AM
To: JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: [GFA Canada Board]
Greetings JD,
I have read the materials you have sent along over the past months and note that you raise very serious concerns. The last few pages of this document pass along email correspondence between yourself and KP. I find it inappropriate that you would distribute such correspondence which is obviously personal and delivered in trust and confidence.  Clearly brother KP is reaching out to you and the others who have a grievance with GFA, for reconciliation. Why not pursue that offer rather than break trust further by publicly distributing personal correspondence as you have done?
As a board member in Canada I will seek to be as aware and engaged as I can be in the health and effectiveness of the ministry and I appreciate your appeal to us as board members to respond to your concerns.  I do believe that God is refining us all and have no doubt that you too are wanting to honour The Lord in all of this.  May that refining happen without further damage to the unity of Christ’s body.In Him,
Rob T.> On Sep 2, 2014, at 8:28 PM, “JD Smith” <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

JD sends Diaspora’s Appeal to arms-length board members in US and Canada to please consider our concerns.

“Since the leadership at GFA has dismissed our claims that a number of serious issues exist within GFA, we now appeal directly to you…”

Appeal to GFA Board

[note – this is the corrected version that was sent in the Sept. 3, 2014 email. The original will not be posted for the same reasons given in that email.]

Gmail JD <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Final appeal to GFA board from 75 former staff

JD <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 10:28 PM
To: [GFA Board]
Dear GFA US & Canada Arms-Length Board Members,
Since the leadership at GFA has dismissed our claims that a number of serious issues exist within GFA, we now appeal directly to you, the arms-length directors, as the only people in the world who can possibly address these issues internally.
Won’t you please prayerfully consider the information presented in the attached letter and let us know if you have any questions or concerns, or if you would like to see additional information or testimonies? Thank you for caring about GFA and its staff, students and supporters.
In Him,
JD Smith, on behalf of myself and 74 former GFA staff
Please feel free to contact me directly:
xxxxx, Dallas, TX 75219


JD communicates the desire by the Diaspora that the meeting be video taped.

“We’d also like it to be video-recorded.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: Called you

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 1:06 PM
To: “K.P. Yohannan” <>
We’d also like it to be video-recorded. Please let me know.
On Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 12:49 PM, JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Brother K.P.,
Can you confirm that you are willing to schedule a meeting with us, at which the GFA US board is present by phone or in person, and having a mediator we select who can keep it on track with the agenda?
On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 8:26 PM, K.P. Yohannan <> wrote:

JD emails KP to confirm setting up a group meeting including the board and a mediator.

“Can you confirm that you are willing to schedule a meeting with us…?”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: Called you

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 12:49 PM
To: “K.P. Yohannan” <>
Hi Brother K.P.,
Can you confirm that you are willing to schedule a meeting with us, at which the GFA US board is present by phone or in person, and having a mediator we select who can keep it on track with the agenda?
On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 8:26 PM, K.P. Yohannan <> wrote:Dear brother JD
Thank you for writing back.
This is to say I am willing to meet with you and any one else as soon as I get back. This is something you asked for from the beginning.
No, JD this meeting will not be to argue and prove GFA is right and that we did not fail but honestly listen all and admit our sins as we are able to hear you share with us as brothers and sisters in the family of our Father.
The response you got from us is based on our understanding that dose not mean we are right in all things.
The fact so many feels hurt about the way we dealt with them tells me their reality is what they share. That is the reason I believe our meeting is important for understanding.
Satan surly hate for us to live in love and be one, answer to Christ’s prayer in John 17.
If all of these brothers and sisters want to come together or some you choose to represent them or what ever you think will help to bring reconciliation, please let us do it.
Also JD we are learning from it for the feature and for us now.
That is the reason I sent on the articles you posted to all our leaders.
One thing we all want is the lords name glorified and I know God is answering prayers.
I cried out to The Lord much with fasting and prayers for His mercy for all of us.
JD, is there a telephone number I can reach you? Please let me know. Please say my greetings to your wife and children.
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 11, 2014, at 11:51 PM, “JD Smith” <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:Dear Brother KP,I received your message, and I appreciate your interest in making things right.At this time, however, it appears that there is nothing in your view which you feel needs to be made right – if I read both of your leadership’s written responses correctly, which David _____ emailed to me. In them, you made it plain that you flatly deny that there is any truth to our claims.That being the case, I don’t know what purpose a meeting would have, other than attempting to convince us that the testimonies of scores of our friends are not true, or that you had an acceptable reason for the spiritual abuse and hurt so many staff have suffered at your hands. I see no sign of repentance or willingness to acknowledge even one iota of the things we wrote about, to make them right.If you’ve changed your mind, please send a new written response at your convenience.Meanwhile, since we have your clear written response, we will proceed prayerfully in the way we see best, and according to pastoral counsel.Regards,
On Aug 10, 2014 5:07 AM, “K.P. Yohannan” <<>> wrote:
Dear brother JD
I called and left message I hope you got it.
I read your post about abuse leadership etc. both of them. I have forwarded it to all our leaders. As I told you before, I/we do want to meet with you and others and I want to make things right with our brothers and sisters.
Also I want ask your forgiveness for not responding to your emails wishing to talk about my book on submission and godliness etc. I am sorry.
Just the other day standing by the lake I thought about your baptism and the time we had together.
We are now working on the adaption license and I pray we will be able to help so many precious children.
JD I want you and family to come for our campus opening and we are inviting all the ex-GFA to come for it.
With love and prayers.
Ps. I will be back in a few weeks. Looking forward to seeing you then.
Sent from my iPhone

GFA invites Diaspora to see new campus and reconnect.

Note: the Family Gathering was postponed by KP on October 10, 2014.

“Coming together like this will be an opportunity to bring cleansing and develop a closer relationship.”

Save the Date
K.P. Yohannan <> Wed, Aug 20, 2014 at 9:32 AM
To: [multiple email addresses]

Dear [multiple Diaspora individuals],

I am so grateful for the time you spent serving with us and being a part of reaching multiplied millions in Asia who had not previously heard His name!

It is through the hands of all of us who served at GFA at one time or another over the last 35 years that so many lives have been touched, changed and saved. Your service at Gospel for Asia has borne eternal fruit for His glory, and we as a ministry would not be where we are without the investment you made with us.

As a part of us, I wanted to make sure you knew the latest development in our US headquarters. After more than 15 years of prayer, God has miraculously provided us with a tool to reach more precious souls for His glory. We have acquired property about 60 miles from our current location and developed it into a campus to house the ministry. This campus has been miraculously provided for by the Lord, and will help us to save up to $5M per year in operating costs, while allowing us to expand the size of the staff and the School of Discipleship.

You are invited to a GFA Family Gathering weekend November 7-8, 2014 to celebrate His faithfulness. Our time together will begin with a First Friday Prayer Meeting on November 7. On Saturday there will be tours of the campus as well as a pig roast for lunch. We hope that you can come for this time of fellowship and rejoicing in what the Lord has done. We look forward to connecting with you to hear how God is working in your life and how we can continue to pray for you and your family.

In all relationships there will be struggles, misunderstandings, failures, and hurt. Many times we are not even aware that we are hurting others through our words and actions. I often feel grieved when I think about my lack of love and humility in dealing with my brothers and sisters at different times over the years.

Coming together like this will be an opportunity to bring cleansing and develop a closer relationship. I would personally like to talk to you when you’re here. May I ask you to please do all you can to be with us for this special occasion? You are part of our lives and you always will be.

If you can join us, please contact me by email at as soon as you can, so that we can make the necessary arrangements. If you are not able to come for these dates, please know that you are welcome here any time, just let me know when you are planning to visit so I can do my best to also be here.

