The Diaspora, a group of former Gospel for Asia (GFA) staff, has long desired to see GFA restored to a ministry of integrity. To this end, in June 2014, we sent a private letter exclusively to GFA’s leadership and boards exposing systemic wrongs within the organization so that they would have the opportunity to repent and to bring their practices in line with biblical integrity.
The wrongs we saw primarily concerned the mistreatment of staff and a lack of transparency to donors. After a second letter and many private discussions with leadership, neither GFA’s leadership nor boards took action to adequately address the issues. After many months, we privately disclosed to the current staff all of our communications with the leadership because we believed they had a right to know our stories and how GFA leadership had responded to us.
When a report from GFA’s board exonerated the organization without interviewing any person from Diaspora, we then felt it our duty to make our information publicly available to current and potential donors so they could make fully informed stewardship decisions.
We felt our scope of action was completed when all of our evidence and communications were made fully public. Since then, various entities have brought new questions and evidence to light. We support their intent to continue working to bring GFA to full accountability for all their actions. However, Diaspora, as a group, is not a part of any further ongoing efforts, including the class-action lawsuit that was filed on February 8, 2016.
Our hope has always been for GFA to return to being a humble movement of God, walking in His ways as they minister the good news of Jesus Christ to the people of Asia. We pray ultimately that those responsible for wrongdoing will be held accountable and personally take responsibility for their wrongdoing. We wish no harm to anyone but desire to see the name of Jesus properly represented by integrity in ministry.