October 11, 2014 – M. responds to Gayle’s request for copy of email

M. responds to Gayle’s request for copy of email.

” I thank the Lord for the active role that you are taking in this investigation.”

From: M.
Date: October 11, 2014 at 1:12:10 AM EDT
To: Gayle
Cc: [GFA Board]
Subject: RE: GFA

Hi Gayle,

I am pleased to hear from you brother. I am just one more of many, who have found great encouragement and also a good ol belly laugh J from your messages over the years and especially your teaching on the Jesus Style! Thank you.

And I thank the Lord for the active role that you are taking in this investigation. I am praying for you consistently and desire only the health and restoration of GFA and its members and the work at large.

I was in fact preparing this letter to send to KP this weekend with our story attached as I felt it was only right for him to know that I have shared this with the Canadian board.

Here is what I have just written to him below and our story is attached. (I warn you its long!) I will also copy you on my email to him also.


For His glory and the good of the Church,



Dear Brother KP,


Thank you for your recent email. It encourages my heart to hear from yourself and others like JD that positive steps are being taken to change the spiritually controlling and abusive culture of GFA and to walk in the light with staff and donors. I pray that there will be genuine and lasting change and that the fruits of repentance will be evident to all. I know this cannot be an easy time for you but I thank you for humbling yourself and trust that your leaders also would follow your example. It will of course take time for an autocratic culture of fear and control to be remedied and trust to be restored and I believe that in some cases leadership change may be necessary in order to see lasting results. I am praying for wisdom and grace for you and the board who are now fulfilling their God given responsibility.


I wanted you to know that we have written out our story and that it was sent to the Canadian board a couple of months ago to help confirm the many other allegations both in the US and Canada. The Canadian board is ultimately responsible and if our story could be used to help bring about further understanding, healing and protection for other staff, then that was our desire.


These things were not easy to write as I can assure you they were written with much sorrow and pain and concern for the ministry that we gave so much of our lives to. I recognize that you have understood bits and pieces of this along the way but we were never really given the opportunity to share freely with you, nor did we completely understand what was taking place at the time in our own hearts. It is only in leaving GFA that we have started to process our painful journey and have the freedom to be honest about our experiences and begin the healing. I have copied our testimony below for your understanding and awareness of what was shared with the board. 


May the Lord give you much grace and understanding as you read this.


In love,