Thank you very much for your part in serving with GFA and growing His Kingdom. I hope you will be able to come and celebrate the Lord’s faithfulness.

Your brother in Christ,

K. P. Yohannan

Former staff member J.P. sends an e-mail to all the senior leadership apologizing for not properly saying good-bye upon leaving and offering a copy of his original June 10th resignation letter, in which he presents three reasons for leaving.

“I know you may not agree with my reasons for leaving, but if any of you see anything in the letter is not accurate or if any of you have any concerns about anything in the letter, I would greatly appreciate it if you would let me know.”

After this email was sent, no one contacted either C.P or J.P. with any corrections or concerns about any of the issues they presented.

KP agrees to meet to honestly listen to those who feel hurt and mentions sending the articles JD had shared on to his leaders.

“…I am willing to meet with you and any one else as soon as I get back. This is something you asked for from the beginning.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: Called you

K.P. Yohannan <> Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 8:26 PM
To: JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear brother JD
Thank you for writing back.
This is to say I am willing to meet with you and any one else as soon as I get back. This is something you asked for from the beginning.
No, JD this meeting will not be to argue and prove GFA is right and that we did not fail but honestly listen all and admit our sins as we are able to hear you share with us as brothers and sisters in the family of our Father.
The response you got from us is based on our understanding that dose not mean we are right in all things.
The fact so many feels hurt about the way we dealt with them tells me their reality is what they share. That is the reason I believe our meeting is important for understanding.
Satan surly hate for us to live in love and be one, answer to Christ’s prayer in John 17.
If all of these brothers and sisters want to come together or some you choose to represent them or what ever you think will help to bring reconciliation, please let us do it.
Also JD we are learning from it for the feature and for us now.
That is the reason I sent on the articles you posted to all our leaders.
One thing we all want is the lords name glorified and I know God is answering prayers.
I cried out to The Lord much with fasting and prayers for His mercy for all of us.
JD, is there a telephone number I can reach you? Please let me know. Please say my greetings to your wife and children.
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 11, 2014, at 11:51 PM, “JD Smith” <xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:Dear Brother KP,I received your message, and I appreciate your interest in making things right.At this time, however, it appears that there is nothing in your view which you feel needs to be made right – if I read both of your leadership’s written responses correctly, which David _____ emailed to me. In them, you made it plain that you flatly deny that there is any truth to our claims.That being the case, I don’t know what purpose a meeting would have, other than attempting to convince us that the testimonies of scores of our friends are not true, or that you had an acceptable reason for the spiritual abuse and hurt so many staff have suffered at your hands. I see no sign of repentance or willingness to acknowledge even one iota of the things we wrote about, to make them right.If you’ve changed your mind, please send a new written response at your convenience.Meanwhile, since we have your clear written response, we will proceed prayerfully in the way we see best, and according to pastoral counsel.


On Aug 10, 2014 5:07 AM, “K.P. Yohannan” <<>> wrote:
Dear brother JD
I called and left message I hope you got it.
I read your post about abuse leadership etc. both of them. I have forwarded it to all our leaders. As I told you before, I/we do want to meet with you and others and I want to make things right with our brothers and sisters.
Also I want ask your forgiveness for not responding to your emails wishing to talk about my book on submission and godliness etc. I am sorry.
Just the other day standing by the lake I thought about your baptism and the time we had together.
We are now working on the adaption license and I pray we will be able to help so many precious children.
JD I want you and family to come for our campus opening and we are inviting all the ex-GFA to come for it.
With love and prayers.
Ps. I will be back in a few weeks. Looking forward to seeing you then.
Sent from my iPhone

JD enquires what the purpose of a meeting would be since the official response denied wrongdoing and requests a new written response if things have changed.

“I see no sign of repentance…If you’ve changed your mind, please send a new written response at your convenience.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Re: Called you

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 1:21 PM
To: “K.P. Yohannan” <>

Dear Brother KP,

I received your message, and I appreciate your interest in making things right.

At this time, however, it appears that there is nothing in your view which you feel needs to be made right – if I read both of your leadership’s written responses correctly, which David _____ emailed to me. In them, you made it plain that you flatly deny that there is any truth to our claims.

That being the case, I don’t know what purpose a meeting would have, other than attempting to convince us that the testimonies of scores of our friends are not true, or that you had an acceptable reason for the spiritual abuse and hurt so many staff have suffered at your hands. I see no sign of repentance or willingness to acknowledge even one iota of the things we wrote about, to make them right.

If you’ve changed your mind, please send a new written response at your convenience.

Meanwhile, since we have your clear written response, we will proceed prayerfully in the way we see best, and according to pastoral counsel.


On Aug 10, 2014 5:07 AM, “K.P. Yohannan” <> wrote:


Dear brother JD
I called and left message I hope you got it.
I read your post about abuse leadership etc. both of them. I have forwarded it to all our leaders. As I told you before, I/we do want to meet with you and others and I want to make things right with our brothers and sisters.
Also I want ask your forgiveness for not responding to your emails wishing to talk about my book on submission and godliness etc. I am sorry.
Just the other day standing by the lake I thought about your baptism and the time we had together.
We are now working on the adaption license and I pray we will be able to help so many precious children.
JD I want you and family to come for our campus opening and we are inviting all the ex-GFA to come for it.
With love and prayers.
Ps. I will be back in a few weeks. Looking forward to seeing you then.
Sent from my iPhone

KP says he wants to meet and make things right and asks JD’s forgiveness for not responding to his requests to discuss spiritual authority.

“I/we do want to meet with you and others and I want to make things right with our brothers and sisters.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxx>

Called you

K.P. Yohannan <> Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 5:07 AM
To: “JD Smith” <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear brother JD
I called and left message I hope you got it.
I read your post about abuse leadership etc. both of them. I have forwarded it to all our leaders. As I told you before, I/we do want to meet with you and others and I want to make things right with our brothers and sisters.
Also I want ask your forgiveness for not responding to your emails wishing to talk about my book on submission and godliness etc. I am sorry.
Just the other day standing by the lake I thought about your baptism and the time we had together.
We are now working on the adaption license and I pray we will be able to help so many precious children.
JD I want you and family to come for our campus opening and we are inviting all the ex-GFA to come for it.
With love and prayers.
Ps. I will be back in a few weeks. Looking forward to seeing you then.
Sent from my iPhone

KP says he desires to meet for peace and reconciliation and asks JD for help in getting ex-staff to October dedication.

“…we will meet as soon as I get back. Please I pray let us focus on bringing peace and reconciliation. The Lord will do it for us. I need your help.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

1 message

K.P. Yohannan <> Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 7:37 PM
To: “JD Smith” <xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: David , John , Daniel

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: “K.P. Yohannan” <<>>
Date: August 2, 2014 at 5:33:01 AM GMT+5:30
To: JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxx>>

Tried to call you. As you mentioned, we will meet as soon as I get back. Please I pray let us focus on bringing peace and reconciliation. The Lord will do it for us. I need your help. The feature of the work of God seems to very difficult in india and the region. Persecution has become so bad in recent days. Please pray.
JD one thing I want you to pray and help us to see all the ex GFA staff come for our campus dedication in October. And I believe The Lord will have done all what it takes in US and through us for love and unity as our Lord prayed in John 17.
Your brother. Kp

Sent from my iPhone

Voicemail from JD Smith to KP Yohannan

July 24, 2014


J:  Hi brother KP, this is JD Smith just returning your call about setting up a meeting.  (A couple seconds are garbled)  I’d like to set up a meeting with board members and some of us and a mediating pastor if that’s OK with you. You can reach me at (***)***-****. Thank you.

Canadian Board member, Rob, replies to David’s response letter, praising and thanking GFA for their gracious response.

“I am encouraged by your willingness to address the specific issues in detail.”

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxx>
Thanks for the response and testimonials
Rob  Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 12:22 PM
To: David , “xxxxxxxxxxxx” <xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: “K.P. Yohannan” <>, John, Daniel, “Pat (CAN)”
Dear GFA partners,Thanks so much for your gracious and thorough response to the accusations presented by J.D.As a Canadian board member, somewhat removed from the situation but feeling concerned about the implications and responsibility, I am encouraged by your willingness to address the specific issues in detail. The testimonials further support my own experience of the Christ-like character of GFA leadership and staff.I am standing with you in prayer.In Him,Rob T.
Rob … Conference Minister
BCMB Conference
xxx xxx xxxx
www.bcmb.orgFrom: David
Date: Monday, 21 July, 2014 9:36 AM
To: “JD Smith” <xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: “K.P. Yohannan” <>, …
Subject: RE: Response to your letter-corrected

GFA sent an email to JD that details their belief that we handled this matter unbiblically, that we refused to respond to leadership’s attempts to contact individuals who signed the letter and that we sent the letter to supporting pastors and churches to get them to drop support. GFA accuses JD of refusing to meet with leadership and a local pastor. They attached testimonies of GFA staff to the email, but we have not included them because we do not have permission from each staff member to publish the document. They tell of the board’s counsel that GFA not respond to our letter any further. Nevertheless, David says he will give his response to each of the five points raised in the initial letter.

“We explained [to the board] that after receiving your letter… we were led to contact each one of you… for the sake of reconciliation. But, we shared that you refused to do that. We shared how we successfully contacted JD and asked him to come and to even bring a pastor with him to meet with Brother K. P. and the leadership, but that he chose not to do that.”

Note that although each of our issue points is addressed and denied, we believe the evidence shared on this website overwhelmingly contradicts many of the answers given by GFA below. We invite you to judge for yourself.

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxx>
Response to your letter-corrected
David  Mon, Jul 21, 2014 at 11:36 AM
To: “JD Smith” <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Cc: “K.P. Yohannan” <>, [and other GFA leaders]
July 21, 2014
JD Smith,
Thank you for your email and care in continuing to pursue this matter.
That said, it is so sad and grievous to us that none of you approached us about these five things in your individual exit interviews, which every one of you had. If these things came up later, why did you not come to talk with us in the actual Biblical way that our Lord Jesus prescribed in Matthew 18:17-19 (come yourself to us directly to resolve the matter. If there is actual fault, then it can be resolved. If it can’t be resolved bring one or two with the heart for resolution.) The way that you have gone about this (sending this letter around the world before we even got to see it, sending it to supporting pastors and churches in hopes that they will drop our support, etc) makes us think that you do not really desire reconciliation, but the destruction of GFA, God’s work. Still, we as a leadership team chose the proper Biblical route with you, trying to contact each one of you to talk about these matters with the heart and view of Biblically reconciling and restoring fellowship in the Body of Christ. However, you would not do that. You have handled this matter as a class action smear campaign, not an attempt to love and reconcile.The USA Board of Directors met at their regularly scheduled time last week, and discussed your letter at length. We told them that we did not know of these things since none of these five items were raised in the exit interview that we had with you all. What is more, none of you came to us individually to discuss this since then. We explained that after receiving your letter and taking much time in prayer and fasting, we were led to contact each one of you according to Jesus’ instruction of Matthew 5:23, 24 for the sake of reconciliation. But, we shared that you refused to do that. We shared how we successfully contacted JD and asked him to come and to even bring a pastor with him to meet with Brother K. P. and the leadership, but that he chose not to do that. Upon hearing all these things, our Board suggested that since we had done what our Lord Jesus instructed, that we should not respond to your letters any further. Nevertheless, in another attempt at resolving this, here are our answers to your five accusations:
• GFA leadership practices and teaches a false view of spiritual authority.

This accusation is unfounded and false. Furthermore, the specific testimonies of these accusations by some of the signers of this letter differ greatly and/or lack key documented facts about the actual circumstances surrounding their testimony. Although we tried to contact every single one of you to discuss particulars and come to reconciliation, you refused to contact us back and give us that opportunity. With a clear conscience before God, we believe that GFA leadership regularly encourages staff (at morning and evening prayer meetings, new staff mentoring teachings, required readings, Sunday Bible studies, etc, etc) to have a vibrant daily walk with Christ, with the foundation of that being a few hours of daily Bible study, private prayer, and corporate prayer. The emphasis is always, if the tree is good, the fruit will be good also. In addition, GFA leadership will take the time to listen and to help staff with life issues when they are approached, but are careful not to control personal decisions, including where staff choose to worship, who they marry, where they live, etc. That said, Gospel for Asia is not a vocation or a job; it is a God-given calling. If someone chooses to serve at GFA (all of GFA not just Dallas), they also choose to follow the requests of leadership including where they will serve and what they will do, as long as they believe they are called by God to serve there. This is also true of secular companies (such as Donald’s, IBM, Wal-Mart) or the Army, and anywhere that people are to do what is asked of them as a requirement of their job or service. We cannot call this sin, nor will we apologize for this commitment which is taught by our Lord Jesus, Himself, and is normal for many Christian as well as some secular organizations. Finally, in your original letter, you included a photo of Brother K. P. in his formal dress as the Metropolitan of the church during an ordination service. Since Believers Church operates under government approved church status as a constitutional episcopacy, it is required that he wear this uniform during the ceremony of ordination of pastors. This is done only for a few minutes; much like it is done during college graduation ceremony here in the west. We are NOT Catholic, nor are we Episcopalians, nor Anglicans, etc., etc. Rather, we are a Spirit-filled, evangelical church, born out of obedience to Christ’s Great Commission command to make disciples in all the world.

• GFA leadership prioritize ministry over family, and teaches the same.
GFA leadership actually believes and practices the opposite of this accusation. There is a clear teaching and messaging from the leadership regarding family, ministry, or personal life, that the overriding priority in all of these is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, or Christ in your family, Christ in your ministry, Christ in your personal life. There is plenty of deeds that support this, such as us giving one of our department coordinators about a year off to return home to care for her aging mother or even your wife, JD, who needed to reduce her time serving in the office for her well- being and then later stopped serving altogether to care for your adopted child. Or the many times we as GFA leadership have fasted and prayed for staff children and staff families. Or the prayer, fasting, and counsel we have provided (as well as the professional counseling we have arranged and paid for) for marriages that were struggling. Some former staff did not choose to take our counsel in these areas, and that was their choice and we respected that choice. Therefore, it seems extremely unreasonable that leadership would be accused of having a hand in ending their marriages.


• GFA leaders lie or intentionally deceive people in order to protect the ministry.

GFA leadership has never to our knowledge lied to or deceived staff, donors, sponsors, or anyone else for that matter, as accused here. For you who signed the letter, we attempted to reach out and contact literally all of you to share our side of your accusation, but you refused to do so. We have never lied about why a staff person left, but we have intentionally left out details that would be damaging to the staff person’s character. The truth is, none of you who signed your name to this letter knows the background and circumstances that we faced while working with some staff. Because we fear God and practice that love covers a multitude of sins, you now accuse us of sin? And the one of you who accused us of lying about your leaving, calling it a dismissal rather than you choosing to quit, appears to have forgotten the details of the incident. But we went back to copious notes and conversations between you, your pastor and leadership, and you simply are not being truthful in your testimony. When I called you to try to discuss this and reconcile, I left you a messages, but you would not call me back. What more can we do? Regarding the accusation and speculation of us raising money for one thing and spending it on the field for something else, I have had the privilege to take part in the audit of our USA office for 22 years. By God’s enabling and for His glory, I am a CPA with extensive fraud audit experience. I worked for one of the largest and most respected world-wide accounting firms, doing among other things, accounting system creation, evaluation, and implementation. I have had the privilege to work on the initial public offerings of some public companies. I give this background to you not as a means of boasting, but as a means of establishing God’s grace and gifting in the area of financial accountability. I have personally looked at the books and records on the mission field on a few occasions, and found them to be complete, accurate, and extremely detailed. Auditors in both the USA and Asia have reported the same. So an unfounded accusation against our financial integrity is totally baseless. The truth is, we often spend more on field projects than we raise in the USA, due to the fact that more than 30% of all field work is now financed by the churches we are planting on the mission field. If you would like to know more, please do what others have done and go and visit again the field to check this out. As of today, 4,000 congregations are self-supporting, have a church building, and are in turn funding mission outreach to many unreached areas. It is unfortunate that unchecked speculation has been pass off as proof when all the way we have always been very honest and forthright with our finances.


• GFA practices unbiblical shunning.


We do not, nor have we ever practiced unbiblical shunning of neither current, nor former staff. With that said, in only a few cases over our 35 years have we made the painful decision to discontinue fellowship with people, and that was done for clearly Biblical reasons and after much effort was expended unsuccessfully to try to reconcile fellowship with them. While we do not as a leadership practice shunning, we do, after much prayer and sometimes fasting, take seriously Romans 16:17 and Titus 3:10, when we have personal experience and knowledge of a situation to know that fellowship with certain people is very likely to damage another staff person’s calling from the Lord and/or their relationship with Him. God is our witness, and our conscious is clear that we have done this out of love for the staff that God has brought here to serve with us. Some of you have accused us of shunning you or you have told our staff that after you signed the letter that you would be shunned, and we have not done so whatsoever. If others on staff have felt the need to distance themselves for any reason, that did not come from us. The truth is that we sincerely pray for many of you and will continue to do so.


• GFA prohibits or discourages staff involvement in bible studies, small groups, and local churches.


This is simply not true. As proof, many of our current staff are attending and involved in Bible studies and local church activities in various churches in our community. However, while we do not prohibit or discourage the staff from these, we do encourage, remind and even exhort them that these and other things must not become a distraction to their calling from the Lord to serve Him at GFA and reach over 2 billion people on the planet who are dying and going to eternal Hell without Him. This is what we left family, friends and home to do. If we have concern that these are becoming a distraction, then we will talk to the staff person and share our concern with them and try to find resolution with them. At least one of you who signed the letter was so upset that you were not allowed to go to special Bible studies, but you might have forgotten that at that same time, you were not regularly coming to GFA prayer meetings or ladies meetings, nor were you involved in the ministry that God had called you to. The only other time that we have prohibited or discouraged staff involvement in Bible studies was when it was used as a platform to teach a disputable doctrine to the staff (e.g., Reformed Theology), which we as leadership saw as unhealthy and distracting to the call of God upon the precious staff that He has entrusted to us.

Finally, it might interest you to know that dozens of our current GFA staff worldwide took the initiative to write letters of affirmation of the GFA leadership to the USA Board of Directors. We have attached these for your review in case you are interested.

David, on the of behalf of the GFA USA Leadership

[testimonies redacted due to lack of permission from each staff member to publish the attachment]

From: “JD Smith”
To: “K.P. Yohannan”, “David”, “John”
Subject: Fwd: Response to your letter-corrected

Dear Brother KP, David, and John,

I am writing to follow up with my phone call with KP regarding scheduling a meeting. At this time, we 37 signers unanimously agree that before any such meeting takes place we must receive a thorough, written response to the weighty concerns we outlined in the letter. We feel that any meeting would be unproductive if we have not heard your clear explanation on these matters in writing first.

Again, they are as follows:
• GFA leadership practices and teaches a false view of spiritual authority.
• GFA leadership prioritize ministry over family, and teaches the same.
• GFA leaders lie or intentionally deceive people in order to protect the ministry.
• GFA practices unbiblical shunning.
• GFA prohibits or discourages staff involvement in bible studies, small groups, and local churches.

Please respond to these points as thoroughly as you would like. We have thirty-seven witnesses who all affirm the sins at Gospel for Asia are public in scope and grave in nature. If there is going to be any chance of remediation, it is vital that you outline strategies to root out these persistent sinful patterns, or clear up misunderstandings by clearly presenting your explanations. We firmly request you address only the five offenses above.

In a spirit of love, we earnestly desire restoration and accountability within Gospel for Asia. We are happy to follow up with a meeting once you have presented your side in a formal, written response.

We attached the one letter we have received from David. Unfortunately, such a reply was insufficient and unsatisfactory as it neglected to address our concerns. We trust you will give a suitable reply this time. Please do so within seven days; by July 20, 2014, and please reply to confirm your intention of doing so.

You may do so by email to this address, or by postal mail to xxxxx, Dallas, TX 75219.


(xxx) xxx-xxxx

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: David
Date: Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 3:10 PM
Subject: Response to your letter-corrected
To: “JD<mailto:xxxxxxxxx>” <xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:xxxxxxxxxx>>

Hi Brother JD,
We found that our original communication to you sent earlier had a typo in it.  Here is the corrected letter.

Thank you.

From: David
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2014 9:32 AM
To: ‘JD Smith<mailto:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>’
Subject: Response to your letter

JD sends the board a copy of GFA’s initial email, explaining that GFA has not addressed and has even denied the 5 concerns.

“Since you are in authority over Brother K.P. … I appeal to you all directly to take these matters seriously and to see that a response is sent to us … specifically addressing the concerns in the letter.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Response to your letter-corrected

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 1:56 AM
To: [GFA Canada Board]

Dear GFA Canada Board Members,

We wanted to ensure that the GFA Board members have seen the only reply that GFA has sent to our June 17 letter. So we are attaching here a copy of David _____ July 3 letter. Also attached is a copy of the email sent to Bro. K.P. on Sunday. Please note that the letter received from GFA on July 3 did not address any of the five concerns brought to the ministry in our original letter, so we are unable to consider that a valid response. It also flatly denied the truth in many respects.
Since you are in authority over Brother K.P. with regard to Gospel for Asia Canada, and ultimately you hold the reigns of the ministry, I appeal to you all directly to take these matters seriously and to see that a response is sent to us by the end of this week, specifically addressing the concerns in the letter.
If a response is received in that timeframe, we will certainly be open to further discussions as a group, most preferably with you all invited to attend at least by phone.
Brother K.P. has not given us any reason to believe that he will respond to these concerns, as scores of people have approached him, or tried to, in the past on these very same things, with no effect or no response previously. Even now, the attached response is attempting to question the standing of the 37 witnesses, and avoiding addressing the issues we raised.
This is our last effort to bring about a discussion or response regarding these issues. If we do not receive a proper response as defined previously, we must assume that GFA’s silence means they do not wish to respond to these concerns nor correct any misunderstandings that these three dozen witnesses may have. We recognize that no Canadians signed the original letter, but these issues are systemic and affect the Canadian staff just as much. We would be happy to provide testimony from many of the former Canadian staff upon your request.
Collectively, we 37 signers have dedicated 125 years of service to GFA. We find it disheartening that GFA leaders would try to write us off as though we don’t have standing to bring these concerns forward. We beg you to consider these things carefully.
Know that we are praying for you, the board, and that God would grant you wisdom and courage to do what is right and bring about repentance.
-JD, for all of us.
(xxx) xxx-xxxx (any calls or questions welcome)
xxxxx, Dallas, TX 75219
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 3:52 PM
Subject: Fwd: Response to your letter-corrected
To: …
[Quoted text hidden]


JD Response Letter.pdf

JD sends the board a copy of GFA’s initial email, explaining that GFA has not addressed and has even denied the 5 concerns.

“Since you are in authority over Brother K.P. … I appeal to you all directly to take these matters seriously and to see that a response is sent to us … specifically addressing the concerns in the letter.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxx>

Response to your letter-corrected

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 1:47 AM
To: [GFA US Board]

Dear GFA U.S. Board Members,

We wanted to ensure that the GFA Board members have seen the only reply that GFA has sent to our June 17 letter. So we are attaching here a copy of David _____ July 3 letter. Also attached is a copy of the email sent to Bro. K.P. on Sunday. Please note that the letter received from GFA on July 3 did not address any of the five concerns brought to the ministry in our original letter, so we are unable to consider that a valid response. It also flatly denied the truth in many respects.
Since you are in authority over Brother K.P., and ultimately you hold the reigns of the ministry, I appeal to you all directly to take these matters seriously and to see that a response is sent to us by the end of this week, specifically addressing the concerns in the letter.
If a response is received in that timeframe, we will certainly be open to further discussions as a group, most preferably with you all invited to attend at least by phone.
Brother K.P. has not given us any reason to believe that he will respond to these concerns, as scores of people have approached him, or tried to, in the past on these very same things, with no effect or no response previously. Even now, the attached response is attempting to question the standing of the 37 witnesses, and avoiding addressing the issues we raised.
This is our last effort to bring about a discussion or response regarding these issues. If we do not receive a proper response as defined previously, we must assume that GFA’s silence means they do not wish to respond to these concerns nor correct any misunderstandings that these three dozen witnesses may have.
Collectively, we 37 signers have dedicated 125 years of service to GFA. We find it disheartening that GFA leaders would try to write us off as though we don’t have standing to bring these concerns forward. We beg you to consider these things carefully.
Know that we are praying for you, the board, and that God would grant you wisdom and courage to do what is right and bring about repentance.
-JD, for all of us.
(xxx) xxx-xxxx (any calls or questions welcome)
xxxxx, Dallas, TX 75219

P.S. I could not locate Skip’s email address; feel free to pass this along to him.


JD Response Letter.pdf

KP returns JD’s call and says they will send detailed answers to all of the issues we raised. JD reiterates that an official response is needed before any meeting takes place. KP invites JD and Chrissy to visit India in Jan. 2015.

KP: “we are sending you our detailed answer to all the questions”

Phone transcript

JD leaves a voicemail message to KP to confirm he received the email requesting a written response.

JD: “I look forward to your reply this week.”

Voicemail from J.D. Smith to K.P. Yohannan

July 14, 2014

J:  Hi brother KP, this is JD Smith calling. It’s Monday afternoon at 4:30. I just wanted to confirm that you received the email I sent you last Saturday. Please respond back by email if you have any questions. Otherwise I look forward to your reply this week.  Thank you so much.  Bye-bye.

JD explains that Diaspora wants a written response before meeting to give a foundation for any future meeting.

“[We] 37 signers unanimously agree that before any such meeting takes place we must receive a thorough, written response to the weighty concerns we outlined in the letter. We feel that any meeting would be unproductive if we have not heard your clear explanation on these matters in writing first.”

Gmail JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Response to your letter-corrected

JD Smith <xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sun, Jul 13, 2014 at 3:52 PM
To:, [David], [John]
Dear Brother KP, David, and John,
I am writing to follow up with my phone call with KP regarding scheduling a meeting. At this time, we 37 signers unanimously agree that before any such meeting takes place we must receive a thorough, written response to the weighty concerns we outlined in the letter. We feel that any meeting would be unproductive if we have not heard your clear explanation on these matters in writing first.
Again, they are as follows:
• GFA leadership practices and teaches a false view of spiritual authority.
• GFA leadership prioritize ministry over family, and teaches the same.
• GFA leaders lie or intentionally deceive people in order to protect the ministry.
• GFA practices unbiblical shunning.
• GFA prohibits or discourages staff involvement in bible studies, small groups, and local churches.
Please respond to these points as thoroughly as you would like. We have thirty-seven witnesses who all affirm the sins at Gospel for Asia are public in scope and grave in nature. If there is going to be any chance of remediation, it is vital that you outline strategies to root out these persistent sinful patterns, or clear up misunderstandings by clearly presenting your explanations. We firmly request you address only the five offenses above.
In a spirit of love, we earnestly desire restoration and accountability within Gospel for Asia. We are happy to follow up with a meeting once you have presented your side in a formal, written response.
We attached the one letter we have received from David. Unfortunately, such a reply was insufficient and unsatisfactory as it neglected to address our concerns. We trust you will give a suitable reply this time. Please do so within seven days; by July 20, 2014, and please reply to confirm your intention of doing so.
You may do so by email to this address, or by postal mail to xxxxx, Dallas, TX 75219.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: David
Date: Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 3:10 PM
Subject: Response to your letter-corrected
[Quoted text hidden]


JD Response Letter.pdf

JD returns KP’s phone call. KP requests a meeting with just JD and Pastor Jerry from a local Church (who had offered to be a neutral witness but would not act as a mediator) together with John, David and himself. JD requests a meeting with a significant portion of the group represented but agrees to ask the group about a one-on-one meeting KP was requesting.

JD: “I do think that because so many people have approached you guys over the years on these same issues… it’s come to the point now where all of us have come together and approached you guys together so I feel like the right thing to do is to meet with us together or at least a representative portion of us…”

KP: “JD, why don’t we with all the information you have one meeting even an hour before we have the second meeting… after that if you feel I am more than happy to do it. “

Phone transcript

JD sends Gayle an electronic copy of the letter after hearing Gayle has been out of town.

“I only just now heard you’re out of town for a while, so I thought I’d email you a copy so that you are informed about it.”

GFA Letter
1 message

JD Smith <xxxxxx> Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 4:41 PM
To: [Gayle]

Hi Gayle,

Three weeks ago, we mailed you a hard copy of this letter, but I only just now heard you’re out of town for a while, so I thought I’d email you a copy so that you are informed about it.

My wife and I were on staff for 6 years, and after finding out how systemic the issues are, we felt compelled to write you as the only hope of bringing restoration to GFA. We pray that God is glorified in this effort, and that His will is done.

Please find the letter, attached.

Please feel free to communicate with me if you have any questions. Unlike what you may be hearing from inside, we are not bitter or trying to destroy the ministry or spreading untruths, and even if we were, it would be pretty hard to gather 37 signatures in support of such an effort from people who worked there and love the ministry. That is about 1/3 of all staff who worked at GFA and left within the past decade, and there are actually about twice as many people in support of this letter than actually signed it; many had various reasons for remaining anonymous.

Please also discuss with your fellow board members to see what they think. You guys are the only ones who can bring real accountability to KP and GFA and please know many people are praying for you.

In Him, 



Morgan (former GFA staff) responds to Leader David by requesting a mediated meeting.

“The first step, going individually with concerns, has already happened (and over the course of many, many years). Unfortunately, these concerns were dismissed or explained away.”

Morgan via Facebook


I hope you are doing well. Thank you for reaching out to me. My prayer is that this letter will bring about repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, and above all else, bring honor to the Lord. I love many, many people at GFA and I want nothing more than for the ministry and witness of Gospel for Asia to thrive and bring glory to Christ Jesus alone. Matthew 18 outlines the steps for solving issues Biblically. The first step, going individually with concerns, has already happened (and over the course of many, many years). Unfortunately, these concerns were dismissed or explained away. The next step is to go with several witnesses. That is what we have done with this letter and its contents, and the signers (or witnesses) are many. As outlined in the letter, I am requesting that all communication be through the contact information that was provided. We are all praying for a sit down meeting that would include both signers of the letter, as well as leadership from GFA, so that all can be discussed, with pastoral mediation. I am praying for you, others in leadership, and KP daily.

Your sister in Christ,

Morgan _______

GFA Leader David contacts Morgan (former GFA staff) requesting a one-on-one phone call (one of many individuals contacted privately by GFA leadership).

“I would like to talk with you about the letter … in hope of finding Biblical reconciliation.”

David via Facebook

Hi Morgan, I would like to talk with you about the letter that you and many others sent to the leadership at GFA in hope of finding Biblical reconciliation.

Would you please either contact me at xxx-xxx-xxxx, or let me know of a time that I can reach you to talk about the items you mentioned in the letter?

Thank you very much! David

Hi Lenny,

It was nice to see you at the store the other day. I am glad that it is working out for you to get teaching position that you wanted.

Hey Lenny I am wondering if you would have a few minutes to talk sometime. I got a copy of the letter from JD that you and Tiffany signed, and would like to talk to you about if possible.

We both now that Matt 5 & 18 tell us that if we are offended or if we have offended another that we need to go to that brother in love and discuss t so that there is no division in the Body of Christ. By the fact that you signed the letter you indicate that I/we have offended you and so I feel compelled to reach out to you in love and ask if we can talk about it as brothers.

What I remember from the time GFA was forced to lay you off was just how godly you were in your response. I remember your saying how you felt the Lord was directing it and you and how you had struggled with the support trip and not having been able to raise any support. I remember feeling so badly for you and having you almost try to cheer me up. I was blessed by how you responded. However maybe now you feel differently. If so I would love to sit down with you over a cup of coffee or on the phone and talk about it as brothers.

I would like to invite you to give me a call (XXX) XXX-XXXX. I will be traveling some this week so if I miss your call I will call you back asap. I hope this can work out.

Thanks Lenny.

Blessings, John

JD suggests setting up a meeting to address the 5 issues.

“Are you open to setting up a meeting in the near future, between you and those who signed the letter, and mediated by a mutually agreed-upon pastor or elder?”

Response to your letter-corrected

JD Smith <xxxxxx> Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 10:14 PM
To: [Leader David],

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for contacting me to ask how we can move forward to resolve this.
Are you open to setting up a meeting in the near future, between you and those who signed the letter, and mediated by a mutually agreed-upon pastor or elder? That would be, in our opinion, the appropriate setting in which to discuss the issues at hand.
We feel it’s important and appropriate that the group of us talk all together, not separately, as our concerns are mutual and were brought forth as a group. We definitely would need to have Brother K.P. there, as well as any other GFA leaders or board members you deem appropriate. We could even bring some parties in by phone if needed.
Also, please let me know if the response letter you sent is your final response to the letter, or if we should expect another one. Either way, despite the significant differences we have in viewpoint, we all greatly appreciate your willingness to respond and to try to reconcile these things. We love you and pray for you as brothers in the Lord, and we pray that God is honored by our actions and the outcome of this.
In His Love,

GFA’s Initial Response Letter was emailed from a  GFA Leader to JD, signed “The Leadership Team of Gospel for Asia.” It was scanned from a printout on GFA letterhead.

“…all of these accusations or details were either fabricated … or there has been a serious misunderstanding.”

GFA’s Initial Response Letter

This Letter to GFA and Board was the first communication from our group to GFA.

It is the single most important document for staff to read. It fully outlines our concerns, and explains why we and our advisory pastors believe they are valid.

This letter was sent as hard-copy via express mail on June 17, 2014, to every US and Canada senior leader, corporate officer and board member, as well as to the known leaders of every GFA international office, except field leaders or offices as we did not wish to involve the field. In the following weeks it was also emailed to a few board members who did not receive the hard copy.

We received advisory input from four pastors on the letter, and each one said that if the things the letter says are true, then they are indeed very serious and need to be dealt with. They also said that the way in which we were approaching this was biblical. Each pastor agreed to keep the matter confidential by our request.

“we are deeply concerned about five key issues at GFA”

Letter to GFA and Board

JD offers convenient dates to meet to discuss his concerns and says he looks forward to speaking with him.

“I’m not sure of your schedule but from April 30 – May 11 I’ll be home during the day and even more available than usual, in case you wanted to meet up for lunch or tea.”

Subject: Re: Spiritual Authority
From: JD Smith (xxxxxx)
Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 1:18 PM
Hi Brother K.P.,
I’m not sure of your schedule but from April 30 – May 11 I’ll be home during the day and even more available than usual, in case you wanted to meet up for lunch or tea.
After that, I’m always available by phone.
I hope you’re doing well, and I’m looking forward to speaking with you.

From: K.P. Yohannan <>
To: JD Smith <xxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, March 5, 2012 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: Spiritual Authority

Thanks JD,sorry I did’t get to call you. Right now I am at the DFW airport to catch my flight to Germany.i will call you next couple of says. Kpy

Sent from my iPhone

JD congratulates KP on the campus ground-breaking and says he hopes to talk soon.

“I know you’re busy but am still eager to speak with you or get your response on this.”

Subject: Re: Spiritual Authority
From: JD Smith (xxxxx)
Date: Friday, April 13, 2012 5:43 PM

Hey brother KP, I heard about the campus ground breaking, congratulations!

I know you’re busy but am still eager to speak with you or get your response on this.

Have a great weekend,


On Mar 5, 2012, at 2:46 PM, “K.P. Yohannan” <> wrote:

> Thanks JD,sorry I did’t get to call you. Right now I am at the DFW airport to catch my flight to Germany.i will call you next couple of says. Kpy
> Sent from my iPhone

JD reaches out to follow up on KP’s thoughts about spiritual authority and the article JD sent KP.

“No big rush but I would certainly like to hear your thoughts on these things.”

Subject: Re: Spiritual Authority
From: JD Smith (xxxxxx)
Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 12:46 PM
Hi Brother K.P.,
No big rush but I would certainly like to hear your thoughts on these things. Whenever you get a chance it would be great to talk. If you can email back that’s great too.
Talk to you soon,

From: K.P. Yohannan <>
To: JD Smith <xxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, March 5, 2012 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: Spiritual Authority

Thanks JD,sorry I did’t get to call you. Right now I am at the DFW airport to catch my flight to Germany.i will call you next couple of says. Kpy

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 4, 2012, at 8:29 PM, “JD Smith” <xxxxxxx<mailto:xxxxxx>> wrote:
KP responds to JD and says he will call him soon from Germany.  This was the last time JD heard from K.P. until after our Letter in 2014.

“Right now I am at the DFW airport to catch my flight to Germany. I will call you next couple of [days].”

Subject: RE: Spiritual Authority
From: K.P. Yohannan (
To: JD (xxxxxx)
Date: Monday, March 5, 2012 2:47 PM

Thanks JD,sorry I did’t get to call you. Right now I am at the DFW airport to catch my flight to Germany.i will call you next couple of says. Kpy

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 4, 2012, at 8:29 PM, “JD Smith” <xxxxxx> wrote:


JD gives several times he is available to talk and sends an article about authority for KP’s consideration.

“Until we have opportunity to talk, the following article, “What is the role of an elder,” may be helpful…”

Subject: Re: Spiritual Authority
From: JD Smith (xxxxx)
Date: Sunday, March 4, 2012 8:29 PM
Hi Brother K.P.,
Usually between 8:00 and 8:30 am, and 5:00 and 5:30 pm I am driving to and from work, so that would be a good time to talk at XXX-XXX-XXXX. Also tomorrow evening I will be available. Otherwise I’d be happy to schedule something between the hours of 11am and 1pm on any weekday.
Until we have opportunity to talk, the following article, “What is the role of an elder,” may be helpful, regardless of whether or not you consider yourself an elder/overseer/pastor of your staff in addition to your role as employer. I’d be interested in your perspective on the statement, “Under Christ—his Word and his Spirit—the congregation, and not pastors or elders or deacons or bishops or popes, is the body that settles matters of faith and life… Congregational authority and strong leadership under that authority are not incompatible.”
Talk to you soon,

From: K.P. Yohannan <>
To: JD Smith <xxxxx>
Sent: Friday, March 2, 2012 1:01 PM
Subject: RE: Spiritual Authority

Dear JD, thank you for your email. It is enlightening, and I appreciate it. Give me a number where I can call you and let me know a good time to call. It’ll be much easier than replying by email. KP Yohannan

JD lets KP know tomorrow will work for a call.

“I’ll be available tomorrow afternoon…”

Subject: Re: Spiritual Authority
From: JD Smith (xxxxxxx)
Date: Friday, March 2, 2012 2:27 PM
Thank you Brother KP, I would really appreciate that.
I’ll be available tomorrow afternoon (Saturday) at xxx-xxx-xxxx.

From: K.P. Yohannan <>
To: JD Smith <xxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, March 2, 2012 1:01 PM
Subject: RE: Spiritual Authority

Dear JD, thank you for your email. It is enlightening, and I appreciate it. Give me a number where I can call you and let me know a good time to call. It’ll be much easier than replying by email. KP Yohannan
KP thanks JD for his questions and asks for his phone number to discuss it.

“Dear JD, thank you for your email. It is enlightening, and I appreciate it.”

Subject: RE: Spiritual Authority
From: K.P. Yohannan (
To: JD (xxxxx)
Date: Friday, March 2, 2012 1:01 PM

Dear JD, thank you for your email. It is enlightening, and I appreciate it. Give me a number where I can call you and let me know a good time to call. It’ll be much easier than replying by email. KP Yohannan

From: JD Smith
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 9:09 AM
To: K.P. Yohannan
Subject: Spiritual Authority


JD asks KP questions regarding KP’s belief and teaching regarding spiritual authority.

“One of the issues which I believe is at the heart of many of the misunderstandings at GFA is the issue of spiritual authority, and specifically who is a spiritual authority, and to what extent does their authority go.”

Subject: Spiritual Authority
From: JD Smith (xxxxxx)
Date: Friday, March 2, 2012 9:09 AM
Dear Brother KP,
Over the years while at GFA, I’ve been pondering some of weightier matters regarding Christian life and ministry. And all the more now, while I transition to the next phase of my life and seek the Lord’s direction. As you know, I never was able to talk with you about some of these issues, but I really think it would be to both of our benefit if you help me come to a correct understanding about one in particular.
One of the issues which I believe is at the heart of many of the misunderstandings at GFA is the issue of spiritual authority, and specifically who is a spiritual authority, and to what extent does their authority go. As you read this, please be gracious with me if I’ve misunderstood you because I honestly want to know what you believe about this.
Over your employees you certainly have the authority granted an employer. They must do as you say regarding their work, or you can fire them. If an employee in a workplace conscientiously objects to something his boss asks of him, it isn’t sin on his part. His employer does not have authority over his personal life. The employer’s authority is limited to the workplace, and is not binding – the employee can leave whenever they wish.
Can you show from scripture how you, as an employer and ministry leader, are specifically a spiritual authority over your employees, and have say in their personal lives and families? I’ve read your book and I don’t see a clear case that an employer or ministry leader has been granted spiritual authority in addition to their normal authority as an employer. I do agree with the book that we are to submit to the established authorities, in government (laws and officers of the law), church (elders) and family (husbands, parents) according to the domains of their authority. We are also to recognize that Christ is the head of all authority and as His children we are to submit to Him first and above all. When any authority would cause us to sin, by doing something we are convinced in our conscience in wrong, that is a line we are prohibited from crossing, for it would place them on a higher level than Christ. Instead we should seek wisdom on the matter and if we’re sure about it, we’re to respectfully decline to do it. For example it isn’t the government’s place to dictate how parents should teach their children. So when the government mandates that parents teach their children something, the parents may object to do it because it isn’t the government’s domain to dictate that. However, in respect of the government they may also do it as long as it isn’t sin for them to do so. It is still their choice. Based on the higher authority of Christ and His Word, they may not do anything the government tells them which would be sin.
My understanding is that you would consider it sin for your employees not to cede authority over their own lives to you in any respect you wish to exert it. This is based on a prayer meeting in which you said that if you asked an employee to move to Burma to do ministry there, that it would be sin for them to say “I’ll pray about that.” In other words you expect an absolute, without-question “yes” over this decision that would affect their entire personal life even beyond their occupation. If they would first pray about it, that would show that they consider it a possibility that God wants them to do something different than what you asked of them. Thus in your mind, God would never want them to consider this. This makes you infallible as your employees are concerned, and though you wouldn’t claim infallibility in an absolute sense, you would say that the employees are not going to be held accountable for a wrong decision if you asked them to make that decision and they followed you. Of course this again assumes that God expects employees of a para-church ministry (or even a church – or perhaps even a business run by a Christian) to unquestioningly follow their leader and abdicate their right to a say in the matter.
Along those lines it would seem to follow that you also expect all church congregants to do as their pastor says, even as regards their personal life, regardless of how well that pastor himself is following the Lord, since you would consider a church pastor just as high a spiritual authority as yourself, if not higher since you’re not the pastor of your employees.
This is only my understanding of your teaching on spiritual authority. Can you tell me where your understanding differs from mine, and how scripture defines your authority over your employees?
Again, please be gracious with me if I’ve misunderstood you because I honestly want to know what you believe about this. I do think it would be to both of our benefit if you help me come to a correct understanding about it.
In Him,

In the fall of 2004, GFA put out a staff survey because they wanted to know why so many staff were leaving.

This survey was said to be anonymous, however several staff were called in to speak about their anonymous answers. Some staff chose not to answer the survey for fear of being recognized. A copy of a blank survey is at the bottom.

After the surveys were collected, KP sent an email of new policies.

The following are survey responses given by a staff member.

“… it’s gone beyond opinion to legalism, allowing no room for the Holy Spirit to work in people’s lives. … I believe they abuse their position by control and intimidation, lording their ‘spiritual authority’ over us.”

The first five questions identify Andrea as a stay-at-home mom with four children. To see those questions, see the blank survey at the bottom. We begin with number six.

6. On a scale of 0-11: I feel comfortable approaching my department coordinator/GFA leadership with ideas, suggestions, or criticisms.

“0: I had finally decided to approach John _____ about some recurring issues, but then his message one night was about how we should stop our petty grievances and focus our energies on reaching the lost. I wasn’t sure how he would view my concerns, and me for voicing them after his clear message, so I decided not to go.”

7. On a scale of 0-11: I feel comfortable approaching my department coordinator/GFA leadership with personal concerns or areas of spiritual struggle.

“0: More recently, in David _____ message, he made in clear he was too stressed out and depressed to handle one more person coming through is door, or words to that effect. I’ve never heard a leader talking like that in public, to the very people he’s called to shepherd. The fact that he’d just disciplined someone that day (his words) is scary. This isn’t an example of leadership I’d want to follow, and not knowing his mood, I won’t approach him.”

8. On a scale of 0-11: The GFA leadership has a clear picture of my specific responsibilities and workload.

“3: This wouldn’t be a problem except that KP claims that he does understand what my responsibilities and workload are, when in fact he doesn’t know me or my situation at all.”  [One former staff member told me KP told her she is valued as much as a cow. I told her “no, certainly he was saying in India, you would be valued like a cow, but thanks be to Christ you’re not…” and she said no, he was disciplining me, and putting her in her place, for not supporting her husband, and obeying the leaders. Point is: Leaders don’t say they know what your life is like, especially when you are another gender, and a foreigner.]

9. On a scale of 0-11: I have the tools (training, technology, equipment, etc.) I need to do my task(s).


10. On a scale of 0-11: I understand how my service at GFA enables and equips the work on the mission field.


11. On a scale of 0-11: I feel appreciated for my service/what I contribute to the ministry.

“5: I believe the leadership truly values the role of women, as long as they serve GFA, or support their husbands and keep them happy at work at GFA. Bottom Line: My value to the leadership depends on how useful I am to it.”

12. On a scale of 0-11: I feel appreciated for who I am as a person.

“2: See above. If I’m not working at or for GFA, I’m not very important to it. I believe the leadership is very much a respecter of persons. There’s a perception that the older clique and those with marketable skills are/will be preferred and deferred to because their talents are so greatly desired.”

13. For parents of teens: How do you feel about GFA’s monthly youth meeting (YWAV)?

She didn’t answer because her children did not attend.

14. For ladies: How do you feel about GFA’s monthly ladies’ meeting?
a. Attending has definitely improved and enhanced my service at GFA.
b. I don’t know….
c. If the meetings weren’t mandatory, I wouldn’t attend.
d Attending has definitely not improved ….
e. Explan/Comments:

“A:  I enjoy Gisela’s talks as she opens the scripture for us and challenges us. She doesn’t try to manipulate us by telling us how hard she has it, or how much she prays for our children (more than her own) and how great she is. She lets others praise her. I wish she were more willing to share one on one. I feel like I’m missing out.”

15. How do you feel about GFA’s weekly and month prayer meetings?

c. If attendance weren’t mandatory, I wouldn’t attend.
d. Attending has definitely not improved my vision…
e. Explain/Comments.

She chose: “Attending has definitely improved my vision and focus of why I serve at GFA” and “I have grown spiritually and learned more about prayer.”

“I enjoy the worship, prayer, and information. I don’t enjoy the “sermon” parts as it’s the same stuff: we should suffer like you all do (usually because of us) and for the lost. We’re here, aren’t we? We’ve counted the cost. Also, we wouldn’t need a “night of showing appreciation” if it flowed naturally from leadership. Feed us, lead us, inspire us; quit telling us how great you/GFA is.”

16. Based on what you know now about both a) the personal price it has cost you to serve the Lord at GFA and b) the eternal fruit I have seen on the mission field through your service at GFA, if you had the choice today, would you join GFA again?

“If this survey doesn’t yield results, then no, I wouldn’t come again and would prefer to be ignorant of this sorrow. But I won’t regret having come, as God will use it for His good, but I will grieve for all the hurt lives and the lost potential of a great ministry that seems to be self-destructing.”

17. Describe how your experience at GFA has compared to your initial expectations:
a. …exceeded…
b. …pretty much what I expected….
c. …. the opposition [sic] of what I expected

“C: At first the family atmosphere was greater than what I had expected; unfortunately, the leadership is worse than what I expected. I expected servant leadership, people who genuinely care for us, have time for us, and their yes was yes and their no, no. Aside from the two sermons mentioned above (and the isolation of the leadership from the masses) I find there is favoritism for those at the upper levels, and an attempt to control the rest, a lack of clear decision making, and a lack of integrity. (explained below)”

18. Describe your feelings toward GFA guidelines and policies (i.e. limited church involvement, checking with GFA leadership before considering marriage, etc.):

a. they are protective and beneficial.
b. They are restrictive and intrusive
c. I have no feelings either way about them.
d. Explain:

“B: I believe a person like KP, who starts a ministry that others leave all they’ve known to move and join, would know his opinion is important and valuable. But it’s gone beyond opinion to legalism, allowing no room for the Holy Spirit to work in people’s lives. It’s controlling, smacks of manipulation, and can lead to great abuse. These are strong words, but the whole leadership approach is intimidating: “if you have a problem, it must be you (and your rebellion or pride or lack of willingness to suffer) because everybody knows this is such a great place to be!””

19. What encourages you most about serving at GFA?

“That I am where God called me, that He’s not surprised by any of this and He allows it, and that He chose me to partner with Him in effectively reaching the lost. I greatly enjoy the people, but I’m reluctant to spend more time with them, because I’m afraid they may leave, and that hurts. This is not an overstatement. I have been friends with several people who have left/are considering leaving.”

20. “What areas of struggle you are currently dealing with?”

“I spend most of my quiet time praying, “can one serve a ministry one believes in despite a lack of respect for the leadership?” and praying for the leadership. I can’t read scripture without comparing (negatively) our leadership to Jesus’ servant example. I greatly struggle with GFA’s lack of quality leadership and integrity, (at least at the home office.) (I will focus on things I know of first hand not the things I have heard by hurting–not gossiping–people.) In addition to feeling, as mentioned above, that the leadership doesn’t really want to see us, I don’t respect them (although I do respect their position and will obey).

Specifically, the way the veil issue was handled was confusing. Something of this magnitude should have been introduced well before the brothers’ [from India, for the 25th anniversary celebration of GFA] arrival, well explained, etc. with time for people to pray about it, since if one adopts that point of view one should also wear—and explain— head coverings at their home/supporting churches. Instead of a knee jerk reaction. A leader said, “If you won’t wear it, don’t come” [to the celebration]—now it’s not even an issue—or is it? When I forget to wear it, am I being marked as a rebel? The same thing happened with the Kids’ Korner. Brother KP’s decision seemed to take John _____ by surprise (he went and closed it), upset the kids and just jerked the moms around. Now it’s not even a problem. Both issues are valid but should have been handled so much better. Why are decisions that affect peoples’ lives made, or at least implemented, in such a haphazard and shocking way?

Regarding integrity, the main issue that first disturbed me was the policy for the staff tour to India. I know people who were hurt they couldn’t go, and were told they had to be on staff for two years, yet several people went who hadn’t been on staff two years. This double standard led them to believe leadership didn’t think they were committed to the ministry, or capable.

Secondly I know some background regarding a recent staff departure, and I had a hard time listening to Brother KP’s explanation of it. His explanation did not match the facts as I know them. He could have simply stated there were differences in opinion and you both thought it was best for that person to seek God’s will about serving in another place. The staff is much more observant and involved than you give us credit for. Why do you tempt us to stumble by lying to us? None of this inspires confidence, respect, or trust.”

21. What do you appreciate about being at GFA?

“The loving people and their desire to serve, and of course knowing the effectiveness of GFA overseas and to refocus Western Christian’s spiritual walk. I like the challenges of being here, refining how I spend my time, and being with like-minded people. I personally like and pray for the “leadership” daily, many times a day, but I believe they abuse their position by control and intimidation, lording their “spiritual authority” over us. We need leaders who are true servants: available, approachable, who value our opinions and trust. They need greater accountability and more faith in us—there are so many Godly and quality people at GFA. Thank you so much for this opportunity to share with you. I was really beginning to despair.”

Recently she said: “And despair we did, as nothing seemed to change, in fact it got worse. Even the “Response to the Survey Meeting” was lukewarm, uninformative, and manipulative. I think I remember a lot of thank you so much (stroke stroke), we really appreciate this and will consider it. No repentance. No “we’re shocked and saddened” etc.]

pg 1 GFA staff survey 2004pg 2 GFA staff survey 2004pg 3 GFA staff survey 2004pg 4 GFA staff survey 2004